Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's The Tearing Sound of Love Notes

Why don't you people have any Christmas music!?

by nicole_ownsxxx 5 reviews

Okay, so Roxie finally meets Ray, Gerard, Frank, and Mikey. She likes them all, and they're all going to be great friends or whatever... Except one.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Horror, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-24 - Updated: 2007-06-24 - 1806 words

"Roxie! Get your lazy bum out of the car! We're here!" Mary cried, pulling my arm, eventually making me fall out.

"Rawr!" I yelled, then eventually got off the ground and grabbed my bags out fo the back seat. "Roxanne is sleepeh!" I exclaimed, following Mary into the house. I dropped my bags at the tip of the stairs because I saw the neatest thing ever.

But then I saw something I knew I would never forget. It was the coolest thing she'd ever seen. It was unique and inspiring. It was way bigger than it should have been. It was awesome.

"Dude. I'm in love with your hair," I said in monotone, staring straight at this guy's 'fro. It was a reddish brown and freakin' sweet.

Mary took off up the stairs with her bags, so Afro Man and I followed her. He grabbed one of the bags out of my hands and one of Mary's, so we were both carrying one bag, and Mr. Man was carrying

"That's Ray," Mary told me. "Ray, this is my best friend Roxie. She's our band's singer. She plays guitar, too."

"Wicked! Are you any good?" he asked. He was obviously crazy about music.

"I'm okay. Sort of. I could do better. What about you? Do you play?"

"I'm the lead guitarist in my band," he replied. "Gerard's the singer, Mikey's the bassist, Bob's the drummer, and Frank's rhythem guitar."

"Cool! Hey, Mary, is Bob the one that taught you how to drum?" I asked.

"No," she said, stroking her chin, thinking back. "Matt did. But he quit the band. Then they got Bob. He's awesome. Where's he at, Ray?"

"With his parents in-"

"Does it snow here?" I interrupted.

"Well, yeah," Ray started.

"Because I feel like making snow angels. You know? And I want a snowball fight. I really like snow. Why aren't you people playing Christmas music?"

"I don't know! I just got here!" Ray exclaimed.

"Sorry. I just wanna hear Christmas music. Let's celebrate the birth of little baby Jesus!" I cried.

"Okay. Haha. I heard a southern accent. Where are you from?"

"Crap. You heard. Arkansas. And, no, we don't marry our brothers, first cousins, second cousins, or uncles. No one we're related to. That's icky," I told him.

"Um. Okay. I went to Arkansas once. It was pretty cool. Lots of green," Ray said.

We heard a car pull up in the drive way. "Who's that?" I asked.

"Either Donna or Gerard, Mikey, and Frank," he exclaimed.

We were coming down the stairs, so when a door opened I couldn't see who it was. But I heard singing.

"I don't want a lot for Christmas..."

I joined in. I couldn't help it.

"There is just one thing I need..."

There was a pause, then the boy sang back.

"And I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree..."

"I just want your for my own more than you could ever know..."

"/Make my wish come true/..."

Then, in unison, me and someone I couldn't see, sang, "Baby, all I want for you..."

Then he turned around the corner, and I saw him.

His intense hazel eyes met my dark blue ones, and I seriously thought I was going to pass out. The boy that was in the car today, the pretty one, was right there. Staring at me. He did that nifty little smirk of his, before saying, "Hi. I'm Gerard."


"Do you get mad when people sing 'Roxanne' to you?"

"It's more along the lines of annoyed. That's why people tend to call me Roxie."

"I see."

Just then, the boy with the mohawk that had been driving appeared alongside Ray with two guitars in hand, and gave Ray one. He kept the one that said "PANSY".

"Why'd you guys quit singing!? We're gonna play some music!" he yelled loudly.

"Frank, quit yelling! You're such an idiot!" Mary screamed at him, just as loud if not louder.

"Oh really? That's not what you said last time you were in!"


And with that being said Frank gently sat down the Pansy guitar and then took off running out the front door.

I turned to Ray. "Does that happen often?"

"Increasingly. What can I say? They're in love."

The mousy boy jumped on Gerard's back. "Hi!" he said brightly, grinning like he'd won the lottery. "I'm Mikey. The idiot Mary just chased out the door was Frank. He's a pervert. This is Gerard, he's pretty cool, and Ray's hair is a home to many different little rodents."

"I ran over a squirrell once," I replied.

"Well, it's body may be in his hair," Gerard laughed. Ray punched his arm.

"I'm sensitive about whatever creatures live in my hair, man. You know that."

Gerard acted hurt. "You're right. I'm sorry." He hugged him.

"Does anyone even eat around here? I'm starving," I said, right after my stomach growled so loudly that Mikey, Gerard, and Ray were all staring at me. "You're both horrible hosts. You know that? So is Mary. She just left me alone in a room full of complete strangers. How do I know you're not about to kill me and then eat me for dinner like the Texas Chainsaw Massecre?"

