Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Snow White Queen

chapter 3

by disturbedangel6 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-29 - Updated: 2007-06-29 - 619 words

"Ok dudes!" I yelled out but no one unfortunately listened.

We were at my house with Rachel, Terry, Tim, Rocky and John just trying to organize things.

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut Up!!!!" Rachel screamed with her extra loud voice which shook the room.

Everyone went silent and looked at us.

"Thank you Rach" I said.

"No problem Amy" she said and patted my back.

I smiled and faced the boys who were sitting on the dining table. "Ok, we got a new manager and so that's done, but now we need a new director for our clip. So does anyone know a director?"

Everyone's faces were blank then Rocky raised his hand up.

"Yes Rocky?" I said.

"Well um... I know this dude and he's real cool at directing, some of his clips have won some Grammy Awards"

"Whoa, his name?" I asked gently tapping the table.

"Marc Webb, I even got his number"

"Great! Rocky you're better than anyone else in the world! I'll pass it on to the manager" I clapped my hands.

"Hey! I'm better than him!" John said.

"Whatever" I replied.

"That's good work Rocky, you deserve a reward tonight!" Rachel said seductively.

Rocky stood up with a huge smile on his face; "I can't wait!!!" he jumped up and down.

I couldn't help but laugh.


We arrived to a place in L.A; Ray said it was some place that will be good to shoot our clip 'Welcome to the Black Parade' and Ray is the brain of our band so I went along with him.

"Hey Blondie" called out Marc our director who was pushing pass people to get to us.

"Hey!" I frowned, "Don't call me that" I said and shook his hand.

Bob started laughing from behind me; I gave him a death stare which shut him up. Everyone's been teasing me about my newly dyed blonde hair and it's frustrating, I don't care what people think they should keep it to themselves. I mean I'm a rock star.

"Sorry Gerard, I was just playing around with you, your hair will suit your uniform perfectly" said Marc, "SO why don't we
try out the costumes?"

"Whoa, so the costume I drew is like... a real costume now?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Cool, let's try it out!" said Mikey, he was excited about it
because he thinks the costume will suit him. Whatever.

"Gerard, I'm hoping I look hot in it" Frank said from behind me. "'Cause I need to look hot for my beautiful female fans out there"

I sighed, "Don't worry, we all will look... hot" I said and we proceeded to the dressing rooms.

"Whoa, we look mad" Ray said as he looked at his reflection.

"I told u so" I replied.

We all went out of our dressing room looking for Marc Webb.

After thankfully 5 minutes we found him talking to a group of dudes. Bob suddenly grabbed my arm causing me to jump.

"Shit! Bob. What the hell is your problem?" I asked, frowning at him.

Bob didn't take his gaze off something, his face showed some form of confusement or something, he opened his mouth a couple of times but nothing came out.

"Bob?" I asked. "Hello? Dude? You ok?"

"Dude... I know that girl..." Bob finally said without looking at me.

"Uh... that's good" I said.

"Hang on! It's Amy Lee!" he raised his voice.

"Amy Lee?" I froze, the girl from the TV interview?

Bob jogged towards Marc, "Babe! Amy, I've missed you!" he yelled.

I felt myself breathing and sweating rapidly. I heard Amy's reply and giggle, I couldn't dare to turn to them, I'm awfully shy!

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