Categories > Original > Fantasy > Autumn Story


by FullMetalKuraChan 0 reviews

---No Summary---

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2005-11-25 - Updated: 2005-11-26 - 455 words

Thursday, 17 November, 2005.
11:42:14 PM.



It was late. Tetsu had already crawled into bed when the telephone's mind aching ring echoed throughout his small house. The ring screamed into his room causing him to toss himself up from his warm sheets in a cold sweat, his hair strung around his face messily. /Just the telephone/, he though, his heart pounding from shock of the sleep interrupting ring. Tempted to brush away the call, he shoved his upper body back into his large pillow, trying to drowned out the annoying calls. /Just get back to sleep/. He was given no avail, the blairing ring continued. Reluctantly, he pulled himself from the comfort of his bed, threw on a gown, and trudged to answer the damn phone.

Tetsu's feet, although covered in thick stalking, froze once they met the icy wooden floor. He shivered roughly, and crossed his arms, anything to keep in some warmth while he replied to this annoying person's pesturing. He came upon the classical looking phone in the hallway. Picking it up, his voice was more hoarse then normal, and he was greatly angered.


"You've lost your way, Angel," a questionable voice spoke on the other side.

"Excuse me?" Tetsu snapped at the voice. "Do you have any idea of the time?" he then impatiently shoved a few strayed curly locks from his eyes.

"Harder. . . Harder. . . shake me. . ."

This made the young man flush brightly. Taking from phone from his ear, he gawked at it in slight shock, and then threatened to hang up.

"There is no hiding away, broken toy! the voice shouted.

Upon hearing this, the confused Tetsu returned the receiver to his ear.

"Your love is forbidden. Don't you know? Forbidden is frowned upon! Will you never learn?" the voice pause and giggled madly in the man's ear. "Your love is so pathetic. Your love is so pathetic I could just die!" After finishing, there was a shriek of laughter and hen the phone clicked off.

Tetsu blinked. He hung up the phone blindly, still trying to process what was said during the strange phone call. The care he had for figuring out what just happened slipped away once he made his way back to his bedroom. His room was chilled with dark autumn wind as he removed the gown and slipped back into bed. +/Your love is so pathetic. Your love is so pathetic I could just die!/+ he tossed onto his back, eyes down cast while wondering about what the person spoke about. "Love?" he then asked. "What love? Love for who. . .?" Uncomfortable, he turned over on his chest. /Maybe it was the wong number/? his mind asked, and then went back to sleep.

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