Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Until I Met You

Tell Me Everything

by Benjis_Plaid_Pants 1 review

oh you know.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-07-16 - Updated: 2007-07-16 - 1909 words

I decided just to leave the house in what I was wearing, isn't like Sonny is gonna give a fuck what I walk in our house wearing. We got down into Gee's car and he drove off to my place. We parked and walked up to my door. I opened it and we both walked in. Gerard put his arms around me and kissed my neck a few times as we walked "Stopppppp" I giggled and turned the corner to get out of his grip. Failed. He did it again then bit "GERARD! Thats later." I was laughing so hard I was in tears. Then I heard a male whistle. Both of our head snapped up to see the rest of MCR and Sonny sitting in the livingroom. "Fuck..." I said as my mouth hung open. Gerard was turning bright red. "So, Gerard.... You two seem....close." Frank said scanning the both of us then laughing. Then they all broke out into laughter. "Benji! Why are you half naked?" Sonny asked through laughter. " see Sonny...When a man and a woman love eachother very much...They fuck a lot." Everyone got quiet. "You fucked my brother?!?!" Mikey yelled. Me and Gerard burst into laughter. "Psh. fuck no. He's not that lucky." I said with a laugh. Gerard faked a pout and threw his arms in the air "The things I do for you woman!" "You love me. shut up." I smiled then walked back into my room. He stayed with everyone out in the living room

Gerard's POV::

I walked over to my bandmates and Kaiden's roomie. "So did you guys fuck?" Frank asked popping his head up with a smile. "No. And if we did...You'd be the last person to find out. Trust me." "Awww I'm hurt Gee....I really am." "Good. homo. You should be. Why are you worried about it anyways?" "No reason...I knew she wouldn't fuck you the first night. She's not the easy type. Its respectable." "I know. Thats why I like her so damn much." "Ohhhh So you do like my Benji?" Sonny said to me. "Yea....A-Fucking-Lot. I think she's begining to like me too..." "I knew she would. I'm just fucking beast like that." she said with a smile then looked up to Frank. He smiled back at her. Those two have been acting all lovey dovey since the dinner last night. Few more days...They'll be together. No doubt. He's a little whore like that.

We all continued to talke about random shit. Kaiden finally came out of her room with a small bag full of clothes. But its what she had on that had my eyes popping out. It was a tight corset with white buckles down the front, then a black mini skirt with a few bondage straps and chains hanging from the side. Ohhh I was in love. She had a pair of combat boots over her black fishnet leggings. This whole outfit outlined her beautiful body perfectly. She had a deep shade of blue eyeshadow around her eyes, and just enough eye liner to pull it off. She was perfect. Right then, I knew she was the one I had fallen in love with over night. But I can't let that hold me...I don't even know if she feels the same. She caught me staring at her and smiled that amazing smile I want to see every minute of every day. I noticed all the guys staring at her with their mouths hung open, right then I wanted to hit everyone of them, even my own little brother. Frank howled and whistled at her, I punched his ass in the arm as hard as I could. "Oww Shit!" he held his arm and moved by Bob. Sara looked at me coldly, but she understood why. Looked like she wanted to hit him aswell for that.

Kaiden sat her bag down by the couch and came over to me. She sat on my lap and kissed my temple. This is heaven. "What are we doing today?" Sonny asked breaking this odd silence. "What ever is good for you. Wanna catch a movie? All of us are gonna go! Group outingggggg!!" Frank said all girly. "If you never do that again...I might consider it." Bob said laughing slightly. "You know you wanna go to the movies with us." Kaiden said. "If your guys are gonna fuck in the" "Oi! No fucking. None at all." she said and got up. Noooo damn. I didn't even say anything this time. She went and sat beside Ray. I watched as they started up a random conversation. He managed to make her laugh more than I have. Maybe she wants someone to make her laugh like he does. I can only wonder what he's saying right now....Sara and Frank were staring at eachother with dumbass smiles. I can't watch this much more. "So Mikey...Bob....what movie are we going to see?" "Well...I'm not going...Probably gonna go to Christina's house...Do the dirty dirty. You know how I can do." Bob said then got up. "Peace guys" Everyone said their byes and I just turned to my brother once more. He shrugged and his cell wrang. Probably Alicia. Those two are getting serious. This is pathetic. My little brother is getting more than I am. Oh well...I'll wait. For her...I'll wait.

