Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sisterly Love

I Had A Previous Engagement, Like The Kind Where You Get Married

by GeeDeexx 3 reviews

Elly meets her "friend." Exciting, no?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2008-03-31 - 1420 words

"Pete?" I said blankly, blinking to clear my fogged vision. "Whoa. Why the fuck am I in the shower?" Cramped up in a ball, I felt Pete grab my arms and lift me up, laughing.
"Apparently you fell asleep in there." Rubbing my eyes, I took a step out of the shower.
"Whoa, Peetey Feetey! Just realized you were here." Before he could sidestep me, I gave him one of my rib-crunching hugs. "Missed ya." As I released him and he sucked in breath, Frankie butted in.
"Yo, my homies. We. Go. To. IHOP. Yes?" There was no point in refusing. After all, I hadn't had those chocolate chip pancakes since the last time we went, in the beginning of the tour.
- - - - -
"Root beer, please." I said to the waiter, and he nodded with a slight smile.
"And you, sir?"
"I'll have coffee." Sticking out my tongue at Mikey, he knew I meant 'traitor.'
"Okay. I'll be back in just a bit." The waiter trotted off, and I shook my head. Frankie, who was sitting on my left, laughed at my immature actions.
Since Andy was a vegan, he just skipped out on the whole IHOP thing. I tried to convince him otherwise, that he could get something without dairy or meat or anything animal-ey, but he insisted that we go have fun.
"I believe El has completely left out world now." With that remark, Pete gave me a swift nudge from under the table. My gaze flickered up from my fingernails, to where the guys were softly chuckling.
"What?" I asked, and Pat just smiled at me.
"Nothing, nothing... Forget it." He said, and I raised on eyebrow at them. Mikey just shrugged, and I smiled. As the others got consumed in some conversation about The Misfits, I felt Mikey's thigh next to mine. We were sitting quite close, actually. With that thought, I placed my hand on his knee and he tangled his fingers in mine.
"Hey, I'm sorry I grew up listening to Rush instead of, you know, The Misfits or something. Iron Butterfly... Or Iron Maiden, whatever." Gerard couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"Iron Butterfly?" Gee laughed, and I bit my lip.
"Iron Butterfly sang something like A-Gadda-Da-Vita." There was a pause between the guys. Okay, maybe they thought Iron Butterfly wasn't a band. Whatever. "Ok, nevermind." Jesus. I mean, c'mon, Iron Butterfly? Everyone knows them!
"I've never heard of Iron Butterfly." Joe said, just as the waiter set a drink next to him. I was pretty sure it was coke.
"Iron Butterfly? A-Gadda-Da-Vita?" He said, setting other drinks down. I smacked my hands together.
"Yes! Thank you." The kid smiled, and I couldn't help but notice he was cute. Ignoring that, I rubbed my fingers against Mikey's and nodded with a smile in thanks to him setting my drink near me.

It was basically a do-nothing day. After IHOP, of course, the guys had a gig. Fall Out Boy was a 'surprise' and played like, two songs at minimum. We were close enough to the lake that we could see it clearly, and a little more north side.
Anyway, the show was fucking awesome, and the kids in Chicago loved them. For some reason, Chicago seemed like their favorite city. Everyone was nice, and some kids even bought them some good ol' Chicago style pizza after the show(which, you know, I helped get rid of). As we were sitting there, FOB + MCR + me + some fans + some now-cold pizza, somebody happened to drive past.
"El?" He said, and his car came to a halt. "Is that fucking you?" Oh. Dear. Lord.
"Trevor?" I said, attempting to keep my voice from cracking. The boy pulled his car over and got out, simotanious to me standing up. I signaled 'one minute' with my finger to Mikey, then hurried over to Trevor.
"El, it's been so long." There was an awkward pause, where we both knew we were both thinking 'hug? No hug? Okay.' He smiled, his maybe-28-year-old-face neatly outlined with brown hair that just tickled his ears. I smiled back, then flickered my eyes over to Mikey. The boy stood, and quietly walked over.
"Mikey, this is Trevor. TT, this is Mikey. My boyfriend." Maybe I should've left out the boyfriend part. There was this shimmer of anger in his eyes, but it passed as they shook hands.
"Jesus, I haven't been called TT since... Since we last saw each other." Images passed through my head. The dates, the kisses, the sex... Everything.
Even the proposal.

"So, how do you know each other?" Michelangelo asked, and I hesitated.
"We went out, in like, high school. We were friends for a while, too." Mikey nodded.
"How do you know each other?" TT asked, and I glanced at Frankie, who was waving like his hand was on fire.
"Frankie. My brother." Trevor nodded.
"So you're in a band? MCR?" Mikey nodded.
"How'd you know?" He asked, crossing his arms.
"My daughter's friend's older sister is a fan." Mikey nodded. I had to admit, he was hot when he just nodded and pondered something. "Well, I'd better go. See you later, El. Nice meeting you, Mikey." He shook his hand again, gave me a smile, and trotted off to his car.
"So you dated him?" Mik asked once the car had started. Awesome car- sleek black Mustang. I whistled mentally, then thought about the question.
"We were engaged for about two weeks." He paused in mid step, since we had started walking subconsciously.
"I didn't know... You'd been engaged before." I felt the color rise to my cheeks. Ooh, bashful me.
"Sorry I didn't tell you." He put an arm around my shoulders.
"It's okay... I mean, you don't like him anymore, do you?" Stifling a smile, I nodded.
"I hate him, actually. Hate his guts."
"Oh. I don't understand why you hate his guts; his intestines and stomach and blood never did anything to you." I smiled. God I love this guy.

Eventually, we went home. It wasn't really a home, but whatever. It counts, all right?
"G'night, Miks." I said, and he placed an arm around my waist.
"'Night." We both fell asleep instantly.

A thud and a panting woke me up. Mikey had rolled off the bunk somehow, like usual, and I was crunched up on the little thing. The breathing's speed increased, so I jumped off the bed stealthily and went to where the breathing was loudest.
Gerard's bed.
He suddenly twisted, then his face muscles relaxed as he sucked in air, but only for a moment. Before he could have anything more happen, I kneeled near his bunk and squeezed his hand in mine.
"...El?" The boy said weakly, eyes open to slits. I shushed him, and he closed his eyes. "El, don't leave." His black hair pressed against his head in some spots, and I guessed he was in a cold sweat.
"I won't. Never. I'll always be here." I assured him, his hand still in mine.
"Okay." Gee said, relaxing and leaning his head deeper into the pillow. I relaxed also, leaning against his bunk.
And another good night's sleep. I can see you're starting to get the impression I never slept in my bunk.

Gerard's hand was still in mine when I awoke shortly after. He was in a deep sleep, his breathing even and hand limp in mine. Sliding my hand from under his, I stood and stretched my cramped muscles. What had happened last night, anyway? What had I said? Shaking my head, I took out my hair band and retied my hair in a messy bun. Blinking several times, I picked up Gerard's small case of pink mints.
"Yum," I said softly, clicking it open and popping a few in my mouth.
Outside, in my little pajama pants and tank top, I popped another mint in my mouth. It was probably about 2 or 3 in the morning, since we all dropped unconscious at around 9. Surprise, I know. Applause or something. As I munched on the mint, someone spoke from behind me.
"Hello beautiful. I've been waiting for you." Somebody grabbed me at the waist, yanking me backwards and making me drop a few mints. "Funny, I thought you didn't like peppermint. I vaguely remember you telling me that when we were engaged."
Yet, for some reason, the only thing I could think was shit, that was Gerard's favorite box of mints.
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