Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's The Tearing Sound of Love Notes

Aww. I hate you, too, sugar.

by nicole_ownsxxx 3 reviews

Tour! First night on the bus! Oh noes!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-06-28 - Updated: 2007-06-28 - 1182 words

Having to share a bed with Gerard was a nightmare. He seemed to kick in his sleep, causing me to fall out of bed once or twice.

Not only was the bus freezing at night, but the ground hurt really bad, because the bed was tall enough so you could fit bags under it, and it was a higher fall than most beds.

So I stole the covers. I'd twist myself up in them. I was bruised and in pain, and Gerard was freezing the entire night. It was horrible.

By morning, Gerard and I had gotten maybe three hours of sleep, in little thirty minute naps for the entire night.

I walked tiredly into the kitchen for breakfast, yawning.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" Frank said. Who knows how long he'd been up.

"Good morning Frankie."

"Why aren't you happy this morning, Sleeping Beauty? Why aren't you beautiful?! You look bad!" he exclaimed. He looked seriously concerned.

"Gerard," I answered in monotone.

"Ew. He kept you up allllll night, eh?"

"Frank Iero! You're disgusting! Go finish watching Power Rangers!"

"Okay!" he called happily, skipping over to the living room thing and gluing his eyes to the TV. What a weird man.

I grabbed a poptart and layed down next to Ray, who was sharing a bed with Bob on what was supposed to be the kitchen table. Mikey was still asleep on the couch/bed thing. I'm guessing he had to share with Frank.

Poor Mikey.

I could see him tossing and turning, trying to ignore the cheesy sounds of the new Power Rangers. I liked the old ones. The new ones were stupid, though. Power Rangers Dinoforce and Power Rangers Ninja Sleeptime or whatever they called them.

I snuggled up to Ray, because it was still pretty cold and stupid me was wearing a plain black tank top and the Nightmare Before Christmas pajama bottoms that Mikey had gotten me for Christmas, after discovering I was a huge Tim Burton fan.

I was almost asleep when Gerard noisily stumbled through the hall, running into walls and cursing my name.

"Dammit, Skankpuppet!" he cried angrily. "Why do you have to be so horrible!? It was freezing last night!"

"Why'd you have to kick me out of the bed!?" I screamed back, just as loud.

Ray groaned. We'd woken him up. Oops.

"Can't you two get along for eight hours, so we can all get some sleep?!?"

I took a bite of my poptart. "Nope."

Bob was annoyed, too. "Look. Guys. We have a show in less than four hours, and if we don't get some sleep, we're going to suck. So go back to bed."

My band was still asleep. Ha! They were smart, and had taken the bunks.

"We caaan't, Bob. Everytime we're together it's a disaster! Please. Trade me! Share a room with Roxie!" Gerard whined.

"No!" Mikey screamed. I guess he'd given up on trying to sleep with Frank watching TV. "You're staying in there until you can get along!"

"But...It's my birthday!" I explained.

"No it isn't!" Frank said.

"So?! It's almost my birthday!"

"Your birthday isn't until April!"

"Well... it's not that far away," I tried.

"Roxie," was all Ray had to say to make Gerard and I stomp back to our room. He was the father figure, I'm guessing. Good. Katie was the mature out of the Infamous, but after she'd been arrested, we were too busy teasing her to actually listen to her. Mary had taken over the role of Mother.

I jumped on to the bed and snuggled under the covers, and Gerard snatched them from me.

"No! I was cold last night! You're not doing it again!"

"Gerard, please? I promise I'll share."


And that's how the three hours went that we were supposed to be sleeping. We argued over who got the covers.

I hate him.


"Hi!" I called from onstage, leaning into the mic. "Enjoyed the show so far?"

Intricate Circles, Love And Sharpies, and Pretty With Death had been before us, and My Chemical Romance were after us. Ray and Frankie made us promise to watch their show, but I didn't mind because I'd been dying to watch them anyway.

The crowed screamed in a response.

"We have Mary Way on bass, Katie Hunt on drums, and Jenny Farsen on guitar! Aren't they pretty?" I asked.

They all screamed again, and some one yelled "I LOVE YOU MARY!". It sounded a lot like Frank.

"I'm Roxanne Knowens, and we are the Infamous! Now, this first song is about a special boy I met during Christmas, and this dedicated to you, Gerard! GO!"

We launched into our first song, which was the one I'd written about Gerard during Christmas. All about hate, murder, violence, gore and whatever other mean things I could get into it. We'd practiced it the week after Mary and I had gotten home whenever we weren't packing up our stuff. It took five days of three hour practices to get it perfect, but we did it.

We could only play three songs, and the time onstage seemed to go by quickly.

"Up next, is My Chemical Romance! They're awesome, never heard 'em play, but we're sharing a bus with them! You'll love them!'ll probably hate Gerard, but that's okay, because the rest of the band makes up for his stupidity!"

The boys walked on stage as people replaced their instruments with ours. Gerard grabbed the microphone.

"Thanks for the introduction, Skankpuppet," Gerard said.

"I hate you, Gee!" I screamed from the side stage.

"Aww. I hate you, too, sugar."

He introduced the band, and then dedicated a song to me, like I'd done him.

"This song is called 'Thank You For the Venom', I and I dedicate it to Skankpuppet, or as you people know her, Roxanne Knowens. I don't know why my sister's friends with you, but here it goes!"

I listened to the lyrics. Wow. We really hated eachother. Ray had the most awesome guitar, as did Frank, Mikey looked so cool on stage, and Bob rocked out.

Gerard's voice..however annoying I found it when we were talking.. was amazing when he sang. The entire was band was amazing. Wow.

"They're so good, Mary!" I cried over the screams of the crowd.

"I know!"

The rest of their show was awesome.

The next bands after them were boring, so we went back to the bus to hang out.

Gerard and I were getting along...erm..


We were tolerating each other and I watching Dora the Explorer with Frank when we heard a knock on the tour.

Bob opened it, and let some really skimpy girl on the bus.

Gerard's jaw dropped when he saw her, and she placed a hand on her hip and smiled.. Fakely.

"Hi," she purred, never taking her eyes off of Gerard, "I'm Anna."



another annoying person for roxie to hate! yay!
i love conflict.
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