Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Maybe I shouldn't

Stick To the status quo

by Silvana 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-13 - Updated: 2007-06-14 - 706 words

Stick To The Status Quo


Jenny lowered the letter. Five pages of a messy scrawl. Hadn't he heard of typing? Obviously not. She stopped. Why was she being so bitchy? It was sweet of him to have written, even if Will had asked him to. With a sigh she loaded up the computer to start typing out a reply. He might get the hint.


Willow sat on the sofa, flicking through the channels, as the sunset streamed through the window.
"Kate, I can't live without yo-"
"Rodney! You can't go!"
"Yes, I'll marry you!"
"I love you."
With an exasperated cry Willow practically hurled the remote at the T.V after switching it off, but at the last minute restrained herself. Every freaking channel had a freaking love story playing. The first night of tours hit her hard. She found it hard to adjust to being alone. She sighed, flicking the radio on as she wandered into the kitchen. A song began playing, but it wasn't still she held a glass of wine in her hand that she realised what song it was. "Way. Well after all the time that-"
Gerard was cut off as Will turned the radio off. Was it some conspiracy theory? As she took a sip of her drink she allowed herself a small smile. He'd probably phone soon. He normally called to say that he'd got to wherever safely, no matter what time it was. Hopefully.

She was still thinking that two hours later. Outside the sky had turned an inky black dotted with specks of silver and the apartment was just as dark because the current occupant hadn't turned any lights on. She sighed, as her eyes began to close once more, and reluctantly made her way to the double bed that she normally shared with Ray, collapsing onto it and letting her eyes close and she drifted into sleep.

"Hey Will. Sorry I completely forgot to call and I couldn't find my phone. Guess who'd nicked it? I guess you're asleep now and not hearing the phone. Um... you're owed holiday right? So if you can get it for the week that we're back would you? That'd be good. Uh...yeah, love you."

It was seven o, clock when Will's alarm clock went off, jolting her into a state of awakeness. The first thing she did was hurry to the phone to see whether there was a message. She played it. "Let me think," she murmured. "Frank nicked it? And I have that week off anyway Toro. Decorating. Wonder why you want me to be off though?"

It was then that she realised that if she didn't move quickly she'd be late for work. As she ran out of the apartment she threw a 'See you later' over her shoulder. It wasn't till she was on her way to work that she realised she'd said bye to an empty apartment.


"Hey. How are you?" Ray murmured into the phone.
"I'm good. You?" Gerard said into his mobile, turning his back to his band mates.
"Yeah, the concert was great. Nearly broke the riser though," Frank laughed.
"You didn't!" Mikey exclaimed. "Al! Seriously?"
The four men were talking to their partners; each of them deciding to phone independently yet ending up in the same room.
"Yeah I miss you too," Ray replied. "Did you...? You have? Brill...yeah sure...uh-huh. Love you."
"Course, " Frank smiled. "" He laughed. "Yeah sure. Love you."
"No way," Mikey grinned. "Oh shit, why am I here? That's awesome ... course I'm sure. Okay, be careful, Kay? Can I...?' Kay. Love you. Bye."
"Yes...No...Brill, simply awesome...'course. Yeah, they're good. 'Kay? Yeah, miss you." Gerard was the last to end his call home; as Bob walked in. Being the clever one Bob had called his girlfriend away from everyone else. Gerard turned round, took one look at Mikey's face and immediately asked, 'What?'
Mikey beamed excitedly at them all. "Alicia's pregnant.... I'm gonna be a dad." First there was a stunned silence and then uproar as congratulations bounced off the walls. And through it all you could see Mikey's shocked but jubilant face.


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