Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Snow White Queen

Chapter 7

by disturbedangel6 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 760 words


Wow Amy is really young; she's 5 years younger than me! Shit she won't ever like me now; I'm too old for her. But I can't believe that I actually said something to Amy. Just as I was excited Mikey stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Oh...I just remembered that Alicia needed me for something.

"Now?" I asked.

Mikey nodded. "Sorry Amy, but I hope you had a great time" he said to her. "Don't worry, Gerard here can entertain you"

Amy chuckled with a slight blush, omg is that blush! She's blushing! She's so cute!!!!!!!

Anyway Amy chuckled with a slight blush on her cheeks, "Don't worry Mikey I had a great time" she said.

Oh no! I know where Mikey's playing at. He's just leaving so we can be alone! No! Mikey don't leave me! I'll bore her! But it was too late because Mikey has just waved goodbye and exited the café. I sighed.

"Um... maybe I should go too" Amy said quietly.

I quickly looked up at her. "Don't go" I said then regretted what I said, it sounded like those movies... I didn't like it. Why can't I talk like a real guy?

She gave me a confused look but soon she smiled.

Her smile was so warm; it warmed up my grey, crappy life.

"Ok" she said, " tell me about yourself"

I smiled, "There's nothing to say other than I'm the vocalist of this band and that I'm really thinking of dying my hair back to black"

She nodded, "I don't mind your hair, it makes you look mature"

"Really?" I asked with a slightly surprised expression.

"Hmmm..." she nodded again. "Although, it will look hot if you did
dye your hair. But I don't mind, I like all even if you died your hair purple"

I nodded as I felt hotness on my cheeks. "Tell me about you" at
last the question I wanted to ask.

"Well... I'm also vocal for Evanescence and I've gone through a lot" then she frowned, "I really hate people asking me about my depression"

"Me too, you know I've..." I gulped, I'm really shy and I hate it. "I watched that interview that you were on and that girl has not sense of humanity" I said; slightly proud of what I said from the look on Amy's face.

"Really?" she gave that soft look.

I nodded.

"So you were in depression too?"


We chatted for hours from there. I've meant so many things about
her and this made me fall dangerously in love with her. Now I know it's not lust, its love. I'm in love with Amy Lee! The problem is... how am I going to let her know about it before she slips away?


I can't believe we've been talking for ages, it's so amazing!

Yep, I can definitely say it now. I'm in love. I sated at him as he was telling a story about his sandwich or should I say 'samich'. I smiled at him. It's so good that he opened up to me; he's like a whole new different person. I watched him talk until my BLOODY PHONE RANG! Grrr.... Remind me to switch it off next time I talk with Gerard. I jumped up by the sound of it and quickly answered it. It was John asking me where I was and that it was getting late.

"I'll be there as quick as I can" I said and shut the phone.

Gerard's facial expression should sadness as he looked down on the table.

I didn't want to go, but I had to.

I sighed. "I have to go" I mumbled.

He nodded but did not look up.


He looked up at me with hope in his eyes.

I took a deep breath, "But I'd like to see you again" I said rather quickly.

He nodded. "Me too" he said barely louder than a whisper.

"Let's exchange numbers" I suggested. And we did.

We stood up and walked to the counter and Gerard forced me to
let him pay for it. We walked out and stood and looked at each other. I stared into his intense hazel eyes which were filled by so many emotions as he stared into my green ones.

"Bye" I simply said and took a step back.

"Bye" he replied.

And that was it, I took a cab and went home and he just stood
there until I was out of sight. I wanted to see him again soon.

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