Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm Not OK

This is How I Dissapear

by mcrluver4life113 3 reviews

This is a long one. Let me know if it's too descriptive... i had to cut out a lot of boring parts cuz it was sorta pointless... You'll like it, i hope, and please review:)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-06-30 - 2315 words - Complete

This Is How I Disappear
I was staring out the window at the rainy yard. It was 11:00, and I figured Gerard would have forgotten me. He had more important things to worry about besides boring old Mindy. But I guess I'm really Mindy Way. Or whatever Gerard, or my mom, named me before they put me up for adoption. They where only 16 after all. Every time a car passed, I would follow it up my road, past my house, then down towards the Texaco station at the end of the road.
"Don't worry, honey, he'll be here. His plane probly got delayed for awhile. Why don't you go to sleep on the couch and I'll wake you when he comes." Marge was rubbing my back and leaning her head on my shoulder. I nodded, reluctantly, and trudged over to the couch. I layed down and Minnie jumped out of her dog pen and curled up around my legs. I didn't sleep at all.
I heard a car pull up and my eyes shot open. I couldn't mistake the sound of a Taxi cab pulling up on the gravel we call a driveway. I bolted for the window, Minnie falling to the floor with a whine of protest. I barely noticed. I looked out to see two figures climb out of the cab. I couldn't make out their features, but I knew they where both men. Gerard, I hoped, and his brother? I'll find out soon enough, I thought. Marge was asleep on the armchair. She stirred to life when she heard me get up. It was well past Midnight.
"Suzie!" I whispered as loud as I dared in the silence. "SUZIE!" this time it was more of a desperate sob.
"Mindie, calm down. I'm coming!" she ran for the window, putting a comforting arm around my shoulder. We watched the two figure slowly approach the house in anticipation.
"113, Elizabeth Drive, please." I said the cab driver. Wasn't I famous enough to get a carpool? Guess not.. Mikey was playing with his black nailpolish, which was more like little spots here and there where he didn't pick it all off.
"So, whre ds ths grl lve?" he asked, through his fingers as he bit his nails.
"Didn't you just hear me tell the driver?" I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.
"Yeah, but I've never been to Rhode Island before. OK, once in the warped tour, but other than that, never been."
"It's not that big, Mikey." I looked at him, exasperated.
"Yeah, well, I've never been to Warwick, so don't blame me if I have no clue what the hell you mean." He looked at me, rolling his eyes. He turned away and put his head on the window. He was bothered, and I couldn't blame him. He just found out he had a niece that I barely knew about. I was there for her birth, but left shortly after. Her mother vanished, probably put her up for adoption then shoved a gun in her mouth. I got her pregnant when she was only 16, a part of my past I so easily hid. I figured she died along with her mother, but knowing she was alive and healthy was definitely a shock to me. Maybe her mother was alive, too. Who knew. I got a daughter out of this mess, maybe I'll get a wife. Eliza left me after she found out I had a kid. Again, could you blame her? I had horrible luck with women. At least Mikey's happily married, I thought, partially jealous at his infinite luck with girls, especially Alicia. But, not the point. The car slowly pulled up to a small white house. The shutters where the annoying green only an old lady could love. A nice old lady, I hoped. I don't want my daughter to be abused like the kids from all the stories. Has she had adoption parents before? What about her foster mother? (Or father) Mean? All these questions going through my head I barely noticed Mikey hand the driver twenty bucks then open the door. I got out myself and headed slowly towards the door of this luckily cheery house.
I watched as the two figures slowly approached the door of the home I knew and loved since I was only three years old. I could just make out that one had a hood on. Probably Gerard. He was trying those as a fashion experiment lately. Then it hit me, and time slowed down. I was going to be famous. So famous that I would be on the covers of ALL the tabloids, all the teenybopper magazines that even I read. Life as I knew it was gone. Gone to hell. All those people I hated, the ones who called me an emo freak with too much eyeliner, they where going to wish they never messed with ME! I was Gerard Way's long lost daughter from Warwick, Rhode Island, and I was going to leave this town forever and forget about all my old friends. I was never going to see Minnie have puppies. I was never going to see Suzie break up with John, her currently cheating boyfriend. I was never going to see Mrs. Lucas, my evil substitute, finally die. My life was crumbling down, and yet it was also going upward in a way. Time regulated and I snapped back to reality. The knock at the door brought me fully back. Suzie read my mind, metaphorically of course, and went to get the door. I really didn't want to be the first to see him. When she opened it, she made a sound like she was going to puke.
"Uh, c-come in, Mr. W-Way, uh, and, um, Mr. Way." She looked so nervous I almost laughed, but I realized who was in my presence. I kept my eyes focused on his left hand, where I found no wedding band, like before, but a line where it was. I hope I didn't ruin any relationship he had, I thought, feeling horrible. For the first time I looked into his eyes. He was looking into mine and I realized he had my eyes. Hazel, with a hint of green. I looked at his face, unmistakably Gerard's. High cheekbones, a slightly down turned mouth, strong chin. He matched my black hair and hazel eyes perfectly, side for the blonde hair he so selfishly inherited, and it was weird that I never noticed the resemblance before. It was like looking into a mirror, and seeing a thirty year old male version of me. I would attack him with kisses if I wasn't his daughter. Damnit, my two favorite people in the world where my parent and my uncle and now I was depressed. They both looked gorgeous. Was it OK to say that about your father when he was Gerard Way?
