Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Fate

Deep Connections Never Die

by story_master 1 review

After finally defeating Cronus the heroes go their separate ways, leaving their true feelings untold. But on New Year's Eve 5 years in the future Cronus escapes again. With the heroes scattered acr...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-06-27 - Updated: 2007-06-27 - 1838 words

Tory:Okay I am SO sorry for waiting this long! But if you read my note on ficwad a while ago you knew I'd be vanishing for a while. For those of you just on fanfiction who didn't read it, I'm SO sorry if you feel like you've been abandoned by me. But exams are FINALLY over, pretty sure I did okay too, and I'm so anxious to update everything! But I do have some more bad news (don't hate me ^.^) I may, MAY, be putting a few stories on hiatus for a while. But not really a hiatus. I will just update them from time to time VERY sparsely. Just so that I can put 110% into my other stories. I will definitely try to update as often as I can from now one. Anyways enough outta me and onto the hopefully much, much awaited chapter! ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Go back a few chapters if ya wanna read it, which I highly doubt.

Flashbacks- italics**


Deep Connections Never Die

She sat at the airport with her luggage. She had done it. Finally, after all these years of running. She had told someone of her past. And there's nothing else she regrets more. It was a huge mistake.

She stood as her flight was called for boarding. She was going back to it. Back to her home, back to her self, back to reality. She just hoped that things hadn't changed too much. Little did she know...


The flight had landed around ten that evening and the sun had long since set. The cool air of winter nipped at her skin as she stood on the sidewalk, so she pulled her coat closer to herself. The brownstone stood before her, in all its nostalgic glory.

A sad expression was set on her face as she was pulled through memory after memory. The once lively and energetic home was now deserted and empty. Lifeless.

She forced her feet to move up the dirty cement steps and her hand to turn the rusted old doorknob. 'He must've left too...' she thought as the horrendous care of the old place set in her mind.

She walked into the front hall and looked at the living room. Everything was still there- the couches, the table, the t.v.- but, it was all covered in dusty white. Like it was a ghost house. Another memory flashed through her mind. This one clearer...

"Jay! Stop it!" she screamed as he mercilessly tickled her. It was one of his rare moments when he was playful.

"Not until you say it." he grinned as she squirmed beneath his finger tips.

"N-nev.. never!" she shouted in laughing agony.

"Then be tickled!" he shouted playfully.

They had been on the couch. He had been reading and she had snuck up on him. Now she was lying on the couch beside him giggling for her life. Then she attempted to push him away, but only ended up flipping them over onto the ground. They landed with a soft thud as she fell onto of him...

A sad smile graced her lips. She'd had been so close. But he'd always been too far away to grasp. She walked over the kitchen doorway and leaned against the frame. Remembering all their morning squabbles. A sad laugh escaped her...

They were all sitting around the kitchen in various places. It was quite until Archie "accidentally" dumped his cereal on Neil head. Then a war had broken out. A war of fruit, cereal and toast. They were all laughing and running for cover. It was a fun morning...

Their smiling faces all seemed so distant. Their vibrant spark of life, so far away. Them millions of miles apart.

She walked to the stairs and stood there for a moment. The dusty wood bringing another memory forth...

"Come on Atlanta." she urged her stubborn friend as they stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"No. It's stupid. You guys are way off." she retorted.

"We all know it's true. You two just need a little push. Just ask him out already." she pressed.

"We're just friends. And if anyone needs a push it's you and Jay!" she shot back, grinning.

"You're not going to do this easily are you?"

"I already told you: I do not lo-ove... chick flicks Theresa. I will not go see a sappy movie with you." her face had turned a most interesting shade of red when Archie came around the corner mid answer...

She climbed the stairs and looked down the hallway. Memories flickered past her vision and it was like seeing ghosts go by. A cool breeze went by her and she took another step into her past. She walked by Atlanta's old room and stopped at her own. It was just the way she left it.

She walked in and ran her fingers only the dusty walls before setting her eyes on the desk. It was where she had left her note- her coward's way of leaving. A spike of anger towards herself passed through her before sadness reigned again. A glint of white caught her eye just as she was about to leave. A paper? 'Did he never read my note?'

She walked over and picked it up. It was a picture of her and Jay. Tears stung her eyes as she remembered scrawling her goodbye down...

