Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Three's a Crowd

Breakfast Problems

by Nickelbackgirl_001 0 reviews

Problems and arguments arise while trying to make breakfast in the kitchen.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-06-11 - Updated: 2007-06-12 - 2323 words

Nickelbackgirl_001: Update alert! Update alert! Lol. Here's the next chapter to everyone's favorite (yeah right, I wish) story ever! And you A/A fans should hopefully enjoy this chapter. I won't say what happens but you should enjoy it. I'd also like to thank all of my reviewers for keeping me on track with this story. Especially xxX Oblivious Beauty Xxx, who has been one of my best friends forever since kindergarten! Love you lots! As usual, I don't own a single thing of CotT, not the characters, the setting, or anything, just the idea for the story and Neil's scary creepy other side of himself. Enjoy!

Chapter 4: Breakfast Problems

Jay looked back at the girl he loved with a smile. Every time he looked at her smiling face, happiness filled every part of his body. The happiest moment of his life had been when he had first kissed Theresa for the very first time, and he had had felt that way everyday since. But tonight was their five-month anniversary and he had vowed that he was going to make tonight the happiest night of her life.
A year ago, if you were to tell Jay that he and Theresa were meant to be together, he would have blushed madly and denied every word of it. But now, he agreed whole-heartedly with everything they had said back then.
One thing, throughout all of the other things said to him, had always been wedged deep in his mind, besides the "Jay you are so going to have to get with Theresa soon or someone else will take her blah, blah, blah". No, what really stuck in his mind was all the comments people made on how serious and anti-fun he was and how cool and fun she was. There would of course be many more examples, but in the end they would always say that they completed each other, it was as if fate had brought them together for this one reason.
"I will love her till Cronus destroys the world and longer. And tonight, I will show her how much I mean it asking her to..." Jay started to say before a loud splat! was heard from the kitchen. He hurried and ran toward the room to see what the problem was.

Neil knelt the floor of his room, shocked by his actions. He was letting his new black jean pants get wrinkled for the gods' sakes! Fury was etched all over his face, but not from the pants predicament, from what he had heard. Never before had he been so glad that the vent in his room went to the living room. Usually, he always complained that the T.V. was too load, or there was too much of a ruckus downstairs, or something like that. But in the end he would always complain that they were ruining his beauty sleep. Now though, he had never been happier with the fact of where it was placed because he had heard every word that Jay had said to Theresa. Okay, so he had gotten a little, fine then, really pissed though when he had heard Theresa asking Jay if he wanted to start kissing, err...making out again (that should be him in Jay's place for Zeus' sake!). But brightened right back up when he refused. Could this mean that the relationship was going badly?
His fury quickly returned just as quickly as if had left, this time as a smirk as his neat golden hair shaped themselves into devil horns, okay, so maybe the hair thing didn't happen, but the smirk sure did. When Neil had heard that Jay wanted Theresa to meet him later tonight on the roof, Neil knew he had to stop it. And because his door was open, and because his room was at the top of the stairs, he heard Jay beginning to talk to himself. Neil strained his ears to hear every word and he did hear the as clear as a bell, but luck could only bring you so far. For this reason, he started to use words that would have him sent to Tartarus in chains, enduring every punishment there if heard because of the large splat that had come from the kitchen.
Already Neil had a few ideas up his brand-named, designer sleeved shirt of how to stop the meeting from taking place. Jay would be so pissed that he would break up with Theresa on the spot, despite what he had just said earlier, and you-know-who would be their to comfort her in her hour of need. Brownie points would be scored up for him and everyone would be happy, except for Jay, but he didn't deserve to be happy. And Theresa would see how much better she was off without him and stick to Neil. But first, he was going to have to break some hearts in the process, but that wasn't a worry, he had done it so many times in the past that it had become like a second nature to him to comfort those whose hearts he broken. But first, before any of this could happen, he was going to have to break up "the world's most happiest couple".

