Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > I Write Sins Not Tragedies

Break Me, Shake Me

by maxiexcore1 0 reviews

Ryan finds out something about Honor that he doesn't expect.Title from Savage Garden.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-06-30 - Updated: 2007-07-01 - 687 words

Ryan's P.O.V.
Brendon and Honor had most definitly gotten off to a shitty start.Spencer was moving my bags into the hotel room that HE'D shared with Jon up until this had happened.Now, things were changing so fast that I had no clue what the fuck was going on.
"Honor, are you okay?" I asked her as she sat there, trembling on the bed.Honor looked up at me, looking so innocent that I almost though that she'd lied to me about not being a virgin.
"I...I...I have to apologize to Brendon." Honor stuttered, then stood up and headed towards the door. "Then, I'll be on my way and get out of your life.I've started total chaos by meeting up with you." She walked right into me and I gently grabbed a hold of her wrist.Honor looked me in the eyes and I just sighed, then let go of her wrist.I closed my eyes as I listened to her footsteps as she walked out of the room and down the hall.I opened my eyes and grabbed a shirt from my bag.She was already on the elevator by the time that I raced down the hall and the door was closing.
"Honor, I love you and I don't want to lose you." I shouted and I saw her move as if to stop the door but it closed too quickly for her to stop it.I saw the stairs and pulled a pretty stupid move.Being one of the skater/emo boys who's played the guitar in high school had taught me more than enough, but obviously not enough to stop my stupidity.I leapt over the banister and luckily landed on my feet.Four more jumps like that and I was wishing that I was Spiderman.It would of been so much easier then.Honor was coming out of the elevator and out of the corner of my eye, somehow I saw the gun.I didn't think at all.Honor was my only thought.I raced toward her and the moment that I had her in my arms and that she was on the floor with me, I heard gunfire. "Shit!" I swore realizing that in my rush, I hadn't grabbed my gun.
"Talk about shitty timing.That's exactly what killed Max." I heard Honor mutter. "Not one word, Ryan." I looked to her as she tied a red bandana around her head and pulled her hood up over her face.As she pulled a pair of black half gloves from her pocket and began to tie her black combat boots, which up until now I hadn't noticed that she'd been wearing along with her large messenger bag (shows how much I pay attention to girls when I like them, which has never really been a good thing for me, considering how many times I've gotten smacked across the face for not noticing something or forgetting something).I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.
"Honor, please explain to me what the fuck is going on." I looked at her hands as I suddenly realized that she held two .45mms in her hands and that she had one pointing right square at my heart.
"Ryan," She sighed, looking down at the floor. "if you don't let me go, I'll be forced to pull this trigger and right now, considering out current position as boyfriend and girlfriend, I really don't want to, but if I have to, I will.I don't want to shoot your heart out but if I have to, I will, considering that that was my job.To shoot your heart out.I don't want to...."
Honor's voice shook and I slowly realized what she was saying.She'd been meant to kill me and I'd fallen in love with her.I was mentally kicking myself for being so stupid.I felt my heart break and didn't want to let go of her arm, still in love with her.That was the moment that I wanted to die because of my stupidity more than anything.
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