Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's The Tearing Sound of Love Notes

I hate you, Skankpuppet.

by nicole_ownsxxx 7 reviews

Roxie says good bye to the boys and goes home, to find out something shocking that happened to Katie.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-26 - Updated: 2007-06-27 - 1403 words


It was time to go.

Don't get me wrong here, I loved Ray, Frankie, Mikey, and Donna.

Ray was one of my best friends, Frank cracked me up, Mikey was the biggest nerd I'd ever met and I loved him for it, and Donna was sweet.

But Gerard...

I won't even start with him.

I was sick of staying at the same house as him, and he'd taken up the habit of singing "Roxanne" everytime I walked into a room that he was in, then started addressing me as "Skankpuppet" instead of Roxie. That's actually his new nick name for me now.

Lovely, isn't it?

I still don't think Mikey and Mary are related to him. I'm convinced they were switched at birth, actually. I even asked Donna if she had proof that she was his child. There has to be the real Gerard Way somewhere out there, and he's just as sweet as Mary and Mikey.

I packed my things and Ray carried them down stairs for me, because he's nice like that. Frank carried Mary's things down, and we carried all of our Christmas presents in the biggest gift bag we could find.

I looked in the full-length mirror that was in my room.

I had a bruised cheek, a fat lip, a cut on the other cheek, and bitemarks all over my arms, but you couldn't see those because I had a black hoodie on. My legs had bruises all over them, too, from Gerard kicking me every night under the dinner table.

I looked like a train wreck. Gerard walked into my room.

"I hate you, Skankpuppet," was all he said.

"Erm. Okay. I hate you, too, Gee," I replied.

"That's nice. Hurry up and leave. You're annoying."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll leave when I'm good and ready, Fag Boy."

"Well, could you make it soon? I think I'm actually starting to break out from your presense," he said.

"No. You're just ugly."


"Kind of hard to be a whore when you're a virgin, babe."

"You're not a virgin," he stated.

"Oh? And you would know this how?"

"Well, you're too pretty," he said smugly.

"And because I'm 'pretty', I'm not a virgin?"

"Pretty girls aren't virgins when they're twenty-two. I would know."

"Pretty Christian straight-edge girls are," I said in an annoyed tone. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be somewhere."

"And where is that, sugar?"

"Away from you." I pinched his side as I walked by him, and he kicked my bum.

"Please hurry. I can't have you being late."


We said our good-byes outside, and it was snowing lightly.

"Bye, Ray! You totally have to come see us on tour! Call me and I'll give you the tour dates when I get a schedule, okay?" I told him. "Just promise me Gerard doesn't come. I can't stand him."

"I can't promise that, Rox."

"What do you mean?"



I turned around and Frank tackled me into the snow. "Ima miss you, baby doll," he said in some weird high pitched voice.

"Ima miss you, too, honey buns!" I said in a girly version of that voice.

Mary laughed. Frank turned to her and randomly said, "You know if you took the 'r' out of your name, you'd be May Way."

"Aw, Frankie, I'm gonna miss you!" she said, hugging him. "Even if you do smell weird. And are random."

I got off the ground just in time for a hug from Mikey. "Next time you come visit," he said excitedly, "We're watching all of Tim Burton's movies, okay?"

"That'll be awesome!"


He hugged me, and Donna hugged me, too, and told me she couldn't wait until next Christmas, and that Mary would have to bring me home with her from now on.

"Go home, loser."

"Shut up, creep."

Gerard threw a snowball at me. What a clever response.

We waved everyone good-bye one last time, and drove away.



That was the first thing I heard when Mary and I opened the door to our apartment. There was hardly anything in it because Jenny and Katie had already put most of it in storage.

"I MISSED YOU TWO!" Katie screamed as she hugged the life out of me.

"How was Jersey?"


"Then why do you look like you lost a bar fight?" Jenny asked, giggling at the sight of me.

"Gerard Way."

"Wait a second... He hit you? I'm gonna kick his fuc-" Jenny ranted angrily. She was very protective of us.

"No! We just got in a fight. He fights like a girl."

"You should have seen it," Mary added. "It was horrible. They would have killed each other if Mikey and I hadn't pulled them apart. Then Roxie saw snow, freaked out and ran outside, and Gerard followed her. He could have attacked her, but they just had the most violent snowball fight I'd ever witnessed in my entire life. I'm serious. Roxie snuck a rock in the middle of one of her's and hit Gerard in the forehead."

"Yeah," I said fondly, remembering him screaming at me, and every snowball after that had a rock in it, from both of us. That's probably how I got that bruise on my cheek.

"Katie got arrested!" Jenny cried.

Our jaws dropped. "What?!" Mary and I cried in unison.

"You remember when I called you? And then I was all worried because Katie hadn't called me? Then she did?" Jenny said, laughing. "She called me from jail!"

"Oh my God!" Mary screamed. "What'd you do!?"

"I smartmouthed a cop," Katie said quietly. "It's not my fault though! He pulled me over because I was ten miles over the speed limit on a straight stretch, in the middle of the day with no other cars around. And he was extremely fat. He was going to give me a ticket!"

"Tell 'em what you said, Kate!"

"Well, he was like, 'Ma'am, I'm gonna hafta give you a ticket for speeding,' and I was like, 'You better hurry up. The donut shop closes in ten minutes.' So then he asked me what I just said, and I told him he must have seen something fried and got distracted, so he was like 'Please step out of the car, ma'am.' And I said, 'No. I have a milkshake in the cup holder and I don't want you stealing it.' Then I was arrested."

"I can't believe that! Were you drunk?"

"No. I'm just stupid."

"Wow," I mused. "The one time Katie's a bad girl, I miss it. Darn it!"

"Well, you sure did. I'm never doing that again."

"Wow. Most of the time it's Jenny that gets in trouble on trips," Mary said. We were both laughing at the thought of Katie mouthing off to ... anyone really.

"Enough about that! We've got to pack for the tour!" Katie cried, stomping out of the room.

As soon as her bedroom door slammed, Jenny, Mary and I busted out laughing. We finally stopped, and washed everything we'd wore, repacked it, and packed everything we hadn't taken into another bag.


By the end of the week, the apartment was cleaned out completely, and our stuff was in the car on the way to the place where we were checking in for the tour.

We all grabbed our stuff out of the back, and Mary, Katie, and Jenny all had roller bags (Three of them. Each. They were smart.) I, however, was dimwitted and had three huge bags, and I was carrying a gym bag with everyone's make-up, CD's, iPods, hair products, bathroom stuff, and books. Mary's drum kit and all of our guitars were being handled by some one else.

I was stumbling around, trying to keep up with the others, but it was hard. My bags where heavy. I stumbled and fell, and every thing fell out of my hands.

"Lovely!" I screamed. "That's just lovely!"

"Don't be so dramatic," a man's voice said. I knew that voice. I couldn't quite remember who's it was, though.

"Don't be a jerk. I just dropped everything, and my friends didn't even look back," I said, not looking up at him, but instead gathering the things that had fallen out of a half-open bag.

The man grabbed two of my bags, and helped me up.

When I looked up, I was face-to-face with a smirking Gerard Way.
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