Categories > Celebrities > Cinderella > Long, Cold Winter

Chapter 5

by robinzan 0 reviews

Someone finds true love. WIP Romance/Comedy, No Warnings Needed....yet

Category: Cinderella - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Published: 2005-11-28 - Updated: 2005-11-29 - 703 words

One Month Later

It's three o'clock in the fucking morning and we're out here doing what? Filming a fucking video! That's what we're doing. It's for the song "Don't Know What You've Got (Till It's Gone)". We're up here, in the mountain region of California and it's fucking freezing!! The damn director wanted to have the setting as sun-rise, sun-set. I'm sitting here, playing the piano and I can't feel my fucking fingers. God, why can't we get a normal director for once?

Did I mention that at the end of the video, there is a mountain that I am standing on, singing the outverse. Well, instead of taking the helicopter, which I wanted to do, I had to climb up this damn mountain. I almost dropped dead! Did I also mention that we just got finished filming "Gypsy Road" a couple of days ago? Yep, another video for another song of ours. I guess I should be thankful, now that I'm sitting here, just playing and singing.

Before I know it, we're finished. After two days of no sleep and making this thing, I can't believe that it's done. I look over to the sun. Sure enough, it was setting. Just goes to show how a little bit of thinking can pass the time away. I say a little prayer, before getting up and heading over to the trailer to change back into my normal clothes. Stepping into the trailer, I accidentally bumped into a naked Eric.

"Sorry," I said, laughing.

"Don't worry about it," he replied

I couldn't help but give him a quick glance up and down.

"Like what you see?" Eric asked.

"Not one bit," I replied, with a smirk, then went off to change.

After donning my own clothes, I stepped back out of the trailer and took a deep breath. You could smell the spring in the air. This is the kind of weather that I love. It just seems to pick you right up. I smile, then head off. I suddenly get this feeling that someone is watching me. I glance around, but see no one. 'Just my imagination', I think to myself. Still, I couldn't shake that feeling. I picked up my pace and finally reached my car.

Another Month Later

We decided to do a "mini tour", if you want to call it that. We are basically playing areas around the Northeast and loving every minute of it. I glance out to the crowd and smile. This is what I like to see. All those lighters flickering with the lights down. It's a wonderful sight. At times, it literally makes me want to cry, but I don't. At least, not in front of the guys. I love this Philly crowd. I yell out our thanks to the crowd, before heading backstage and sinking into a sofa.

"Oh man! That was awesome!" Fred exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. Jueff grabbed a bottle of water and took a big gulp from it.

"I can't wat to get onto the road," he stated, "It's going to be great."

I glanced his way and smiled. You see, we could talk to each other without using any words. I'm talking the whole band could. It is just something that happens when you've been together for so long. You know, like how twins communicate.

"I'm going to hit the shower," I said, standing up.

"We'll be here," Eric said, while drying off with a towel. I just chuckle, grab my stuff and leave. After about a half an hour, I make my way back to the guys. I'm clean, dressed and feeling pretty refreshed. I walk into the dressing room to notice the guys playing a game of Sorry. I laugh.

"You guys pick the strangest times to play a board game," I pointed out.

"Shhhh! I'm trying to take them out," Jeff replied.

I walked over to where they were playing and sat next to Jeff. Glancing at the board, I could see that this game was heavy. I watch them for a few minutes, then get up. "Ok guys. I'm heading home," I said.

"You sure?" Fred asked.

I nodded. "Catch ya later" and with that, I left.
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