Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's The Tearing Sound of Love Notes

To: Unsightly Female Beast - Love, Gerard

by nicole_ownsxxx 6 reviews

Falling asleep in someone else's bed can be awkward. Too bad Roxie and Gerard didn't know that. Then's it Truth or Dare gone wrong.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-26 - Updated: 2007-06-26 - 2023 words

Two days later, it was Christmas morning.

Frank, being the immature, awesome boy that he was, woke us all up at dawn, because, "SANTA CAME LAST NIGHT! I HEARD HIM! I REALLY DID!"

The rest of us stumbled out of our rooms, looking around. Donna had put up Christmas decorations up last night. Lots of them. I mean, they were up before, but it was extravagant today.

We sat around the Christmas tree in the living room where Gerard and I had attempted to murder each other two nights earlier, yawning, except for Frank. I think some one let him have coffee by accident. He really didn't need any.

"Okay," Donna started cheerfully. She was the only happy-looking one in the bunch. Everyone else looked pale and lifeless, aside from Frank, of course. We all had dark circles under our eyes and we were cold and pale(r). "Let's pass out the presents! Okay, Frank, this is yours, and so is this, and these," she said, handing him six boxes. We'd all wrapped Frank's presents, because we knew he'd like tearing the paper off.

"Roxie, here you go," she said, handing me five gift-holding bag things. "Gerard," she handed him some. "Mary-" more bags and boxes "Mikey... and then last but not least, Ray!"

"Gerard would have been last, Ray," I said.

Gerard threw a house shoe at my head. I don't know who's it was.

"Wait, there's two more boxes under the tree! Let's read the tags, shall we? This one says 'To: Repulsive Male Monster - From Roxie'-" Donna read.

"Oh, that's mine!" Gerard said, taking the bag.

"And this one says 'To: Unsightly Female Beast - From: Gerard'. You two are so nice," she stated sarcastically, handing me the bag.

I opened it, and found a Senses Fail shirt. Four sizes too big.

"You've gained a bit of weight," Gerard explained, after seeing me eye in in anger.

"Maybe, but I don't quite think that I've gone from a small to a XXL in four days. Ray made me buy you a good present," I told him, as he opened my gift to him.

"I hate Something Corporate."

"That's why I got it for you, sweetheart." I smiled at him.

Everyone got really cool presents, and Frank freaked out when he opened his potato gun. He was thrilled. Mikey screamed and ran out of the room, as Frank chased him. Mikey didn't have to be worried though, because the gun didn't have a potato in it anyway, and Donna promised she wouldn't give him one.

Mary almost cried when she got the locket from Frank, who'd made it all the more special by putting a picture of them in it. She kissed him on the cheek, and he mouthed "thank you!" to me as she hugged him.

Frank stayed down stairs and played with the remote control car that Ray had gotten him, as the rest of us went upstairs to Mikey's room. Gerard was on one end of the bed and I was at the other.

They were all talking about something, I think it was snowmen or whatever, but it was making me sleepy.

I'd just lay down. I wouldn't go to sleep. I looked at Gerard, and he was yawning. Then I closed my eyes and drifted off to to sleep.

"Shh! You'll wake them up! Take another picture!" Frank whispered. I could make out his voice perfectly.

"Okay!" Click. That was Mikey.

"I can't believe this," Mary cried. "I'm so glad we have a camera. There's no way Mom would believe this!"

"There's no way anyone who isn't here actually witnessing it would believe it!" Frank added.

"Dude! This camera's almost filled up with pictures of them!" Mikey told them.

Whoa. Wait. Them?

Who was them?

I was one of them. But...who was the other person? I slowly opened my eyes.

"Crap! She's awake!" Mary whispered loudly.

"Everyone out!" Mikey cried. "Hurry, before she screams!" Everyone ran out of the room, and then the door slammed.

There was a man holding on to me, and he was sleeping too.

Not just any man. Gerard.

He had his arms around me, and my face was buried in his neck. His messy black hair was all in his face, and he had a peaceful smile on his face. Our legs were intertwined and we were as close as we could possible be to each other, mainly because we were freezing and were huddled together for warmth.

Honestly, I'd rather freeze then cuddle with this man.

I started to get up, but he pulled me back down.

"Sugar, go back to sleep," he whispered softly, stroking my hair affectionately. He obviously wasn't awake, and was dreaming or something.

"Gerard, let go," I demanded angrily. I didn't want him near me, much less sleeping next to me.

After saying his Gerard's eyes opened wide, and he actually pushed me off the bed. "Ow!"

"I'd say I was sorry, but I'd be lying."

"Nimrod!" I shrieked. "You're so annoying sometimes, you know? Actually, I take that back. You're annoying all of the time. Right now, I want to strangle you."

"There are a million things I'd like to do to you right now, sugar," he said, looking me straight in the eye. "But I'm not going to."


"You're sick."

"And you're an idiot. I guess we're even."

"No, we're not."

"You're right; you're much dumber than I am sick."

"Must you be so immature?"

"You're the one that drew a picture of me as Sasquatch!"

"You're the one that annoys the hell out of me because you're miserable, and you insist on making me miserable, too."

"Do you even have a soul?" I asked. "Because from what I've seen, you're pure evil."

"I'm a sexy vampire. Evil? Maybe. But I make you swoon over me. Why else would you be holding on to me so tight while you were sleeping?"

