Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > One Step Forward, One Step Back

Chapter Ssix - I would even die for you

by Tarah-Jane__ 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-07-14 - Updated: 2007-07-14 - 972 words

I sat in my room rocking back and forth, hearing his voice scared the shit out of me, no I can't let him get to me, but he is.
I heard someone coming down the stairs but I didn't react. I heard them squeezing through my barrier and then stop.
"Oh Leslie" Corrie said coming over to me and rubbing my back.
"But im fine, why is this happening? I don't need him I don't, Corrie what's wrong with me" I said as another tear came down my face and I winced in pain.
Her face softened and she hugged me.
"Nothing's wrong with you hunny" she said stroking my hair. She said she liked the colour change in my hair, I hated it.
I gathered my self up again and stood up.
"Im going out" I said and walked away. Once I was out in the cool night air I took a deep breath and let it go slowly. I started walking, I don't know where but when I looked up I was near our old house. There were lights and what not going on, thinking someone must have broken in I stormed in there.
"What the fuck is..." I stopped, froze.
The boys sat there, they were now on they're feet just staring. I quickly turned and ran out the door, quickly vanishing and appearing on top of the little roof covering the door.
"Leslie!" Pete shouted, he ran down to the road and looked desperately for me.
They were all out side now calling me.
Pete had collapsed on the front lawn bawling his eyes out.
"Patrick it's not fair why is she running from me? She loves me and im never gonna get to tell her I love her. Patrick I love her" he said staring into Patrick's eyes.
"Pete.." he said wrapping him in a hug and rocking him back and forth as he cried. A tear slipped down my face and I let out a little scream, loud enough they all heard. I vanished quickly again as they all looked up at the roof, I was now behind them, hiding behind a tree on the other side of the road, watching them desperately look for me. The soon gave up, they had to drag Pete inside. I slid down the tree and just sat there. He loves me.
I got angry, angry because he was still human, angry because I was a vampire, angry because nothing could ever be with Pete and I, angry because I was forced to become something, someone im not. Angry because my life was now ruined.
I sat there, anger pouring from me as I ripped up little leaves and left them burnt on the ground. I heard a door open and close behind me, I quickly stood and peered from behind my tree.
It was Pete, he was out walking, at dark, anything could happen the stupid boy what is he doing.
He started down the street I followed close behind, he was mumbling something. He stopped suddenly and whisked around, I quickly half vanished, invisible but staying in the same spot, he looked through me and around, he then looked straight into my eye's I thought for a minute that I let my defence down and he could see me. But I didn't he just looked then he sighed, turned around and kept walking.
I followed again, closely trying to hear what he was mumbling.
I then heard something, he was being followed not just by me either. I looked around I couldn't see anything but I could hear and sense it.
Then what did you know the one and only Beckett sprung out of no where. Pete shocked half fell over but picked himself up. I watching for a minute as Beckett smirked at me.
"Well well well, looks like I found the one that Leslie loves" he said laughing and looking at me again. I gave him that don't you dare look but he kept going.
"I don't know what your on about" Pete stammered.
"Oh please" Beckett said "She hasn't told you?" he said.
"Told me what?" Pete said standing straight now.
"Oh well..." I jumped at him, punching him in the face but the whole time keeping my back to Pete.
"You bitch" He said pushing me off him.
I just smiled.
He smirked and glanced at Pete.
"Oh" he said looking as if he cared. "I get it no problem" He said smiling then attacking my lips with his, if it kept him quiet I'll keep it up. I heard Pete grunt something and slowly walk away. I made Beckett turn around so I could peer over his shoulder and make sure Pete was gone. He was.
I pulled him off me.
"You're a sick bastard" I said spitting what I could out of my mouth.
"Very worth it my dear" he said grinning happily.
I rolled my eyes.
"What can I do that'll make you leave Pete, Joe and Patrick alone and keep your mouth shut" I said crossing my arms.
"Oh" he said raising an eyebrow. "Anything?" he said again.
"Yes, anything.." I was sick as to what he was going to make me do.
"Only be my girl, stop that whole kill Beckett gang and we're fine" He said crossing his arms happily.
"Be your girl?" I said "What?"
"As in girlfriend, yup I think that's fair" he said still smiling showing his fangs
I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Fine" I said "im all yours"

Authors Note: Sorry it's short guys, it's cold and my fingers are frozen but i had to get this down, it's been playing on my mind. thanks for the reviews by the way, they've helped with ideas and unexpected moments.
love to all xox
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