Categories > Original > Fantasy > Autumn Story


by FullMetalKuraChan 0 reviews

---No Summary---

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Published: 2005-11-25 - Updated: 2005-11-26 - 409 words

Sunday, 20 November, 2005.
05:04:53 AM.



+/. . . . base- - - - . . . ./+ Base? Tetsu's flat boots thumped down the stair case as he wonder about what the woman's voice told him. The closest thing to 'base' in this house was the basement, or in the houses' case, the lower ballroom. THERE! But, he would be too late. . . upon finally reaching the just the entrance, his beloved Lady Claire would be. . .

The further he went, the more damage his eyes were shown. The once lovely sleek mizzle green marble was no broken off in large chunks on the ground before him.

As he continued to venture lower, his mind screamed. What was really going on? Who was the strange caller? Though most importantly, why were the unknown attackers after Lady Claire? Despite everything, his main priority was to get to the lower ballroom.

Tetsu tripped on the bottom step and landed upon his knees. Wavs of black and caramel coloured hair cascaded around his face and shoulders. His figure trembled as he desperatly tried to compose himself. He managed to pick himself up, a small like of sweat trickled down the side of his pale face, starting back up with his again with his mission.

Everywhere he looked something had been shattered, bricks of marble splintered the ground around his boots and the glass vases which used to be sitting on small pillers had been blown to bits. Not only was everythign shattered by hand, there were pock marks in the ground, walls, and with roof supports, which had large cracks in the side from gun slugs.

A while later, upon passing by the now broken foutain that had been set up, Tetsu found water leaking out of a bullet hole in the front. Amongst the water, there was a slight trace of something else. It came out in curled strings of red. Tetsu swallowed down his fright and curiousity and continued through the ballroom. His heart thumped in his chest, stopping in a single spot to catch his lost breath.

I'm not going to find her, he thought. I'm too late. She's gone. . . He began to tremble harder, fiting back the sting of hot tears as he lifted his tired, aching head. A few feet ahead of him, he caught sight of her. He could see a large puddle of blood laked around her form. "L- - -Lady. .Claire?" His voice was half broken he gave a, dry, force giggle. I've. . . found her!

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