Categories > Original > Drama > The Shinobi School

Chapter 3: Clean Up and Fistfights

by Suke_Kawamoto 0 reviews

The students are discovered by the sensei, and ordered to clean...though it doesn't always work that way....

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor - Published: 2005-11-28 - Updated: 2005-11-28 - 834 words

----------Last Time----------
"You should feel special....I have only had to use that jutsu probably....2 to 3 times......My body will be sore for a while so dont expect me to fight under my best conditions next time."

----------To Continue----------
Katami was totally exhausted, but stood up. "Hey! Nice fight! You're good...maby we should do it again sometime,nice taijustu technique there and...I don't know...thanks, for catching me. Katami looks around in the dojo.
"Hmm, we made a big mess here. Maybe we should clean this up before the sensei comes back..." She started to walk, but fell down. "...But first, rest a little." She looks at Fudokage with a big smile.
He was already laying on the ground closing his eyes. "Yes. Sleep." He fell unconcious.
"ORO?? You're not dead; are ya?"
Suke came running out of the main building. "OY!!!!!!! Who gave you permission to fight outside of class?!?! You realize how much noise you were making?! An enemy could have come up behind you both and attacked!" she growled, "BAKA!!!!!" She smacked all 3 of them upside the head. "Get inside. Time for lunch." She muttered to herself, "I don't believe this....didn't they realize this?!"
Katami looked repentant, and bowed before the sensei. "Gomenasai...we didn't think of that...we will clean the dojo as well...please don't kick us out! I started it! So i will take the responsibilities...or so i think i will."
"No.I should have realised. I thought that maybe you had others to guard outside and whatnot. It's ok. I take responsibility." Fudokage started cleaning the dojo.
Wyatt watched as a few students were talking amongst themselves. One of them even started to clean the dojo, which he hadn't even stepped foot in yet. He stepped inside to see who was cleaning.
Fudokage continued to clean. Katami yelled at him. "Hey!
Fudokage stared at her, then handed her a broom. "You will not win. I will show you how you really clean a dojo." he started cleaning like crazy.
"Don't try to insult me!!!" she started cleaning madly. "Ok, big guy, you won the battle, but i will win the WAR!! Let's do this!!"

"Er....I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." Wyatt said, watching the both of them argue.
"Oh no. You aren't interrupting anything.AND THIS IS HOW YOUR REALLY SWEEP!!!" Fudokage started sweeping the floor, and walking up the wall and to the ceiling sweeping all around him.
Wyatt simply stared. " you need help?"
"Ok!" he said, eager to show off his abilities. " where should I start?" he said, looking confused. Fudokage handed him a broom. "Start sweeping."
Wyatt grabbed the broom and started sweeping. He didn't know if he should show off his skills or not, but he swept anyway. "I'm new here. The name's Wyatt." he said as he swept.
"Cool.I'm Fudokage. I recently joined this school. So what are your talents? If we are to become team mates I think we should learn each others strengths."
"DAMN WITH CLEANING! The sensei's off let's fight!!" Katami yelled as she threw the broom towards the two guys. "Hope we'll be in one team...Now hajime!"

Fudokage picked up his broom, and threw it directly at Katami.
Wyatt's eyes glowed blue as he watched the broom fly. He reached his hand out, and wind shot out, slowing the broom down in mid-air. Fudokage leaped down from the ceiling as they all stood in a big circle. "So are we going for a free for all or 2 on 1?"
Wyatt used his wind power to make the broom hover in mid-air. "I guess a free-for-all would be fun." he said, smiling.
Katami caught the broom with one, before it reached her face, and broke it. "I didn't think that "sometime" will be this soon..."
Ryu appeared in the corner where she left. "Wooow... You made a big mess... Can I help you?"
"Ok. Cool." Fudokage put his hands together. "Kaze Bunshin no Jutsu." 2 Fudokages appeared from the wind as 2 of them attacked his 2 opponents. He then took this time and grabbed his scroll and summoned sasame(a replica of kisames sword....the shark guy in the akatsuki).
Katami stood in the circle, observing the other two. "Dammit; you two are on a higher level than me; nevermind; a practise makes you perfect..."
"Yeeey! Fight!" Ryu squealed.
Fudokage put sasame on his back, and pulled out his katana from his side and threw it at Katami.
"Nice..kaze bunshin..."
Wyatt stood back from the fight. He wanted to prepare, so he needed a bit of time. He kneeled down and concentrated, his eyes glowing blue again.


Next time: The students fight again, and again.....and again....

Author's Note: Hi again everyone! the Shinobi School thread has gone really really far. Already 50 pages, and its only 2 months (or so) old. Keep it up everyone!
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