Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When Every Star Falls

05: "Isn't something missing?"

by horuskitty 0 reviews

If someone is gone for a long amount of time, doesn't that mean that something happened to them? Title named after Evanescence's song "Missing"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2007-06-14 - Updated: 2007-06-14 - 933 words

It had been hours since they last saw Eileen. She had apparently run away. Each passing minute made everyone more nervous and worried. They had police helping them search the darkened streets of New York. The glimmering lights of the city lit up the streets, but not enough to look for a girl with long black hair and wearing almost all black clothing. Especially her P.J.'s were black as well. So they would have a hard time finding her at nighttime. They came across a few other girls that looked like her, but weren't her when the guys turned her around and then being bombarded with "OH MY GOD! It's Gerard and Frank!!!" squeals. Clearly to say...they were slowly getting more and more worried and agitated.

"This is madness. It's been three hours since she ran off." Frank ran his fingers through his hair. "Did you say something to her?" Frank asked Gerard, knitting his eyebrows together.

"What? What do you mean? I didn't say anything mean to her. I didn't even know what the hell was going on until I saw her teeth." Gerard sighed, raising his eyebrows. "Her teeth...what was wrong with them?" Gerard thought, putting his index finger on his chin. The two stopped talking as an officer walked up to them holding a clipboard.

"Officer John Marker." The man introduced himself as he held out his hand and shook both Frank and Gerard's.

"Gerard Way." Gerard said.

"Frank Iero." Frank followed.

"Alright, this girl you're looking for. We've got her picture and all the details about her, but finding her is our main problem." John explained. "How long have you guys known her?"

"We've been real good friends with her for like...two--maybe three years?" Frank said.

"Yeah. Three years." Gerard nodded.

"Alright...Did she say anything to you before she ran off? Or did you even see her at all?" John asked Gerard.

"She didn't say much. She just ran into my room, she was freaking out and she showed me her teeth and after that she screamed and ran off." Gerard explained.

"Yeah. She screamed 'I'm a fucking vampire.' and then told us to stay away. After that she was gone." Frank said, shrugging.

"Is she on any drugs? Or taking any type of medicine?" John asked, writing notes down on a clipboard.

"If she was on any drugs we would've known and stopped her." Ray snapped. John just raised an eyebrow at him.

"As far as taking medicine, she is taking anti-depressant and some medication her doctor gave her for the pain in her jaw. But I haven't seen her take her anti-depressant in a few weeks. She's been acting weird ever since." Gerard said.

"Weird, how?" John asked, looking up at Gerard.

"She's been extremely paranoid, which isn't normal for her, she would get pissed off at random things, and I can't really say what, and she's also been complaining of her jaw hurting her. And she'" Gerard scratched the back of his neck, he couldn't quite finish on the rest of her behavior.

"...Yes?" John looked at him.

"She's also complained of the sunlight. She won't even go in the living room without yelling at us to close the blinds." Frank continued.

"And she's mixed her schedule up. She's awake at night a lot more now..." Ray finished.

Silence came for a few minutes as everyone glanced at one another. Not sure what to say at this point. John just looked at them and nodded.

"O-K..." He said slowly as he continued writing. "Anything else?" He asked.

"Not really." Gerard replied.

"Good. 'Cause I've got better things to do than hear some weird vampire story." John scoffed.

"Weird vampire story?!?!!" Gerard exploded. "There's something wrong with her and I want to know what!"

"Well we can't really do that if she's not here now can we?" John said, putting the clipboard under his arm.

"No. That's why I fuckin' called you. To HELP us find her. Now get crackin'!" Gerard said as he stormed off.

"'Get crackin'.'/? Where the hell did /that come from?" Frank said, following Gerard.


After a few more hours, everyone just gave up on looking for her. It was already 2:00 AM, and everyone was tired.

They all walked into their hotel suite in a single file line and then just stopped. It was silent, no one could even hear their own breaths. No one knew what happened to Eileen or where she'd ran off to. No one could find any sign of her, any clues, nothing. It was like she vanished into thin air and it left them pondering.

"What happened to her?" Bob asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Who knows. She has a bad habit of being able to hide well. She's probably stuck in an alley somewhere." Frank said.

"Or she could've been kidnapped." Gerard said, shuddering at the thought.

"I hope she's okay. She didn't seem too bright when she ran off." Mikey said, looking at Gerard strangely.

"What?" Gerard said, looking at Mikey.

"Nothing." He replied, turning on the TV.

"Turn it to the news, just in case." Ray said.

"I'm sure she'll turn up soon. I mean, you know how she hates being by herself in a large crowd. She won't be able to last out there for long, I bet." Alexia said, with a little bit of confidence that Eileen is currently OK for the time being. And just their bad luck, something came on the news...

"A girl was just murdered in an alley nearby..."
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