Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Black Parade


by PansyxLero 0 reviews

Hurting the unhurt, loving from the unloving

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-18 - Updated: 2007-06-19 - 960 words

About a day had passed, and Twiggy was putting the finishing touches to her new room. The walls didn't need painting, and the carpet had been put in new a few weeks before her parents death. All she had done was move everything of hers into there, her parents stuff had been put away in the attic. Out of sight, out of mind. Only, it didn't work too well.

She had not spoken to Gerard at all- but he stayed in her mind, killing her slowly every time. She hated how she could not feel anything, and yet he had taken her over. Like some kind of disease; like a cancer. Just spreading over her, rendering her useless until all she could do was collapse into his arms. Only, she would never fall into his arms- she would probably never see him again. It was probably for the better, but it still hurt.

All in all, she knew the hardest part of losing her feelings. Giving up everything she had ever wanted, or dreamt for also- the hardest part was losing Gerard. Leaving him. But she wasn't going to let it get to her- she had been out the previous day, and bought some supplies to finish decorating the house. The second spare room had been covered in dust when she had entered, now the floor was covered in a white sheet and she was ready to paint the walls. She had chosen a lime green colour- it was bright, and different from the rest of the house, which was painted with soft pastel colours. She decided she needed something bright.

Twiggy could slightly feel herself going crazy at what was happening. She knew she had been stupid, she had given up the best thing that had happened to her- just so she was in no pain. But it seemed, her feelings were tormenting her even when she couldn't feel.

She was aware that she still felt something for him, even if her feelings were just vacant. Everytime she thought of him- it was a different kind of vacant than everything else. Everything else was so bland and plain, Gerard seemed brighter. As cliched as it sounded.

Gerard sat in the coffee shop, watching the people come and go. She was still on his mind, and yet she seemed not there. He hadn't seen her since he told her how he felt, he wasn't sure if she was an illusion- maybe he had just been asleep and dreamt it all up. But he knew that wasn't plausible, she was real. What he felt was real too.

There were familiar faces in the coffee shop; there always was. He never saw new ones, just the same ones. All the time. The same homeless man sat reading a newspaper in the corner, and the same couples sat around talking- they would go once they had finished, and he wouldn't see them until the following day. "Where's your girl?"

Gerard looked up, snapping his head around to the person who had questioned him. "Who?"

The woman who had spoken to him was in her late forties, she used to work in the bakers in the centre of the town until it shut down. Her hair was turning light with age, and her face had frequent crevasse's in it, from where her skin was beginning to get too big for her. "They young girl I often saw you with."

Gerard's face saddened slightly, and he looked down at his coffee as though there were something in it doing the backstroke- or something. He wasn't sure, he was sure however, that the conversation seemed to take a bite out of him. "Shes not my girl."

"But you seemed so in love."

"She doesn't love me," he answered, his tone turning quieter- as though his voice were trying to run away. "She doesn't love me at all."

The woman invited herself to sit opposite him, and let out a lengthened sigh. "From the way she looked at you, she did. Now, I don't know what happened, but I know this," she paused, and Gerard looked up at her- intrigued as to what she was going to say. "Now sometimes people just need some space, and other times they get scared when feelings are involved, but, Sweetie, don't let her go. You don't get someone you love that much every day. You'll regret letting her go."

Twiggy was just about done with the first coat of the painting. She had surprised herself with how quick it was, but she had nothing else to do. She wasn't even hungry, nor did she feel any pain when she stubbed her toe on the door. It was then she realised, that not only had her emotional feelings disappeared- but her physical ones too. Yes, she could feel the wind against her skin, and she could feel a persons body heat when she got too close to them, but she was sure that was it.

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hands, knowing she should have felt a few tears there, Twiggy put the lid back on the paint and walked downstairs into the kitchen; to wash her hands from all the paint.

Her clothes were covered in green splotches, and her hair was held up in a messy bun. She took a quick shower, and changed her clothes. Also fixing her hair into an acceptable condition, and stared outside as the sun began to set. She didn't know what to do; so, she had made up her mind to ask the one person she knew would be able to help her with everything. Even if she knew it would cause the war inside of her to grow bigger.
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