Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heven Is A Place On Earth

Meeting The Band and some Harsh Words

by sliz94 2 reviews

Gerard says some mean words to Steph.....will he ever trust her?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 1136 words

Ok it just hit me right then while I was sitting in Brians car that I was gonna meet My Chemical Romance.
I started smiling Brian noticed and started laghing.
"You exited?" Brian said.
"Really exited...but I was thinking maybe they wont like me cause I'm tweenty four?" I asked.
"No they'll love you, you wrote down that: Your really energetic so Franks happy, you can play guitar and drums and yet have a good time so Bob and Ray are happy, you can relax and play X-box and have coffe so Mikeys happy and you can sit down and draw and talk so Gerards happy" Brian said.

"Yeah your right...OH wait can I stop and hop into that shop" I said looking at the music store.
"For ten minutes" Brian said.
I walked in and saw Karmun, Siewmun and Steph.
"Hey guys im just here to get my guitar" I said.
"Hey Steph ok I'll go get it" Siewmun said and went to get it.
When she came out she handed me my black and red guitar.

"I have to go now cause Brians out said cause he has to drive me since the plane was delade ill call you all when I get there" I said waveing and giving them hugs.
"Ok seeya Steph" they all said.

I walked outside and put my guitar in the backseat.
"Nice guitar" Brian said.
"Yeah my dad got it for me for my fifteenth birthday" I said.

Ok so now we are at the tour bus I was gobsmacked, then we walked into the bus.
"Guys this is Stephanie Leam shes the winner" Brian said smiling.
"Hey Steph" they all yelled except Gerard he mumbled hey.
"Do you want us to help you get your stuff?" asked Frank.
"Nah I'll get it" I said.
They all nodded and had a shocked look obiusly the teenagers from the old comps made them act like slaves.

So I got my two bags (not that big just clothes and pads ;]) and back pack (that had my pen and notepads and mobile and charge and ipod and charge in it).

"WOW" screamed Ray, Frank and Bob (he can play guitar in the story ;]) when they saw my guitar then they looked at it.
I laughed then we all pulled out pictures Mikey showed me Alica his wife and Frank showed me pictures of Jamia his soon to be wife and Bob and Ray showed me pictures of their girlfriends, Gerard had none cause his girlfriend just broke up with him.
Then I brang my kinder photos out.
We all looked at them Gerard even laughed at them I laughed to.

"Ok well I don't have the names written on them but I remember there name I think" I said with a confused look on my face.
There was a boy who had glasses and brownish hair who looked adorable who was holding my hand cause we where best friends nothing more.
Gerards eyes lit up "Hey who is that boy?" Gerard asked.
"Umm I really don't remember" I said ashamed.
"Don't worry Steph" Mikey said patting me on the back.

Then Gerard ran to the back and brought out a photo of me when I was five and a boy next to me who was in the photo holding my hand but a bit older and it said in kid messy writing "Mikey and Steph fwends fowe evre"
Everyone even Brian looked shocked...then Mikey and I hugged.
"I found my kinder best friend!" Mikey yelled I laughed.
"Thanks Gerard" Mikey said hugging Gerard next.

After that we had dinner and then it was 1:00am so Ray lead me were to sleep.
"Thanks Ray" I said sleeply.
"Any time Steph" Ray said smiling.

The next day Frank, Ray, Bob, Mikey and I were playing hide and seek (Frank and I choose it) and Gerard was drawing a picture while we where playing.
So when eveyone was hiding and Bob was looking I went up to Gerard.

"Heya" I said.
"Hello" Gerard mumbled.
"Are you ok? You seem sad" I asked.
"Im fine its none of your bussness to start with and if it was up to me you would be out of here" Gerard yelled at me.
Ray, Frank, Bob and Mikey came and as soon and Gerard finished the sentence I got up Frank asking if I was alright I nodded and ran into the bus.

"Gerard why did you do that for?!!!" Frank asked.
"I dunno something tells me shes no good" Gerard said.
"Gerard the only thing that's wrong is that she might like you maybe she dosnt" Mikey said.
"Look shes tweenty four we don't know anything about her shes not like the other five girls who wants to hop in our pants shes just caring for us and if she does like one of us she isnt showing it" Frank said.
"Maybe you don't like her Gerard but don't be mean like what Frank said she didn't make us get her bags out of Brians car and she dosnt sunbake or anything" Bob said for the first time.

Ray went in to check on Steph...she was on her bed sleeping... "I guess that's one thing about her that's good she can get to sleep easy" Ray thought smiling.

At 10:00pm everyone was still awake except Steph.
"Gerard please try not to make Steph feel left out and hated" Brian.
Then they heard somone being sick in the tolite, obiously it was Steph.

"Steph you ok?" asked Bob.
"Yeah I'm fine nothing to worry about" Steph said then threw up again.
"guys maybe you should go and I'll talk to her?" Mikey asked.
They all nodded and went to the bunks.


"Steph can you let me in pleasee?" Mikey asked.
I opend the door and let him in.
Then I started chucking up again and Mikey held my hair back.
"This is grate im spewing and Gerard hates me" I said once I stoped spewing.
"He doesn't hate you, its just all the girls who win the comps treat us like shit and make us get them stuff and just wanted to get into one of our pants" Mikey said.

"But I don't want too im not that type of person" I said upsetly.
"maybe tomorrow we'll all talk and you'll tell us whats been happining in your life?" asked Mikey.
"Yeah ok" I said.

Then he gave me a hug and went to bed, I stuck my fingers down my throught so I would chuck up again if I've been doing that for three years now just to loose weight.
Then I went to bed put my ipod on and looked over at Gerard and went to sleep.
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