Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Black Parade


by PansyxLero 0 reviews

Because the drugs never work

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-18 - Updated: 2007-06-19 - 1468 words

Gerard was woken up at exactly twenty-five past seven, by a loud knocking from the front of his door. Maybe he was being evicted, or maybe they were finally fixing the heating- or the elevator. Whatever it was, he was sure he didn't really enjoy being woken up.

Tossing his grouchy mood aside, he stood up and walked to his door- before taking off the chain and opening it. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, taking in the sight before him. It wasn't something he really expected to wake up to.

Twiggy stood in front of him, her hair a mess and her eyes blood shot and puffy. It was apparent to him she had been crying, and he soon forgot his tiredness, taking her into his arms. "Sugar, why are you...?"

Twiggy sniffed, rubbing her eyes, before resting her head on his chest. "I went back to the cemetery last night," she began, feeling Gerard flinch she quickly carried on. "I made another deal with Fra-"

"What?!" he asked, pulling away from her- staring at her. "You did what? What did you sell this time- your insides?"

"Listen to me," she huffed, frowning. "I made a deal- that if I can do one selfless act within three days, things can go back to normal." She decided on leaving off the next part to everything, Gerard didn't need to know that they could only be together for a short amount of time. It would only hurt them more.

"What?" Gerard asked, slightly unbelieving. "That's- That's awesome! But, why couldn't you tell me later on, or something?"

Twiggy let out a small laugh. "You're lucky I didn't wake you up at five. I should have really."

Within a few hours, Gerard had gotten up fully and dressed. Though, he was sure Twiggy was keeping something away from him. What, he wasn't sure of- but he could just tell. It was as though she was in a trance; like she knew something he didn't. But he pushed it aside, and the pair agreed to get a coffee together.

Just like always, there were the same people in the coffee shop. But, Gerard and Twiggy both knew it was going to happen. They seemed to be the only ones who didn't live in there all the time; it was actually kind of amusing.

"What made you make Frank give you your feelings back?" he finally asked, once they had sat down.

Twiggy was dazing out of the window when she answered. "Teenagers scare the living shit outta me, you know?"


"I mean," she began, looking at Gerard with a small smile on her face. "I don't know actually, I guess I just feel old."

"Oh, gee thanks," Gerard mumbled sarcastically. "I'm older than you- and yet, you feel old. What does that make me?"

Twiggy laughed, and let out a huge smile- though her gut yelled at her. "Gerard... I need to tell you something."

"I knew that was coming..." he sighed. "Now what is it; you're moving off to Africa, and even though everything is going to be just fine, I will never see you again?"

"No.. well... yes, but.. not..." she groaned, not being able to find the words. "If I do something for someone else, I get my feelings back.. but only for twenty-four hours."

"Then what?" he hissed. "You're back to, zombie-Janie?"

Twiggy flinched, and looked over at the door as a small group of teens walked in. "Then, I die."

Gerard was sure it had grown cold, and that the windows were icing up around him. He could feel the cold hand, grasp around him and pull him slowly away from the woman in front of him. He didn't know whether he wanted everything back to normal, or not anymore.

"Oi," Twiggy hissed, kicking him under the table. Gerard snapped out of his daze, and looked at her confused, wondering how long he had been daydreaming for.

"No talking!"

He felt like he was back in school, just by hearing that phrase. Gerard turned his attention to the source of the voice, and stared in... horror. The group of treens who had earlier walked in, were stood by the counter. One of them was forcing the man behind the counter to shove as much money as he could into a large bag, while the others were making sure no one moved. Though, it wasn't really that which got to him; it was the fact they each held a small gun, pointed towards different people. He was the unlucky one in that 'section'.

"I mean it; move and I'll kill you."

Twiggy clenched her eyes, not really wanting to witness anything. Her earlier statement about Teenagers now seemed to have been some sort of foreshadowing of the events happening currently. It was almost as though she knew something as going to happen.

She snapped her eyes open, when she heard a chair scrape along the floor- and stared in horror, as Gerard stood from his seat. Was he really planning on getting killed? "I told you!" the kid hissed, putting pressure onto the trigger; although his hands were shaking quite a bit, and his voice was just the same.

"Gerard," she hissed, standing up also. "Sit the fuck back down would ya? It's a freakin' coffee shop, they'll get the money back. It's not worth getting killed over."

"Listen to her," their 'captive' muttered, still shaking. It was obviously he didn't exactly want to shoot anyone, but it was also obvious he probably would.

"But they make awesome coffee," Gerard laughed. He wasn't exactly sure what had come out of him, he didn't like it; but it felt as though he had no control of it. Slowly, he took a step forward; although all he could do was just watch as Twiggy grabbed his arm and pushed him forward.

He heard the shot, just as he hit the floor; and he wasn't sure whether he wanted to look at what had happened or not. "Shit," one of the teenagers cursed, as sirens came within hearing range. They rushed off quickly, although they had taken the money with them.

"Are you okay?" a woman asked, causing Gerard to look up at Twiggy who stood buck-kneed, clenching her arm tightly. "I told you," she said, looking at Gerard- and helping him up to his feet. Twiggy stared confused at them; well she would have, had it not been for the cursing pain in her arm.

"Fuck, why did you do that?" he asked, rushing over to her, and enveloping her into his arms. He felt scared- and yet relieved at the same time; she as alive, for now at least, yet it had been his fault she could have been killed. Or then again, maybe she knew what she was doing. "I'm not sure immortals can even handle getting shot."

Twiggy let a pained smile sit on her face, and looked up to him- as the police ran in. There were many of them, and each of them were ready to take on the culprits, had they been there on time. "Gee, it's not the fact that I may or may not be immortal. I don't want to not feel anything anymore, whether it means I have to die. Don't you see? Loving you is killing me anyway, I can't feel it."

It seemed to hit Gerard in the face, he wasn't actually sure if it was what he wanted though. "So you...?"

"I'm not even sure if it worked," she sighed. "Sure, it hurts, but that could just be my subconscious, knowing it should hurt."

Gerard could think of nothing to say or do, but keep her close to him. He didn't want to lose her anymore, but somehow he knew in the end he may have to. "Ma'am," one of the officers began, standing beside them. "What you did was not only foolish and stupid, but you risked everyone else's lives her-"

"But she saved mine," Gerard hissed, cutting her off. Twiggy flinched at his tone, and felt his grip tighten on her.

"You should probably go to the hospital. The bullet looks as though it's still in your arm; and it'll get very uncomfortable if you just leave it."

Twiggy would have replied, thanking her for her concern, but Gerard pulled her outside and into the street before she could. If it had worked, and she was no longer immortal; and her feelings were back, he wanted to spend the rest of her time with her. If it hadn't, he knew it probably wound sooner or later; he just wanted to try and prolong it. "Like I said earlier," Twiggy began, trying to laugh about the situation. "Teenager's scare the living shit outta me."
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