"Don't give yourself that much credit, Gee," I stated, getting off the floor and standing up. "You were on the one who wouldn't let me get out of bed!"

"You're the one that didn't want to!"

"How would you know!?"

"Because! You think I'm sexy!"

"I think you're a self-centered, idiotic, retarded, egotistical waste of space!" I screamed, running out of the room.

"Yeah?" he yelled after me, running to the doorway and watching me walk down the hall. "You forgot to mention how you want my body, sugar!"

I groaned as I slammed the door. I was fuming, and trying to make myself calm down. I tried counting to ten, drawing, I even wrote a song (a good one, if I do say so myself) about murder, revenge, then getting away with murder and the satifaction after, and punching my pillow. yet I was still ready to scream.

Two more days, and we were leaving. Just two more days, and I'd never have to see Gerard ever again, except at Christmas, because Donna was making me come back next year. (She told me I was. I wasn't getting a choice. Not that I minded. I loved all my new friends. Except Gerard.)

I made my self think about the tour. The My Chemical Romance-less tour. The tour with the Infamous, and no Gerard. I smiled, knowing that It'd be a whole year before I'd have to talk to him again, and I calmed down.

Christmas dinner went by quickly, because they threatened to make Gerard and I eat outside if we said a word to each other, so we were quiet. We glared and stabbed our food violently the whole time, but we were quiet.

Then we all went outside and played in the snow, except for Gerard, who sat inside, wactching us through the window, drawing in his stupid little sketchbook.

Mary, Ray, and I were having a snowball fight against, Mikey, Frank and Donna.

We'd built snow forts and everything, and when we got tired of that, we had a snow angel contest. Mary won, but that was only because Frank helped her up so she wouldn't have any handprints on her angel.

She cheated.

It got dark, and Donna was sleepy, so she wished us a Merry Christmas and went upstairs to sleep.

"TRUTH OR DAAAARE!" Frank screamed as soon we heard Donna's door shut. "Who's in?" he asked excitedly.

There was a chorus of "me!"s and "I'm in!"s aroudn the room.

"Uh, Mikey, you're first!" Frank randomly selected. "Truth or Dare?"


"Wimp. Okay. So have far did you and that hot chick you went on a date with last week get?" Frank asked suggestively.

He mumbled something, but we couldn't hear.

"Mikey, sweetheart, you're talking to humans. Not bats. Say it louder," I told him.

"Third base."

The boys clapped for him, and his face was beet red.

"Gerard!" Mikey picked. "Truth or Dare?"


"Kiss Roxie."

"NO!" Gerard and I screamed in unison.

"I'm not letting that..thing you call your brother kiss me, so try again," I said icily.

"And I don't want my lips to rot from herpes or whatever it is she has, so I guess I'll have to get another dare."

"No!" Mary said. "You have to kiss her! That's the rules!"

"Your rules suck!" I told him. "Fight the system! Get new rules!"

"That takes all the fun out of the game, though," Frank whined. "Just kiss her. It's easy. Just press your lips against hers and-"

"I know how to kiss a girl," Gerard snapped.

"Then do it!" Ray yelled.

"Mary, you're my best friend, and Gerard's sister. Don't let them do this to him. Please?" I begged, looking at her with the saddest eyes I could muster.

"No. Gerard, kiss the girl."

"I hate everyone in this room now," I declared.

"No. I quit."


"I don't want to die, Frank. You think I'd come out alive if I kissed her? No! I wouldn't!" he cried. "I'm going to sleep! Good night!" he added as he stomped up the stairs.

"Yes!" I cheered. "I don't have to kiss it, beacause it's really gross and moody and stuff!"I said.

"Fine. Roxie, your turn. Truth or Dare?" Mikey asked, bummed out because he hadn't made Gerard and I kiss.


"Where'd you and Ray really go the other day?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ray and I burst out in laughter. "We went to the mall! To buy Christmas presents! You're icky!"

"You didn't notice all of the shopping bags we had on the way in?" he asked between burst of laughter.

"No," everyone replied sheepishly.

We continued playing Truth or Dare well into the night, and Frank ended up getting naked and making a snow angle outside, Mary confessed she'd made out with Bob once, Mikey had to let me do his makeup and put him my clothes for the rest of the game, and Ray had to kiss (a still naked) Frank. And that was only one round.

The next morning I woke up with Ray's head on my belly, and I snuggled up to Mary, who was snuggled up to Frank, who had Mikey's head on his chest. Donna was taking pictures.

"Mikey looks like a girl," a wet Gerard said. I guess he'd just gotten out of the shower. He had appeared behind Donna while she was taking pictures of us.

"Gerard!" Donna said. "Go lay down with them, and act like you're asleep! It'd be a cute picture!"

"Mom-" Gerard started.

"Do it!"

He groaned, but picked up Ray's head and his massive hair and cuddled up to me, and laid Ray's head on his stomach.

"Wha's goin' on?" I asked sleepily, sitting up. Gerard yanked me back on the floor.

"Pretend you're asleep, you dip," he whispered harshly after pinching my arm. I turned around and bit his neck. Hard.


Donna took three pictures (including one of me biting Fag Boy's neck), then said we could get up. By that time everyone but Frank was awake.

"You people take a lot of pictures of people sleeping," I mused.
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