Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Riot Girl

by maxiexcore1 0 reviews

Jac shows up and everything goes to Hell.Title from Good Charolette.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-07-01 - 538 words

Ryan's P.O.V.
'Perfect timing to show up and try to get me fucked up again, Jac.And I spent a lot of money on hours of therapy, trying to forget you." I thought as Jac walked up beside me and Honor, looking Honor over in amusement.
"Oh, so now, you've turned to robbing the craddle, Ryan.This'll go over with the cops very well, as it will with the press.Bet she isn't even fourteen yet." Jac spoke in a cold tone again.It made me shiver when I heard her voice.She'd never been like this when we'd been going out...
"I'm sixteen and the statutory rape law only applies if you're over twenty-one, bitch." Honor spat.I could tell the she really hated the fact that Jac had showed up.
"Hmmm.You're going to give your virginity up to a girl who's younger than you, Ryan." Jac said folding her arms, bemused.I felt my cheeks flush bright red because I'd never told Honor that I was a virgin and hadn't wanted to admit it to her.Honor looked from me to Jac, surprised. "Oh, so Ryan didn't tell you that he's never had sex before?Hmm.Must not love you then." I felt my face turning redder and redder as Jac spoke.Oh.How I wanted to punch her, but for starters, I didn't hit woman at all nor even if I did, I wouldn't be able to move my arm anyways. "He's too fucking afraid that it'll feel too good..."
Unexpectedly, another girl came out of nowhere and tackled Jac to the ground.Honor turned and bolted down to the other end of the corridor.Something unfroze my body and I took off after Honor, slipping my sunglasses back on and pulling my hood up as we darted out the doors at the other end.Honor took off so quick since she was slightly shorter than me and obviously more used to sprinting great distances in a short amount of time than I was.She zipped off in the crowd as I scrambled to follow her.My feet slipped and I fell flat on my face.Being tall, lightweight and lanky definitly had it's disadvantages at that moment as I scrambled to my feet.My sunglasses fell off my face and I grabbed them, keeping my head down as I pushed them back onto my face.
I looked around and didn't see Honor anywhere.She'd taken off so quick that I'd lost her in the crowd.
"Oh, shit." I mutter to myself and knew I was in trouble.I hate malls where you can't even find your way around without getting lost.I felt in my pocket and pulled my Nextel out, about ready to 2-way Honor until I realized that it had hit the ground with the same force, maybe a bit more, than I had when I'd slipped.I opened the phone and found that I'd been right about the phone.The whole front of the phone was cracked and the screen was blank.I sighed and looked around to see if there was a Nextel dealer nearby.Just my luck that there was.I'd needed a new phone anyway.
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