Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Black Parade


by PansyxLero 0 reviews

It was a lie when they smiled

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-18 - Updated: 2007-06-19 - 1273 words

The sterile smell of the hospital was beginning to get over powering, especially to Gerard. Twiggy had figured out that he wasn't too fond of needles, right around the time the doctor had given her something for the pain. She laughed slightly at the look on his face; although inside she was still confused. She had no idea whether Frank had reversed anything; or not. All she could do was wait.

The doctor had removed the bullet from her arm, and wrapped it up in a bandage. He said she would be just fine; she had only lost a bit of blood, and it hadn't even gone through to the bone. In a word, she was very lucky. If it had been to the left a little, it would have pierced a major artery.

"I still say it was stupid," Gerard sighed, watching as Twiggy stood up from the bed and stretched. They had been stuck in there for at least two hours; he knew that he didn't have much time left with her, and wanted to get out as quickly as possible. It seemed, however, that everyone had needed to go to the hospital on the same day, making the queue in front of them pretty large.

"Probably, but... it doesn't really matter. We're both okay," she smiled, walking over to him and wrapping her arms firmly around him. Gerard didn't reply, instead he returned her gesture, taking in her petite form.

Gerard smelt of coffee and cigarettes, he always did, and Twiggy loved it. Granted, she didn't exactly like smoking, but she loved the smell of it on Gerard.

A few feet away from them, leaning against a wall with a slight smirk on his face, Frank watched the pair. He hadn't really thought she would have gone through with it; but seeing them together, he realised she probably would have done anything to get her feelings back. "Frank?"

"What?" He asked, looking up at Mikey.

"Why are you here? We've been looking for you," Mikey sighed. Frank could tell that he was rather tired, probably to be expected. None of them had been having very much sleep. Frank motioned his head towards Twiggy and Gerard as they walked out of the hospital room together; straight away he understood everything. The pair watched them carefully for a while, before Twiggy turned around; as if almost sensing their eyes burning into her back.

Frank and Mikey both gave her a soft smile, which she returned; although it was laced with sadness. "Hey," Gerard said, putting his hand in hers and pulling her away. "Are you okay?"

Letting a large, fake smile sit on her face, Twiggy nodded. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," he answered, as the pair exited the building. The sun was out, shining brightly over the pair of them. There were a few clouds dotted in the sky, and there was various cars in the parking lot; it seemed most of the people were inside. Outside was rather deserted- as though the world was just theirs.

"Me either," she agreed, with a slight laugh. "I just want to be with you; it seems, that maybe we're cursed."

Gerard couldn't help but hear the sadness woven in her voice, and pull her close to him again. "Sugar, we're not cursed."

"But, we can only have each other for a day-- and, I don't want to leave you after..."

"Well then," Gerard sighed, pushing her hair behind her ears, and pushing his lips onto her forehead. "Let's make it the best day ever."

Agreeing with him, Twiggy nodded and smiled. There wasn't much she could say; she was pretty confused about everything. A few days ago, she had been unable to feel anything, and now she was spending her last day with the man she was in love with. Inside, she blamed herself. If she hadn't been so scared, maybe this never would have happened; maybe they would have been able to build a life together. Instead, they were stuck with one day.

They headed back towards Twiggy's house; she was going to pick up a few things and just say goodbye. "The power's out," she hissed, flicking the switch on and off.

Gerard thought for a moment, wondering what they could do together, before smiling. "How about we go see a film?"

"Isn't that a bit- uh, first date-ish?" she asked, laughing slightly.

"For sure," he answered, grabbing her hand in his. "That's what makes it fun."

Twiggy let out a loud laugh, and dropped the bag she held in her hand. "Sure, it sounds like fun."

The cinema was pretty deserted, apart from a few people. Neither Twiggy nor Gerard had really paid much attention to which film they had gone to see; instead they just sat at the back and talked. It earned them a few hushes, before the people got tired of it; and just ignored them. "You know, I've never been to the Cinema."

"Really?" Gerard asked, laughing.

"Seriously. I've never even been on a first date," she trailed off. "I missed a lot. I never went to a single football game in highschool, I never... ditched class."

"You never ditched?" he asked, not really believing her. "Not even once?"

"Not even once," she replied. "Heck, I missed school prom because I had no one to go with. I just spent a lot of my life alone; but, you know... I kind of liked it. If something went wrong, it was only my fault." Twiggy paused, and looked at Gerard who was staring at her. She could feel her eyes stinging, so she looked away and rubbed them, before anything could escape. "And then I found you and, now look... My parents; they always told me when you find love, it wont hurt at all. I think it was a lie when they smiled and told me."

"Sugar," he sighed, putting his arm around her. "It's not the end.. I.. I mean..."

"But, it is," she interrupted. "We can never... buy a house together; or spend nights with friends. We can never get into fights- then make up. We wont ever get married... or have children. At least, not together."

"I wouldn't want to do any of that with anyone else, anyway," he replied quietly. "I spent most of my life alone; and when someone came along I was happy. The future was all I ever thought about. But, then it all turned upside down; and I was still alone at the end. I gave up on everything, until I found you. And after you're gone, I will probably go out, and meet people- but I wont ever love them like I love you."

Twiggy rubbed her eyes again, although she couldn't really stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. Offering a sympathetic smile, Gerard suggest they leave. Outside, it was already growing slightly dark; but neither of them really wanted to sleep. "I feel, kind of disenchanted," Twiggy mumbled, as the pair sat under a tree in a near-by park.

"We're like a sad song, huh?" Gerard asked, watching as Twiggy pulled up a blade of grass. "With nothing to say."

"That's true," she answered, dropping the grass blade. A silence sat in between them for a while; they both sat there enjoying the others company. She had wanted the day to never end; but it seemed as though it was ending sooner than ever. "I hate the ending myself; but, it started with an alright scene," she sighed, watching as a young couple walked across the park hand in hand.
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