Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Snow White Queen

Chapter 5

by disturbedangel6 0 reviews

other things happen....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-02 - 741 words


Today for me was a terrible day; I could not focus on what I was doing because of Amy. But I can't blame her can I? I should blame myself on getting distracted by her beauty. I'm such an idiot! Amy will never like me or even be friends with me. I sigh as I ran my fingers through my short blonde hair.

"Gerard and Amy sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Mikey whispered to my ear.

"Shut up" I said and I waved my hand to him.

"Am I right?" he asked and sat down next to me.

I looked at him, "Is it obvious?" I smirked.

"Well to me, yes. To everyone else, I don't know" he said matter of factly.

"Do you think she likes me?" I asked, I felt like a teenage boy in school again.

"hmmm..." Mikey paused to think, "Well I saw her check you out once"

"Really?" I asked with a huge smile on my face.

Mikey nodded.

"Hey dudes, you guys changing or not?" asked Ray.

We both shook our heads.

Ray then made a hand gesture and everyone as in Ray, Bob, Frank,

The Evanescence dudes and the gorgeous Amy Lee entered the dressing room.

My breath stopped in the middle of my throat as Amy walked in.

she had this beautiful smile of her face that I love, she made me happy.

"That video shoot was amazing. Is Marc Webb that amazing?" this dude with the black hair from Evanescence asked.

I couldn't speak so thankfully Mikey answered his question saying that he was great.

"This is so cool!" Amy said, "His directing is so mad, it will suit our songs too"

I swear I think I smile too much when Amy talks I mean her voice is so cute. I could imagine her saying 'I love you Gerard' right now.

"What? You want a marching band thing in our video?" asked the dude with the long dreadlocks.

"Terry you're so blonde!" Amy slapped his arm playfully, "No.
Marc will have ideas for our videos too. So I say we hire him for now, and decide later"

"Amazing, that's a great idea" the guy with the red hair said.

While this conversation was going on, I just kept my head low and just studied the floor, but just like always my eyes just went to Amy's feet. She was wearing dark grey chucks and blue skinny jeans, the jeans were tight which showed her curvy figure and amazing legs. In other words, she was hot. I'm not those guys that go out with hot chicks, I'm the type that goes for personality and Amy Lee had the personality that I liked and she's hot which makes it a bonus for me. I accidentally sighed.

How am I going to send a signal to Amy that I like her? I'm not the type that does the first move. Why? Why do I have to be a coward?!


I heard Gerard sigh, he staring down and his shoulders were slumped. He was sad or upset about something. It broke my heart terribly.

"Ok, we better tell him the good news then" said Bob.

We all nodded. The dudes all headed out the room and it was just me, Gerard and Mikey.

"Amy you coming?" Rocky popped his head in.

"Yea, two minutes" I answered him. I'm gonna try and talk to Gerard alone. I'm so scared there's like butterflies in my stomach and my heart was pounding in my ears. I looked at Mikey and somehow he understood and whispered something to Gerard's ear and exited the dressing room. I kept standing there for a few minutes trying to build up my courage to talk to him. This is so insane; I've never had a problem like this before. I took a deep breath in and sat next to him and I smelt his addictive scent which was cigarette mixed with cologne. I turned to him and watched him still stare at the floor.

"Are you ok?" I somehow managed to ask.

so...... this is it...... tell me wat ya think......

reviews = loves

i love u tooo.....

this dude read my story n said, 'isnt amy lee married?!"

so incase u guys ere asking yea she's married n yea gerard's engaged but that never happened in this story..... gerard did not meet eliza and amy did not meet josh....


plz review....

love u........
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