When we knocked on the door, a blonde girl in her early teens answered.
"C-come in Mr, um, Way." She meant it to be for me, then she saw Mikey and repeated her statement. She probably wasn't expecting the Way brothers. Maybe she's a fangirl? I couldn't help thinking that my daughter was going to drool over me like Jackie from the plane. I looked over at where I figured my daughter would be and saw an empty room with an empty dog pen and a pile of toys only a boy of five would like. It looked like a decent house, especially if there where others. That meant this foster woman wasn't evil enough to get caught, at least. But, she was probably a good person, I was just being paranoid. I turned around when Mikey tapped my shoulder.
"Dude." Nobody but Bob has called me 'dude' since I was 26 and on crack. But, it sounded like a natural statement and coming from Mikey at that point in time. She was as beautiful as her mother, times ten. She was probably about thirteen, considering I was 29 and she was born when I was 16. You always hear about kids being born when the mother/father was sixteen, but I never really experienced it. It was so weird seeing her for the first time since she was days old.
"H-hi." I had to put all my effort into saying that one word. It was the only word I had ever said to her, after all. She looked into my eyes, finally. Her hair was falling lightly around her eyes. Then I realized, I was blonde. I bleached my hair, with the protest of ray and Eliza. The thought of Eliza made me want to puke. She was the only girl I ever dated, ever. But, if she couldn't except my daughter, she needed to leave. "Um, have you ever heard of us? You know, MCR?" she laughed, and it reminded me of Mikey. He noticed it too, because he let out a hearty "Dude"
"Heard of you?" she laughed, and she caught herself and looked back down at her feet. "Me and Suzie practically worship you." She started kicking and the carpet. Suzie, I supposed that was the blonde girl, chimed in.
"Um, what she meant to say was that....well...we have more than just the Black Parade in our cd case." She looked at Mikey with wide eyes. "Are you really married to Alicia S-Way?" Mikey looked up.
"Suzie, that was rude!" I snapped. I looked at her in disbelief. How could she say that? Did she know who she was talking to? I guess I had to tell her, "That's Mikey Way your talking to! Have a little respect!!" I looked at Mikey from the corner of my eye, and he was looking at me like I just shot Suzie in the head. Suzie, on the other hand, looked like she was going to cry.
"Wow, I didn't realize you actually cared about his feelings when just last week you wanted to kill Alicia Simmons, or should I say Way. I wouldn't be defending someone who needs defending against you.." She shot me the most disgusting look I've ever seen.
"Kristiana." Gerard blurted. Everyone looked at him. "Your name, it was Kristiana. I'm sorry if you liked the name Mindie, and you can keep it if you like, but Kristiana is what your mother liked, and it's what it says on your birth certificate." He could call me asshole if he wanted. With the look in his eyes right then, I wanted him to know names didn't matter. I looked over at Suzie. Suzie looked at me, and we both started laughing like hysterics.
"Sorry," she said through laughs, "It's just, we always fight and it never was about MCR. And it never got farther than talking. Never insults." I could see how one could find this unfunny, and you wouldn't know unless you knew me and Suzie.
"Sorry, that's not funny," I said, it came out like a question.
"Not really," Mikey looked at Gerard when he said it. Then he looked at me and smiled.
"Wow, it's late, and I'd like to talk to, Marge? Is that right?" Gerard looked at Suzie pleadingly. Why not me? I knew as good as her what Marge's name was? Suzie nodded. She walked over to me and grabbed my arm, dragging me into our bedroom. I looked up at the walls I was never going to see again, and saw a million pictures of my father staring back down at me. Suzie looked at me expectantly, and I knew instantly what she wanted.
"I can't believe Mikey's really married to that slut!" I blurted, knowing what was coming.
"YEAH! Oh my god, I can't believe you agree! She should, like, DIE! Did you see the way Mikey looked at me? He so wants me. All I have to do is get Alicia out of the way, which is where you come in-" I cut her off with my laughing.
"You teenie," I walked over to my bed and started taking down my posters.
"What. Are. You. DOING!" she squealed.
"Well, my dad is Gerard Way, my uncle is Mikey Way, and my mother hasn't been seen since my birth." I said, sarcastically, "I think looking at my father's picture every time I wake up is only OK if it's really his face looking down at me."
"So?!?!?!Maybe I want to look at his picture! If your just gonna throw them away..." she looked at me and waved her arms enthusiastically.
"Listen, you can keep the posters I don't take with me, OK? I'm leaving, if it hasn't dawned on you yet, and I have to pack up, well, everything!" Tears started to fall down my face and Suzie came over and hugged me. I held a picture of the whole band that Marge got signed for me last year. Her friend got backstage because she worked there. Tears from my face started falling down onto the paper, making large ink blots where they fell.
"Mindy, you don't want to ruin that. Here, let me put it away." She started to tug it out of my hand and I ripped it in half, as she gasped and shrieked and picked it up off the floor. It was useless now.
Well, you can probably tell that this takes place last year because he's 29 and at the moment Gerard Way is 30 (as of April 9th, yes me and my friends are stalking him) and just to let you know, i do NOT live in Warwick RI, as you may pick up from this story, but my cousins do
There is no Elizabeth Drive, and if there is i apologize for putting your house in my fan fiction and you can let me know and I'll change it to something less, your house-ish
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