Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Best Kept Disaster

Coffee Deprivation

by hotty7791 1 review

How do you go from wanting to be an engineer to being the lead singer of a band? Two words for you. Careers Class. That class scared the living shit out of me. I went from having everything planned...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] [X] - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 1220 words

Mwa haha we're done! How awesome is that?! And tomorrow we are going to Chicago to start the tour! Who would have thunk it?" Daryan said.

"You are such a tard!" I laughed. "But yeah, this is the last time we will see this school for a whole year. I'm almost going to miss it." I said with a smirk. "I gotta get home though I'm not quite done packing yet. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning!" With that, I walked home to pack the rest of my things and enjoy my last night at home and in a real bed.

A honk sounded outside in my driveway. Looking at my bags, I tried to remember if I forgot anything. Looking at my brother, I went over and hugged him. He had moved back in a couple of weeks ago. When I hugged my mom, she started crying. After assuring her I would be careful and call her everyday, I took my bags and put then in the car we were taking to the Detroit Airport.

Getting in the car, I could see that the other girls were just as excited as I was. Chattering the whole way and making friends with our driver we arrived at the airport and checked in. They had arranged first class tickets for us thankfully. Now we could all sleep during the flight.

Boarding we were all quiet. All of us were thinking of what we were leaving behind We all knew that the tour would change us. Nothing here would ever be the same.

"Lindsey, wake up. We're here." Alex shook me awake. Looking around groggily I saw Daryan doing the same to Miranda. Grabbing our stuff, we got our checked bags and hailed a cab. We got our first glimpse of the busses after fifteen minutes in the cab. Suddenly we were back to the chatty girls we were this morning.

Paying the driver, we grabbed our stuff and got out of the cab. We all stared in awe. "Wow." Was all Daryan could say. "Now that we're here, what do we do?

"Well, I'm assuming we need to register and get assigned a bus. So, if I was a registration desk, where would I be?" I said.

"All crew members go over there." I heard a voice behind us.

"Um we're not crew members. Were one of the bands." I said distractedly while still looking around.

"What are you talking about, you're all girls, you can't be a band."

At that comment, I turned around angrily to confront him. "Alright enough, who the fuck said that girls couldn't be in a band?" I yelled. I was a closet feminist.

"Umm I've just..." He said, surprise written all over his face at my outburst.

I faltered slightly at that then looked at him closer. Holy Hell, I thought. It is actually Gerard Way. I cut him off "Well, I don't give a fuck what you've just... so if you're not going to tell us where the desk is the go away." Wow, I was being a bitch. I blame the lack of sleep. I could feel the girls looking at me.

"Calm down, I've just never seen an all girl rock band before. Sorry if I offended you." He said sheepishly. "I'll help you out, I'm heading over to the desk to see the rest of the guys anyway."

Calming down slightly I realized I should apologize. "Sorry I snapped at you like that. I am running on like 3 hours sleep and no coffee. I can't live without caffeine. "Then another thing crossed my mind. "Oh. We haven't introduced ourselves. We are Best Kept Disaster I Lindsey League lead vocals and guitar, that's Daryan Beach, lead guitar. Over there is Miranda Carkip on drums and that is Alex BG on Bass. Nice to meet you."

"Oh yeah, I remember Mark telling us something about you guys. How we finally have some girls on tour. Is it your first one? And don't worry about it. Ask the guys they'll tell you I'm the same way with out my coffee."

"Yeah, actually we just started seriously as a band about 6 months ago. But we hope it'll be fun. We are a little nervous though. It'll be the first time we've played for a crowd this big." I admitted. Gerard shot me a smile. "Sorry for my friends. There not normally this quiet. We're all just really tired." I sent a look at my friends who all were still gaping at Gerard.

"It's understandable. I'm sure you didn't get much sleep last night especially if this is your first tour. I know I still get a little nervous. But when you get up there in front of all those people, you just forget about it all. You seem to feed off the energy of the crowd. It's absolutely unreal...."He broke off with a shy smile. "Sorry I get a little carried away sometimes."

"Oh it's not a problem. I think it's a singer thing Lindsey does it all the time." Daryan said with a smirk. The others laughed as I blushed.

"Well this is the desk. The guys aren't here... That isn't really a surprise." Gerard laughed. "On the first night of the tour before we leave we have a party that everyone goes to. We all catch up and meet the new bands since we only do this every other year.. You guys should totally come. Please? I'll introduce you to the rest of the guys?" he pleaded with me while giving me his best puppy dog eyes. He was too cute to say no too.

I looked at the others "Well, I suppose we could probably make it" I replied.

"Alright then see you all tonight! I have to go find where ever the guys went off to. Who knows what kind of trouble they're getting themselves into." Then with a wink at me, he was gone.

"Well that was interesting. Go Lindsey! Flirting with Gerard Way on the first day of tour! Woo Hoo! "Alex teased me.

"I'd do him in a heartbeat. You should totally go for him." Daryan said seriously. That was met with nods all around.

"Look guys I'm not doing anyone. I'm sure none of us will have trouble finding us some hot guys this year. We're the only girls on tour. And I was not flirting with Gerard. I just met him. We were having a friendly conversation. And Anyways, he's like 8 years older than me." I replied. "Unlike you! I didn't turn to mush when I saw him." I added.

"No, you just bit his head off is all" Alex mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Ah ha-ha, laugh it up guys...Come on let's register so I can get some coffee."

We registered and were shown our bus that was huge for the four of us. Sitting on the couch, we began to talk about what the people would be like on tour. At least we knew we had one friend. Gerard seemed nice and I'm sure the rest of My Chemical Romance was just as nice. Finally, after about an hour, we all got up to start to get ready for the party that night.

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