"Because you're too pretty to look at," Gerard said, getting right in my face and examining it closely. "Yep. She's a keeper!"

"Guess we'll have to dig around in Ray's hair to get dinner tonight," Mikey reckoned.

"No!" Ray put his hands over his head. "You're not getting them!"

"Okay. So now that's it's been decided that I'm too pretty to eat and Ray's hair is off limits, where do I get food? Like I said, I'm starved. Feed me!"

Frank and Mary ran back in the room, and Frank was covered in something orange, and he was chasing Mary with a watergun filled with some kind of soda.

"No! Frank, if you shoot me I'll-" and that was all we heard before they ran out of the room again.

"That's been happening waaay to often lately. If Frank doesn't quit macking on my sister, I'll kill him. I really will," Gerard said.

"Roxie can play guitar! She'll take his place!" Ray offered.

"Roxie won't do anything until she gets food!" I cried, leaving that room where the three boys were stupidly standing around talking about Frank and Mary.

I was wondering around the house, looking for anykind of food, because it was around five o'clock and all I'd had was a bunch of coffee. Gerard appeared beside me.

"This way to the kitchen," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me down a hall way.

"Thanks." He didn't let go of my hand when we got to the kitchen. "I haven't eaten all day."

"Where are you from?"

"I try to cover my accent up with proper English, why doesn't it work? I don't say 'ain't' or 'y'all' and I pronounce things correctly," I said, just thinking out loud. Yep. He was still holding on to my hand.

"I'm sorry. You've just got a bit of a drawl. It's cool." Gerard smiled, then let go of my hand finally and blushed. "Sorry."

"It's nothing. Anyway, I'm from Arkansas."

"Do they really marry their brothers there?"

"Ew. No."


"No. We marry people we aren't related to. Because inbreeding is icky."

"You have a slight southern drawl and you say things like 'icky', 'nifty', and 'neat.' You're weird," he stated.

"Thanks," I answered, grinning.

"You want to be weird?"

"I could be like any other girl you've ever met, plain old Jane, or I could be Roxie, the weird girl. Think about it."

"That makes sense. I won't be able to forget you," he said.

I layed out some bread. "Want a sandwich?"

"What kind?"

"It's your house, you dip. What kind do you want? I, for one, am going with a lovely little mixture of peanut butter and grape jelly, which I like to call a 'PB&J'."

Gerard laughed, then said, "I'll have the same."

I started making him one, too. I went to hand him his, and reached for it at the same time, and I knocked over the the jar of jelly. I blushed and looked down shyly, and that's when i noticed his belt buckle.

I dropped to my knees and began looking at his belt buckle like it had just fallen from the sky and landed right on Gerard's pelvic region.

"Uh.. Roxie? What are you doing?"

"That's the coolest belt buckle I've ever seen."

"Oh," he said, sort of relived. "Yeah. It's a bat."

"I've never seen one like that before! It's awesome!" I began tracing it with my fingers, and I could tell he was getting...erm...excited by it. I jumped up, and went back to making sandwiches.

"Roxie!" Mary cried, running into the kitchen. "Frank got me wet!"

I tilted my head to the side and looked at her. "Ew."

"You pervert!" she squealed, but laughing at the same time.

Gerard's eyes went wide. "I know! She just went down on me!"


"I was looking at his belt buckle, I swear!" I yelled, glaring at Gerard for saying it like that. "And I'm not the one who got 'excited' from it."


"If you wouldn't have been rubbing my belt buckle all sexy like-"

"It was shiny!"

He rolled his eyes. "Do you normally touch all of the shiny things you see?"

Mary looked at me, then at Gerard. "Actually, she does."

"In your face, Gerard!"

"You're so immature."

"You're no fun."

"You're a stupid hag."

"You're a complete idiot."


"Fag boy."



"Fan girl."


"Quit it! Both of you!" Mary shrieked. She did that a lot lately. "You were getting along fine, earlier, according to Mikey and Ray."

"We were," I added, helpfully.

"Yeah," Gerard said, thinking about earlier. His eyes brightened. "You know what I just now realized?"

"What?" Mary and I said in unison.

"Roxie's the girl that was making faces at us on the interstate!"

"I was actually making faces at the people in front of you, but I never moved when you guys were beside us. You're not special enough for me to make faces at, sweetheart," I replied sweetly, taking a bite of my sandwich.

This boy was gorgeous, and he could sing. But after he called a redneck, I really don't see us being friends.

"And you're not exactly sane enough to get away with it, sugar," he said, again with the smirking.

"Yeah?'re ugly."

"Roxie, let's go!" Mary cried, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen.

"Gladly!" I said, glaring at Gerard. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know, but I'm getting you away from Gerard."
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