Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Brother Z
More Surprises
3 reviewsThe Final Battle is over. Harry has left Britain, leaving a devastated magical community, a lost Hermione, and a blinded Luna. Hermione becomes Professor McGonagall's apprentice while she cares f...
Brother Z
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2007-06-24
Pretty good update. I don't know whether or not I should be troubled by what Snape has planned. I'm going with probably. I liked the twist about Harry's children...I'm fairly certain nothing like it has been done before.Brother Z
(#) DavidMPotter 2007-06-24
I do hope Snape does no permanent damage to Zed or his ladies. I loved this chapter. I especially liked Harry and his three daughters revelation.Brother Z
(#) Shaggy37 2007-06-24
Outstanding chapter!!!! The part about Harry having 3 daugthers that came out of left field but I loved it anyways. I can't wait to see Dain. I'm 100% sure she's gonna be just like Harry as to say powerfull and caring. Do keep up the outstanding work and update soon please:):):):)Brother Z
(#) PerfesserN 2007-06-24
Always good to see an update T!
Looking forward to meeting Dian (is that pronounced Dee-yahn?) I always knew Harry would be a good father.
N!Brother Z
(#) Cateagle 2007-06-24
Well, that answers a few questions even as it intorduces more complexity into matters (rather sounds like Real Life, that way). Somehow, I don't think Snape's parting effort is going to have quite the effect he expects, esp. since he -really- doesn't know Zed's real power and abilities, let alone -why- Zed doesn't trust him. chuckle I bet the conversations between Zed and Harry were more than a little interesting, though I suspect the revelations of who/what he will become might have provided some centering for Harry at that point.
This is definitely a fascinating story and I love the odd bits you've thrown in here and there.Brother Z
(#) BJH 2007-06-24
That guy Snape just never learns, does he? I assume whatever plan he is hatching will be a bit of a surprise to the neo-trio plus one but will ultimately fail. I also assume Dian will transfer to Hogwarts? Perhaps she will be the one to toss the spanner in Snivellus's works?
I have to admit however that I am still a tad confused with the interactions of Harry and Zed during the time between the death of Voldemort and Harry's going back in time. It seems that somehow knowledge just sprung into Harry's head from the ether rather than being taught by Zed to Harry with the caviat that he learn it later in his travels so that he sees the original source. The release of the Power I can understand but not the details, such as how to destroy the dementors.
BJHBrother Z
(#) BJH 2007-06-24
You know something? I just had a brain blast of what will come. Snapehas a nasty planto put Z, Hermione, and Luna all in their places, not just embarass or prank them but truly and permanently put them down (especially since his previous attempts with Luna have come to naught) but Fawkes learns of them and, bird brain to bird brain, tells Dian about it. She is feeling rather fond of the two girls, not to mention her Dad, and goes all avian on Snape and fries him with a fireball. How's that?
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