Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Daughter

Chapter 5

by MCRfanXX 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-26 - Updated: 2007-05-26 - 905 words

Chapter Five
Gerard's POV
I opened my eyes to see my mum screaming my name with a furious look on her face and then looking at me then Christina. I looked down at her and she looked petrified. We had both fallen asleep while I was hugging her last night when she was upset; I have to admit it would have been easy to jump to conclusions. So I quickly jumped off the bed about to explain when....

"Gerard, how dare you she looks around 14, you make me sick." Mum looked at me in disgust.

"Its not what it looks like mum, I swear!" I told her not wanting her to jump to the wrong conclusion; she was my daughter that's just wrong. I was about to explain but she spoke about me.

"Gerard way, do you know how much trouble you could get in? Oh and don't get me started on the fact that you preach about the fact you don't sleep with groupies and fans... and still that's not the worst part she looks like she still in school." I was getting quite offended by her remarks so I decided that I would have to put her straight.

"Mum listen, I didn't sleep with Christina, or even think about her in that way in the slightest, mum you don't understand who she is." I took a breath and prepared my self. "Mum she's my daughter." She laughed nervously as if she didn't believe what I was saying.

I knew I had to explain quickly, I looked down to see Christina, she still looked petrified, she was shaking slightly, and her cheeks seamed flushed, I think she was embarrassed by what my mum had said. I tried to give her a reassuring smile but she wouldn't look at me. So I explained to my mum the same story that I had told Christina and the band, mum didn't speak as I told her she just kept looking at Christina. As I explained to my mum about how he got a call saying that Christina's mum had died, I head her Christina wimpier slightly, I just ignored it trying to get if over with quickly, I carried on to explain about how we went to the funeral then how we caught the plain back then went and spoke to the band. Finally I explain how she was upset last night about everything and I comforted her (in a non sexual way). I waited for a response.

"Gerard can I speak to you upstairs" mum finally said, she didn't sound angry, more disappointed but the disappointment hurt more than it would if she was angry. I walked out the room and fallowed my mum upstairs in silent.

Christina POV
I watched them leave the room. I quickly grabbed my inhaler and my breathing begun to steady and I began to relax slightly. I hate this so much. I can tell that I'm causing huge problems for them all, plus they hate me as well can tell by the way she looked at me and the band aswell. I know what I'm gonna have to do, ill run away, I'm smart I can get a job and I'm sure that there will be some where I can stay. I quickly gathered my belongings and silently crept up the stairs and made my way for the door. I could hear Gerard and his mum talking in the kitchen and I heard a bit of what Gerard said, "... put her into care and turn my back, and never think about her again Now I knew what he really felt just made me more certain about getting out, I didn't want to be put into care. I silently made my way to the door and slipped out unnoticed.
Gerards POV
I walked into the kitchen silently, mum went and sat on a chair around the table and signaled for me to do the same. I did. I waited for her to speak.

"Gee, oh god honey, what have you got yourself into?" she said weakly.

"Mum please don't be like this, I know what I've done wrong and I'm trying to make things right. She's my daughter my own flesh and blood. Her mums just died for Gods sake and she's got no one else, no one... What do you expect me to do? Put her into care and turn my back, and never think about her again." I said feeling slightly annoyed.

"God no. it's just you have no idea how hard this is gonna be, especially with your job" she started to rub her temples "how could you know this for so long and not tell anyone?"

"Sorry, I just convinced my self that it would be best for everyone the band and Christina, but I realize now I was just been selfish" I said resting my head in my hands. No one said anything for a moment then mum spoke.

"Well there's still so much to sort out a lot more of explaining to do but I bet your both starving and want a drink, go down and get Christina and introduce me properly, I think I might have scared her before" I nodded and walked down the stairs. I walked into my room and looked around she wasn't there neither was her stuff except.... Oh shit she had left it lay on the bed.

Her inhaler....
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