Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm Not OK

To The End

by mcrluver4life113 3 reviews

Damn, i hate summaries. OK, this ones good cliff hanger tho, tee hee let me know, again, if its too descriptive and btw, i kinda don't like this chapter, so feedback would be nice if you really...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 1379 words - Complete

"I'm thinking about leaving her here while I go on tour and while she's in school." I looked at Marge, who was looking around he kitchen almost obsessively. Her eyes went from the room around her to direct focus on me as soon as I said it.
"Oh, honey, she'll hate that. Her only dream was to meet you, but, as you can see, it's already happened. Now, she'll probably want to get to know you more than just a man she sees in the summer when he's not on tour in China."
"May I say I've never been to China, but the Black Parade tour is going to Bei Jing." She looked at me with impatience, but she had a point.
"Listen, all I ask is that you bring her on tour. She could come for half, she could come for two weeks, but as long as she comes, she'll be happy."
"Well, I have paperwork to do before I adopt her and I have to go back to Jersey to tell my folks before the tabloids do." Mikey found out about it on the internet, just to point that out.
"Alright. She'll probably want a few days to herself and her friends so she can get say goodbye. That works out perfectly, because you'll be out of the state." She smiled hugely with every word. I liked her. Thankfully.
"Well, I could stay. I mean, mum and dad probably wouldn't like it if I didn't jump to come visit them, but I want to get to know her. I've never seen her, you know. Gerard has, once." Mikey cut in, taking a step towards the table.
"Hey, she was an infant! I want to see her too, and I don't think it's fair that you can hang with my daughter while I am forced to go back home and get nagged by mum!"
"Yeah, well, you brought this on yourself-"
"BOYS! Honestly, are you ever NOT fighting?!" Marge cut in, interrupting Mikey. "You'll both go! I don't think Mindie, or Kristiana I guess, would like it if a celebrity was following her around all the time, attracting attention!" she had a point, as usual, I assumed.
"Alright then," everyone looked at me, "Off to Jersey for some good old fashion paperwork."
I walked into an empty apartment. MY empty apartment. I threw my keys down on the table, scaring my bunny, Kitty, under the couch. It was summer, and I already wanted to kill myself. Gerard found our daughter, as I found on the infamous Internet. Kristiana... I hope he keeps that fucking name or I'll kill him myself. That name was passed down for generations, and I still loved it. I looked up at my wall, covered with pictures of my almost-husband and my almost-brother. Gerard was still absolutely fucking gorgeous after all these years. His eyes made me melt the same way they did when I was thirteen. So young, but still in love. I guess he didn't feel the same way, he was dating some fruitcake Eliza Cuts or something slutty like that. Well, at least he's happy. And now Kristiana was happy to boot. I just wish I could somehow meet her and she could meet...never mind, off subject. I looked at the computer screen, covered with bullets and links to plane ticket sites where I could get some way to Warwick RI. I just hope Auntie Marge was still as absolutely nice as before. My plan was to get to RI before Gerard whisked my daughter away to some fairytale land of wonders where her father get wasted and high and is always either singing on stage or sleeping. I didn't want that life, and neither should she. But, I still loved him. So much it hurt to think about that day, the pregnancy test, the rush of excitement and fear and regret all at the same time. It was hell.
I heard the door creak open and slam shut.
"Mom! I'm home!"
"You wanna hang today?" calling Elizabeth, my only friend from school other than Suzie, had become a habit I couldn't break.
"I'm going to the carnival today. You should tag along! Bring Suzie! You guys both need a pick-me-up." The phone clicked and I heard the infamous dial tone. It seemed the dial tone was all that would listen to me lately. Bummer much?
"Suzie! We're going to the carnival!"I called throughout the house.
I crawled into the old beat up cadlilac that Elizabeth's dad called a masterpiece. We all called it old smokey because that's all you can smell around it. We where headed to the loudest, most painful to be at place in all the world. The carnival.
"Where are we going first, Queen Lizz of whineland?" Suzie had a nack for nicknames and coming up with the ones that would bug you infinitely the most. Mine used to be Geeluver5000, but that changed now.
"Bitch," Queen Lizz of whineland looked back at us from her thrown at the front of old smokey. God, did the inside jokes never end with the three of us? Guess not, "We will be going first to the house of mirrors in order to easily, um, calm Min's nerves."
We all knew that translated into "We're going to the house of mirrors to ditch my geeky dad whether you liked it or not." I knew there was a reason I was friend with this freak.
The lights and sounds of the carnival where viable from a mile away, even in the overcast. I always did love overcast, for some reason. We walked through the large entrance with the annoying bows and ribbons we've all seen since we came to this place in the third grade. It always looked menacing to me.
The house of mirrors was a place for you to unwind and chill while you got infinatley lost in a field of confusion. Nice, right? Well, we headed in with our hopes low of ever achieving the art of making me feel better. My dad did ditch me about a week ago. Oh no, flashback time....
"I'll only be a couple of days," Gerard looked down at me with admiration and wonder, and I looked up at him like he was a god. We where definitely related, "I have to go meet your grandparents to straighten things out." He then bended down and kissed my forehead. Last month I would have spent a hundred dollars to just have him touch me, and now the thought repulsed me.
"Bye dad," I mumbled as he turned to go. He turned back around and gave me a look like I just told him he won a million dollars. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Believe it or not, that feels really good to hear," and he got in the cab and left me standing there like an idiot, but I felt great.
"Are you COMING?" Lizz called. I walked into the house of mirrors like it was nothing, but these things always did scare me. I walked in, randomly bumping into walls and soon I was laughing like I hadn't in days. I ran through, trying to catch up to Suzie, who was laughing just as hard. I ran into so many walls I got bruises on my elbows, but I didn't care. There was a window to the outside on my right. I looked out and saw a woman with long red hari, she looked like me, my nose, ears, skinny body. She saw me and her eyes widened. She took out her cell phone and a phone rang somewhere behind me. When I looked back, the lady was gone.
"OK, mom, I'm coming, chill." I heard a voice, very much like mine, from around the corner. I walked around, still bumping into walls, until I bumped into something soft, not a wall. I turned and at first thought it was another mirror. Until I looked closely, and saw that it was a real person. She looked exactly like me but with freckles and different clothes.
"Are you Kristiana? My mom told me about you. I mean, our mom. I'm Michaela, your twin sister."
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