Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Complications

Phone Calls

by 3Cheers4Sw33tRevenge 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-06-01 - Updated: 2007-06-01 - 756 words


Ashley's P.O.V

'So let me get this straight' Gerard starts 'You haven't spoken to any of your old friends for almost two years now?' he questions, repeating what I said. I nod. Both he and Frank looked stunned. 'Holy shit!' Frank swears. 'I only really had one friend...Renee she's been my best friend since high school' I confess. Gerard opens his mouth as if he's about to say something then closes it and leaves the room. 'Where's he going?' I ask Frank, he shrugs and soon after Gerard reappears, the phone held loosely in his hand.


'Call her now, later, tomorrow whenever I don't care...just call her' Gerard says putting the phone down on his desk. 'Thanks Gee' I say gratefully, giving him a kiss on the cheek. 'I've said it once and I'm going to say it again....Aww!' Frank says. I roll my eyes and Gerard goes over to where Frank is sitting and punches him in the arm. 'Ow!' Frank moans, rubbing the area where Gerard punched him. 'Now are you going to stop with this awing business?' Gerard demands. 'Yes yes I am!' Frank surrenders.

'So did you send in that application yet?' Frank asks Gerard. He shakes his head 'No...I haven't finished the drawing yet' Gerard finishes lamely. 'Gee! I sent mine in ages ago!' Frank smacks hi forehead with his hand. 'Hey! I haven't sent in my application yet either!' I protest. Frank turns his attention to me. 'And where would the lovely Miss Kingston like to go to college?' Frank asks me, mocking our Maths teacher. 'Well I was hoping on getting into a make-up academy in Canada' I mutter to him. 'Oh that's cool! Seeing as you can do make-up' Frank says seriously. I look up at him. 'You have got to be one of the first people who haven't tried to make me pursue a different career' I tell him genuinely. 'Hey I believe you shouldn't change yourself to please anyone' Frank says bluntly. 'Don't worry Frankie I'll never change for anyone or anything' I tell him proudly- I've been the way I am since middle school, I'll never give my personality up. 'Me neither' Gerard butts in as he pulls out from the drawer in his desk a huge bag of skittles. Frank's eyes light up. 'Can I have some?' he begs. Gerard smirks and them onto Frank's head. Frank pouts and I can't help but laugh. Gerard then proceeds to pull out another bag. 'I always get two for when Frank's around' he winks at me. I feel myself blush a little...not too much thank god I mean I don't like Gerard, not in that way anyway.

~Later that night...~*~

Ashley's P.O.V still

Its eleven o-clock and Gerard and Frank have already fallen asleep. This must be the first time ever at a sleepover their asleep before twelve. I roll my eyes and help myself to a handful of skittles. If I'm going to be the only one up I might as well make the most of it.

Let me tell you being the only one up and on a sugar high can make life very boring. I soon find that out but then proceed into giving the boys "make overs". Thankfully Donna has some pink nail polish in the bathroom; I sneak it back into the basement and make sure Gerard is still asleep. Trying not to make too much noise I start to paint his finger nails a bright pink colour. I can't help but giggle when I think of what Gerard's reaction will be in the morning when he finds out what I've done. I finish of both Gerard's and Frank's nails and find myself back to square one.

I notice the phone out of the corner of my eye. I hesitate slightly before walking silently over to the desk. I'm surprised I even remember Renee's number as I punch the number into the phone. I put the phone up to my ear and start to worry. What if she's moved? What if she can't remember who I am? 'Hello?' the other line picks up, a few of my worries fade away. 'Renee?' I ask almost whispering into the phone. She's one of my best friends so why am I so scared? 'Who is this?' she asks, I can remember her curious face even though I haven't seen her in ages. 'I-its me' I stutter into the phone.

'Remember me? It's Ash'
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