Ray said something to Kai and she looked at me then back to him. So for now because I have no idea what they're talking about...I just have to watch him with her. Jealousy has never been a problem with me until now. She has that effect over me. I can't risk scaring her or something...After John and Brian..thats all she needs. I need to call Zack..He knows what she's not telling me. I got up and she snapped her head to me "I gotta make a call." she nodded with a smile then went back to Ray. I walked out the apartment and sat out on the steps. I called wrang a few times before he picked up.

"Yo Zack...Its Gerard."
"Holy shit. I haven't heard anything out of you in forever. How the fuck are you man?"
"Actually...I'm doing damn good right now...girl just walked into my life."
"No fuckin way. Who is she? What's she look like?"
"Hahaha she's your best friend."
"....Kai- Kaiden?"
"Yes...She and I went out to dinner with the guys last night and we hit it off fucking good man."
"You're with my little sister?"
"Haha, we're not together yet...just met her in person last night ya know. I don't wanna scare her."
"Well. She's not gonna let you down."
"I know. I can just look at her and tell that one. She stayed over last night."
"Oh god...did you fuck her?"
"No! shit everyone keeps asking that."
"Well...She's my best friend...I had to. Sorry."
"Yea I understand that. Hey um...I have a big question to ask."
"What's that man?"
"What happened with her and John and Bri...She completely broke down last night"
"And you guys just met?"
"Yea man...What the hell did they do?"
"Wow...Well..." his voice got low "they're in the room...I have to go outside...hold on."
"Alright man."

I could hear people in the background "Who is on the phone Zack?" I'm pretty sure John was the one who asked....I really wanna hit that fucking guy. "It's just a friend dude." "Is it Kaiden?" "No." "Sure. I don't know why you talk to that fucking slut." "You know what John...shut up. She never cheated on you. You just stuck that in your fucking head. Go to fucking sleep or some shit. Leave her the fuck out of shit." "What ever."

"Alright...I'm back. I'm getting outside now"
"Okay...Damn you really flipped out on his ass right there."
"Something like that...he's been doing this bullshit everytime I get a phone call...It just bugged me right then."
"Oh...So what do I need to know?"
"Well....Put two and two together man...Everything those two could've done, they did..."
"He...Raped her?"
"Yea...He really did....Brian did too..."
"Why the hell did you guys let that shit go on to her?"
"There was nothing we really could do...I mean, Matt jumped in a few fucking times and beat the living hell out of John....But he hurt her twice as much after it. Brian...He's crazy...when he wants it, and you get in his way...he will always get his revenge. No doubt man. I've woke up cut up and shit before...Its just fucking horrible that she didn't even try to get away....She always cried to me telling me she deserved this shit....and I would try and calm her down ya know...but it never worked....She tried to kill herself a few times...I finally took off the tour and went home with her. John was pissed...but this shit couldn't go on anymore."
"Yea...She doesn't deserve that.." I said softly.
"You really like her don't you?"
"I really do man...I think I love her."
"Well...I'm guessing that she told you that part."
"Yea...I know that part. She told me almost everything....but what you told me...yea.."
"Its odd that she'd open up that fast. I knew her like 4 years before Johnny did and she barely said anything to me...but you know how we are now...I wouldn't be surprised if she called me later completely for you."
"You think I have a chance with her?"
"If you're sincere, definately. She needs someone to love her dude."
"I can definately pull this one off without fucking up..i know i can. Alright dude. thanx a lot....I gotta get back to her...."
"Haha okay. Tell her to call me in a little bit."
"I sure will. Peace bro"

I hung up and walked back into the apartment. Kaiden had just stood up and walked back twards her room. She turned when she saw me walk in the house. Her finger motioned for me to follow her. I obeyed. I got to her and she pulled me to her by my shirt collar. She kissed me. Okay, she definately likes me. She has to....I think I can trust Zack about her. She let go and walked into her room. Again, I followed. It was almost instinct telling me to. She turned around and I put my hands on her waist. A smile played upon her lips. "So, guess who I just got off the phone with." Her arms went around my neck and I pulled her closer. "Zacky. He says to call him in a little bit." "You talked to my bitch? Whats he up to?" "Haha....He's not doing too much...just sitting around the bus really." "Oh...I shall call him later then. And we decided that its dinner and a movie tonight." "Awesome. Where and what movie?" "Errr Ray is deciding where and I wanna see something with Zombies or something." "Well...Silent Hill is out. We can always go check that out." "Hell yea. Not exactly zombies...but next best thing." I smiled and kissed her.
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