Categories > Books > Harry Potter > And We'll Call It This Land!

Chapter 6

by Kaotac 3 reviews

Harry is rescued from Azkaban by.. Himself? A story of Technology, Magic and Terraforming. Not a crossover.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Sci-fi - Characters: Dumbledore, Fudge, Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2007-06-17 - Updated: 2007-06-17 - 694 words

Harry was quite pleased at the shock of the two men, and took that time to explain a little, "You see, I only spent two weeks in that cell, though that was almost enough to cause irreversible damage. Luckily, due to some tricky time travel, which I won't tell you about, I was removed from my cell and sent back in time several years, where I met with my future self. Now, he was able to go back in time himself about two hundred years. I've not yet made this trip, myself. Now, when he was back in time, he seeded the surface of the moon with magic and many different forms of life. It took a long time, but the surface of the moon is now perfectly capable of supporting life. The reason that wasn't found out when the Americans went to Luna is because of some very powerful wards that surround the whole of the moon."

Harry was very much enjoying the 'deer in the deadlight' appearance that both Dumbledore and Fudge were wearing.
"When I left Azkaban, I was taken to the surace of Luna. It took me about two months to recover from the two weeks I spent there. Then I was able to use a special penseive called the 'HoloDeck Pensieve' to do about twenty five years of training in six months. I found the best people in the world and brought them in on the project. Then we started building Tranquility, Luna's Capital City. We also built Centauria Planetia, our ship yards, and Fort Celest, the base for our Marine Corp."
It seemed that Dumbledore was finally out of his shocked state, as he started speaking crap, "I fear the path you're walking down is a dark one, Harry. Surely you don't need a military of any sort. You also said that you were 'President for Life'.. How could you dream of making yourself a dictator like that?"

The two women tensed visibly, but didn't move at all as Harry simply shock his head, "I'm less of a dictator than you are old man, and I'd advise you to not repeat that if you're ever permitted to travel to Luna. There is an Referendum every three years to ask if the Citizens wish for me to remain the President. There is also a legislative body of 75 members who are elected every three years. As for the Military, I don't plan on allowing a pathetic ego mad 'Dark Lord' to rise to power and kill civilians while a pathetic attempt at a police force try to capture him like here in Britain. And when the existence of magic is revealed, a military may be needed for the protection of you and your bigoted citizens."
Dumbledore was about to speak up, but Fudge jumped to his feet and yelled, "Now see here! No one is going to reveal our world to the muggles, or they will be arrested! As to your so called Luna, as you are a British citizen, that would make it a part the Commonwealth and until an election can be arranged, that would but put me in command of the people and the military," Fudge says with a smug grin.
"Untrue, actually. As just about thirty five percent of Luna's population is made up of non-magical people, and a further ten percent is those who the British Ministry consider to be 'creatures,' you have no say in any aspect of Luna life. Furthur more, you wouldn't even be able to get to Luna. I would suggest you not try to force the issue... You wouldn't enjoy the results. Oh, and technically, I have dual citi...." Harry was grinning as he explained all this, but he stopped talking when he noticed Dumbledore moving out of the corner of his eye. A moment later, both he and Dumbledore vanished from the Minister's office.

Fudge looked both angry at the lecture he was given, and confused when the two men disappeared. A few moments later, after one of the women put a hand to her ear, the two of them vanished with a blue glow and low hum.
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