Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Way Curse

I try so hard to understand

by MyChemPrincess77 2 reviews

omg it was so hard to write this chapter!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-06-04 - Updated: 2007-06-05 - 475 words

I looked at my parents, waiting for an explanation. There, sitting right on my lap, was a book that had my last name on it. My last name.
"What is this?" I asked as I flipped through the pages. They were thin and brittle, some of the words were smudged. It looked as if someone wrote this in ink.
"Read it," my dad urged.
I flipped to the first page and started skimming.

They say the Way family is cursed with special powers. When anyone along the bloodline of the Way family turns 17, it is said that they gain a special power that makes things happen.

Right at the second sentence I slammed the book on the floor.
"This cannot be real. Come on, bring out the freakin cameras." I looked at my parents faces.
I started to loose it.
"Am I on freakin Punk'd or something?" I asked. Now I was in hysterics. "OK ASTON KUTCHER, YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!"
"Gerard, this is not a joke," my mom said seriously.
I yelled as I made my way upstairs. I slammed the door for effect.
A million thoughts were running in and out of my head, giving me an indescribable headache. I closed my eyes, letting the color drain from my eyes. Darkness was all around me, and that is the way I liked it.

I awoke to the rude sound of the phone ringing. I jolted up, waiting for it to end. It kept ringing...
I stood lazily and pressed the talk button.
"Hello?" I asked.
"oh my god Gerard? Hi! Its me, Tracey. You know, from the bus?" she talked loudly in my ear. I jerked the phone away and she kept talking.
"Well, I just wanted to say hi because I am bored. Do you have an IM? Omg you can talk to me on that, go on it right now!!"
I didn't not feel like dealing like this. I was so tempted to hang up on her. I looked at my long sleeve. I rubbed the mouth piece against it, causing it to go fuzzy.
"Gerard? Hello? The thing is breaking!"
I smiled when I heard the tone of the phone line going dead. I threw the phone across the room and flopped back down on the bed. Just thinking about this whole Way Curse thing made me exhausted.
I tried to fall back asleep, but it just didn't work. The rain dropping was the loudest sound in the entire house. I hope I didn't upset mom and dad too much...
I turned on my bed, causing me to fall on the floor. I just sat there, staring at the ceiling. I didn't care where I was at the moment. I didn't have the energy to care.
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