Her unsteady hand set the pen to the paper. It was just so hard to do this. She didn't want to say goodbye, but she had to. Slowly she started, each curve of a letter bringing on more tears. She let out a tear choked laugh- not even an hour ago she was happily talking to her friends. Now they were gone. Now she was leaving too.

She had silently taken her things down the stairs and loaded them into her car. Then she snuck back up to place the note on her desk for Jay to find. Though she was hesitant. It didn't feel right to leave, but she knew she couldn't stay. After a few more tears she gently put it down and left her room. She stopped at the front door at looked at it for a moment.

"I'm sorry Jay..." then she left...

Forcing her tears to stop, she turned away from her room and headed else where. More specifically to her favourite spot of the old place. The roof. She opened the old creaky door and let the frosty air hit her skin. It almost burned it was so cold. She stepped onto the snow dusted roof and looked up- new snow had begun to fall. Another sad smile crossed her face.

She sat on the edge of the roof when she had spent so many nights watching the stars so long ago. Once, Jay had told her their names. But now she'd be lucky to name ten.

All she wanted to do was cry then. Everything was so lifeless. It's amazing what five years can do to a place. Things were so dull. But, she wouldn't cry. No, she wouldn't let herself cry another tear. And they didn't fall.

A crash from inside the abandoned house stirred her. 'Jay!' She got up and looked to the door. Had she heard right? There was another sound. Yes. He was there! She raced down the steps and through the house, searching for him.

"Jay?" she called out, hopefully.

Nothing. She ran to the first floor where another sound had come from. "Jay?"

She stopped in the middle of the room, her sad demeanour taking over again. He wasn't there. She was still all alone. All alone in a cold, dark place.

"Theresa?" the distant voice called, sounding confused.

"Jay?" she called back.

Footsteps sounded from the third floor and she raced up the stairs again. She made it to the top floor and found it, too, empty. Her memories, that's all it was. Her memories haunting her cruelly.

"Theresa?" the voice called again, this time louder.

She didn't move this time. All she did was stand and gaze at Jay's old bedroom door. It all still looked the same. Footsteps came louder and louder behind her and she turned around.

"Theresa! See I told you it was her voice!" she was pulled numbly into an embrace as another set of footsteps raced up.

"Alright, alright. You were right." a smile came to her face at the sarcasm laced in his voice. Even after all that time.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked as she finally returned the embrace.

"Just couldn't stay away anymore, y'know. It was like something was pulling us back here for some reason." he replied and she nodded understanding that feeling.

"What are you doing here Theresa?" one of her truest friends asked.

Her bright eyes went sad again. Her vision. "What is it Drama Queen?" the sarcastic tone was definitely the same as always, "OW! What was that for Atlanta?" And so was that.

"I had a vision about a week ago." Theresa said.

"Vision? About what? How this place could use a serious makeover?" another pair of footsteps came up the stairs. Wait, it was two.

"Neil! Odie! Good to see you guys!" Atlanta said cheerily.

"So what about this vision Theresa?" Odie asked after all the hugs were exchanged.

The five reacquainted friends headed back down to the living room where she told them about her vision. They were all silent for a while.

"Have you talked to Jay about it?" Atlanta asked.

"No. I haven't heard from him at all."

"Then I guess we're just gonna have to save his butt, aren't we?" Archie said trying to cheer Theresa up. It seemed to work because a smile came to her lips.

"Hey! Who said you guys could start the party without me?" a familiar voice asked from the doorway.


Theresa smiled. Maybe she didn't have to be so alone after all. She was surprised to hear that all of them were drawn back to the brownstone like her. 'I guess deep connections are for life...' she thought as the brownstone was once again full of life.

But there was always going to be that empty pain in her and in her life, unless Jay was there. They had to find him. They had to make their little family whole again. They needed to make each other whole again.


Tory: Awww, what a sweet little chapter. Please note the sarcasm there. So things are starting to come back together now. I'm not too crazy about the ending but oh well. I hope that you all enjoyed this. I'll definitely be updated sooner this time. But like I said I may put a few fics on hold for now. Probably this one and 'Reign of Darkness'. Sorry everyone. But, I'll try to work something out so that I don't have to do that. Anyways, please review! I've missed you all so much! :D Cheers!;D
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