Odie, Herry, Archie, and Atlanta stared down at the kitchen floor. Although instead of it being all sparkly white as it usually was, there was shells and yellow all over a small section of the floor. They could not, much less Herry, believe that they had dropped a full twenty-four carton of eggs on the floor. And to Herry, that was practically the end world. That cancelled out almost every single breakfast; eggs, waffles, pancakes, French toast, every thing that included eggs in the recipe. The only things that were left over were toast and cereal, neither of which made a very filling breakfast.
"The-the-the eggs. My precious eggs! I'm going to starve!" Herry exclaimed in horror.
Odie rolled his eyes and groaned in annoyance. "You're not going to starve. There's lots of food around here that you can eat."
"Want to bet? I can finish half a box of cereal and a loaf of bread my self. I used to eat everything in the kitchen when I was a baby!"
"Well it's Archie's fault! A dork as clumsy as him shouldn't be allowed to carry something as precious and fragile as eggs!" Atlanta said as she pointed at Archie.
"What?" Archie yelled in shock. "I wouldn't of dropped them if you hadn't tripped me!"
"I did not. You were the one who tripped over your big two left feet!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"DID NOT!!!"
"DID TOO!!!"
"Do you have any idea how much I care about you right now?"
Archie placed a hand over his mouth as he backed away, shocked beyond belief. He did not just say that, oh for the love of Zeus, he did not just say that.
"What did you just say?' Atlanta asked cautiously.
Oh gods he just did. Well, it was now or never to tell Atlanta what he really felt about her. And judging by the position she was in, it was most defiantly now.
"This is going to be interesting. It's almost worth starving to see a scene like this," Herry said quietly to Odie. Odie grinned and watched the scene before him with anticipation.
Archie glared evilly at Herry and Odie before turning back to Atlanta. And now for the difficult part, explaining what he meant.
"Umm, uh, well... I, um..." Archie stuttered nervously.
"What in Hades in going on here?!" (A/N: Ohh, so close!)
The four friends turned around to see Jay looking sternly down at them. Archie wasn't sure if he was happy or not that Jay had entered the room. Archie looked at Herry and Odie to see their lips trembling slightly, from either fear or laughter, he did not know. After a hard nudge in the arm from Atlanta (first his ear and now this, what problem did she have with him!) he turned back to their leader. It was then that he had noticed that the other three were blocking the view of the spilt eggs from Jay. Moving backward, he formed a sort of wonky circle by squishing in-between Atlanta and Herry.
Gods, her skin is so soft. I don't think we've ever been this close before. Except for last night, but we were both asleep at the time so it doesn't count. Still, sometimes I just want to take her into my arms and kiss her so passionately that she'll never want to leave mt arms again. And then we'll... bad thoughts Archie! Bad thoughts!
If it weren't for the fact that is arm was immobilized between two people and his friends were there, he would have started to hit himself in the head with his fist.
"I'll as ask just one more time. What is going on here?" Jay asked fiercely, his normally pools, well that was how Theresa had begun to describe them, of chocolate brown had grown into slits and looked cold. With his hands on his waist, he looked just like the dad who was waiting for an explanation from his mischievous kids, and actually, that was definitely how they felt.
"Well you see...umm, well, uh..." Atlanta tried to unsuccessfully explain.
"What is the matter with you guys? I can hear you all the way to my room," Theresa asked curiously as she entered the room.
Atlanta looked over to the entrance where Theresa was standing beside Jay with a curious look on her face. At the sight of her best girlfriend she began to blurt out in breath, "We were making breakfast when I tripped Archie and he dropped the eggs!"
Eyes wide, Atlanta gasped and put her hands over her mouth, shocked at her own outburst. In fact, everyone looked at her as if she was some sort of alien that had landed from Mars. All except Archie that is, he stepped out of the circle, leaving the view of the smashed eggs open, and turned around to look at Atlanta triumphantly.
"Aha! I knew you tripped me!"
Jay sent Archie an annoying glare so powerful that Archie tripped over his own feet getting back.
"Can't blame that one on me Mr. Perfect Balance," Atlanta retorted.
They guilty party of four turned back to their leader with fear etched over their faces. They saw his lips twitching at the corners, either from laughter or anger they wanted to know, although they prayed to every god who was listening that it was the first. After a few strained minutes, Jay finally burst out laughing.
"I can't believe that you thought that I would get angry about something as small as this!"
Archie, Odie, Atlanta, and Herry all let out sighs of major relief. They couldn't believe what a change Theresa had done on him. Only five months ago, Jay would have had a fit and ripped their heads off and kept them for dropping some eggs.
"Well how about this? We'll go out and have breakfast out today. My tr..." Jay asked after he had stopped laughing.
"My treat." Theresa finished. Jay turned to her in surprise.
"Are you sure you want to do this Theresa? I mean, I can pay for it and all if you want me too."
Theresa gave a small laugh. "I know you can," she started sweetly. "but let's just say that I'm in a really really good mood because of someone very special."
Jay blushed crimson but immediately stopped when he heard some chuckles from the other side of the kitchen.
"Well, if you're sure, then alright. But that still doesn't answer one question," Jay said. Turning toward Atlanta and Archie he said to them, "I thought you and Archie were going for a run, so why are you still here?"
Archie answered his question. "Well after Atlanta and I had gotten dressed and put some ice on my ear." Archie sent a glare toward Atlanta who stood there with an innocent look on her face. "We came down for breakfast because everyone knows that you can't run on an empty stomach."
"Yes you can," Atlanta interrupted.
"No you can't," Archie argued back.
"Yes you can!"
"No you can't!"
"Guys!" Jay interrupted impatiently.
"Sorry," Archie mumbled sheepishly before continuing. "Anyways, before we were so rudely interrupted," Archie said as he looked at Atlanta, who was currently sticking her tongue out at him. "We came in here for some breakfast and saw Herry and Odie at work destroying the kitchen. I went to go and grab some eggs when Atlanta tripped me soon afterwards, causing the messy accident."
"I see," Jay said slowly. "Well then, Theresa and I better go and get changed, so should you and Herry and Odie. I don't think the restaurant will let us eat in our pajamas."
With these words Jay left with Theresa at his arm and headed upstairs. Before they could make it even halfway down the hallway though, Herry ran after them yelling,
"Hey! Wait up! I know this perfect breakfast and brunch buffet!"

Nickelbackgirl_001: Sorry it took me so long to update. I was at my mom's all weekend and I couldn't find time to update after that. But the next chapter will take even longer to do though. I have to do a whole bunch of different scenes and stuff. Aww. I'm hurting my brain just thinking about it right now. But don't worry to all you J/T fans, there will be lots of fluff to fill what didn't come in this chapter. But I should have made all of you A/A fans happy, and then mad, though. Lol. Thanks to my best friends Amy and Spencer for helping me decide what to do in later chapters. R&R please!
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