Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 5 > Like the Old Days

Chapter 3

by eowynjedi 2 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: Final Fantasy 5 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2005-11-16 - Updated: 2005-11-16 - 629 words

Faris drew in a deep breath of clean, salty air as the Syldra plowed through much calmer seas. Yesterday's storm was gone, leaving plenty of fresh winds to fill the sails. It was good to be alive on a day like today. She was the captain. She decided where to go and what to do. Right now, they were on a course to Tule- there had been a lot more merchant ships there of late, and she was eager to help herself to some of the gil they were sure to be carrying- as well as any other trinkets. And to make things better, Tule's bar had some of the best ale anywhere, so it was definitely a prime destination for pirates.

"Cap'n! Sail, dead ahead!" the lookout called down from the crow's nest. The captain grinned and swung the wheel over as she began to shout orders.

"Fire a warnin' shot o'er their port side! Ridley! Make ready with th' grapplin' hooks! Get ready, yeh curs, we're pullin' alongside 'er!" There was a chorus of "aye aye's", accompanied by a loud boom as the ship's cannon (perhaps the most valuable piece of treasure the pirates had ever aqquired) went off, sending a cloud of smoke into the air. The shot whistled omninously before striking the water with a hissing splash.

Handing the wheel off to another pirate, Faris leapt down onto the maindeck of the sloop with a thud, lightly leaping up onto the railing and grabbing the rigging with one hand. She cupped the other around her mouth. "Avast thar, lubbers! Pr'pare ter be boarded!"

At the indistinct shouts of the other captain, the barque's crew swarmed the deck, drawing swords and looking ready for a fight. Faris grimaced- there were only about a dozen or so, but she would rather not have had to fight. "Fire another shot!" she called down to Ridley. "Cripple 'er!"

The cannon boomed again, but this time the whistling was accompanied by a /crack/, and a spar crashed to the deck. "Surrender!" she bellowed at the barque. "Surrender, damn ye, an' yeh may live!"

"We'll not surrender to the likes of you!" the other captain cried, waving his sword in the air. Faris shook her head- he was brave, but a fool. Too many captains had been like that lately. Bravery was all

"Damn ye!" She grabbed a rope and addressed her own crew. "Board 'em, mates! Get ready fer a fight!" With a shout, she kicked off and soared out over the water. Ridley and the others soon followed, swinging onto the barque with fearsome yells. The sound of clashing steel rang out as Faris drew her sword and engaged the stubborn captain. She laughed as the man retreated against her onslaught, backing up further and further- yet though the pirates had already defeated many of his crew, he refused to surrender.

"Yer a tough'n, mate!" Faris laughed as she knocked aside a vicious slash. "What posseses yeh t'fight so? Yer cargo can' be that valuable!"

"I will die before I allow you to take this ship!" he screeched in answer. Faris pulled her arm back, ready to run him through, when an unexpected kick struck her sharply in the side. With a snarl, she whirled upon her new assailant- and nearly dropped her sword in shock.

"Avast!" she cried. "Avast there, mates, hold th' fighting!" The pirates stopped, looking at their captain in surprise, many having been about to slay their opponents. Faris was staring at her new enemy in shock, as though she had never before seen the likes of them. And the person's appearance on the ship was indeed odd... a sword-wielding young woman in blue armor, with green eyes and bold pink hair.

It was Reina.
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