Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Black Parade


by PansyxLero 0 reviews

Shut Your eyes

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-18 - Updated: 2007-06-19 - 1259 words

It wasn't just wet outside, it... was depressing; at least, that's what Gerard thought from his apartment. He had tossed and turned most of the night, but had not been able to sleep. He even finished reading a book, and a drawing he had been working on. But, he just could not fall asleep.

He lay in his bed, with his arms behind his head- just staring at the ceiling. It was nothing special; just white, no tiles, no bumps he could make shapes with. It was just white. And boring. Gerard thought it was simple- and he wasn't actually sure if it were simple that he liked. Twiggy certainly wasn't simple, if she was- then he would have hated to have seen complex.

Gerard turned his head to the left sightly, and stared at the illuminated red numbers on the front of the white box. Two thirty in the morning. Another five hours and he'd be waking up- well, at this rate he'd be asleep long into the morning. If he ever got to sleep that was.

There was no logical explanation as to why he was unable to sleep- the whole apartment building was silent; even the creaks of the floor boards, or dripping taps were silent. Maybe it was that which kept him up. The rain outside was heavy, but it was neither stormy or too loud so that one could not have slept. It was neither hot, nor cold, and he had even changed the sheets on his bed- in case that had been the problem. But no, his luck wasn't quite there.

It only really left it down to the one thing he could think of. He was just lonely, he knew he was. He had been lonely before Twiggy, and lonely after. He knew how it felt, and he was used to it- though it never once hindered his sleeping pattern before. It was either that, or he was already asleep- just dreaming he was unable to.

Frank sighed, wishing he had never gone out that night. He had seen exchanges, the same as his done before. Feelings for immortality, a simple exchange. Each time, it had worked just fine; maybe it was just his luck that he ended up making the deal with the one who would realise their mistake. "I told you, I can't reverse the deal." Beside him, Ray shook his head- almost in disgust of his friend.

"You can't?" Twiggy asked, bitting the side of her lip slightly. "Or wont? You did it in the first place, you must be able to reverse it."

"Just because you made a mistake, doesn't mean I should pay for it," Frank scoffed, folding his arms. "If you hate it so much, the only way to undo immortality is to... take it yourself. Which of cou-"

"Stop your jabbering," Ray mumbled, beginning to get annoyed.

Twiggy gave a soft chuckle, before letting out a soft sigh. "Listen," Frank began, turning to Twiggy. "Just deal with it. I can't do anything."

Twiggy growled in aggravation, watching Frank's retreating form. Ray had been the only one with him that night, and he was stuck in his same spot- wondering really whose side he should be on. "Frank," Twiggy called softly. However, he just ignored her and carried on walking. "Frank, I have a question."

Frank let out more of an annoyed sigh, and turned his head back towards her. "Have you ever been in love?"

Ray watched as Frank's eyes grew smaller. He knew his friend was probably going to give in- he also knew Frank would add some kind of catch to it. He didn't really know if he was doing anyone a favour or not. He would often to the same thing to various people; make deals, and if they wanted to... undo it, he would add a catch into it. Frank confused everyone around him, no one really knew what it was that made him tick.


"Because..." Twiggy began, watching as Frank turned around fully. "Before this happened, I met someone.. the only person who actually seemed to care that I wasn't the slightest bit happy- and, he didn't expect me to... hold it all together, either," she carried on, pushing a few bangs out of her eyes. "It wasn't until after... I.. sold my feelings to you- that I realised I was in love with him. And, I know I'm in love with him, I can't feel it." Twiggy let a saddened frown lace her lips, before ending her explanation. "He loves me back- and when I told him I didn't feel anything for him- the look in his eyes, it made something inside of me- Frank, you have to understand. I don't want to be in pain- but I love him, and not feeling how I feel for him... it's killing me from inside."

Frank mumbled, and stared at the ground. He didn't exactly enjoy being the bad guy, sometimes he felt he had no choice but to. He was cursed, and people often shunned him- in books, movies, or just in stories kids told each other. Even on Halloween when he could be around people with his friends, he was still shunned. Apart from the fact he was a Vampire, he was just a human. He was a man. The years turned him bitter, turning him from the loving guy watching over his family- into the cold hearted being he was.

"Listen, I can't do anything. Even if I wanted to- I couldn't," he lied. He did want to help, he also knew he could. He also knew it came with a price; she would probably back out upon hearing it. "I suggest you just... shut your eyes, kiss him goodbye and sleep."

Twiggy walked towards him in a fit, and glared at him. "I can't just forget about him. I can't, kiss him goodbye. I don't want to. And even if I could- I can never forget the monster that I am; because, I have no other word to describe myself. Frank, just....." she trailed off, losing things to say. She really had no idea anymore, it was her last whim. After this- she knew there was no other way to even try and sort out the problem.

Frank groaned in frustration, and looked up- unfolding his arms in the process. "Okay, here's the deal. If you can do one selfless act within three days, things will go back to normal," he paused, watching as Twiggy's smile lit up. "However... in those three days, if you do accomplish said selfless act- you will only have one day to live. No more, no less. I suggest you think it over, you wont get a second chance."

Across the other side of town, Gerard finally shut his eyes with a content smile on his face. He was unaware of everything going on elsewhere, and his eyes were beginning to get heavier by the second. Sleep was slowly over coming him, even if he was unsure whether it would be dreamless- or full of grasping nightmares which pulled him into their world.

It was half three before he was fast asleep; unaware of the person outside, standing on the street staring up towards his apartment. There was a chill to the air, he could feel it in his slumber. It seemed to over come everything, almost like an icy hand- pulling you towards your death. For some reason, he knew things had changed. He just didn't know what, or how
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