Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I've Got the Gift of One Liners

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

by rejected_smurf_god 2 reviews

Bob dreams.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-19 - Updated: 2007-07-20 - 1298 words

Guys I just wanna say this first before I go on. Ficwad has been acting funny and alot of my chapters weren't coming up so I've had to fix those. By now I'm sure I have them all fixed. The chapters Please Don't Walk Out that Door and Hold Me Close and Let Me Hear Your Heart Beat were in the wrong order and I am so so so sorry. I'm sorry for those of you who were confused by that. Thank you all for bearing with me through it. That's all now go read the chapter!

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Today the guys weren't having any shows and since we had only today to be in Kansas before we were out on the road again we all had decided to visit our families. Except Haley who would have to wait till we got to West Virginia.

Another good thing is my brother was in town also so I can see him too. It's been a good few months since I last saw my family since I left for college and being busy with work makes flying out here hard to do. It was nice catching up with everybody and they all loved the guys. Same for Nadia's and Emma's parents.

My dad always said that he would approve of the guy I brought home as long as he made me happy and he told me the instant he shook hands with Frank he approved and could see the good in him.

I laid molded into Frank's form looking down at the black nail polish that was beginning to now chip. He was running his fingers through my long black hair giving me that smile which I loved so much.

Every muscle was completely relaxed and it was hard to stay awake and not let this comfortable feeling take over.

"You are so comfy." I whispered into his neck. His embrace tightened slightly as I shifted my position.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too Frankie." Frank's lips met mine in a sweet kiss. His mouth formed a small smile.

For awhile we laid there together in his bunk talking about anything and everything.

"Hey Frank."


"You think I'm gonna die young?" I silently chastised myself for asking that. Why did I have to make such a dumb move?!

"I don't know Sarah." He kissed my cheek tenderly. My eyes trailed downward not wanting to meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry."

His warm hand cupped my cheek tilting my head back so I would meet his beautiful eyes.

"But what I do know is that I love you with all my heart." I smiled.

After everything that's happened to me it's hard not to feel a little paranoid sometimes. Even though I was told the disease was gone will it ever come back or will fate make a decision to have me die some other horrible way? Will I die tomorrow? Will I die today?

They were just some of the questions that refused to leave my mind no matter how hard I tried.


"Nadia I'm not surprised," Emma began popping one of the blue berries that sat in a small white bowl into her mouth.

"About what?" I asked.

"That even after all this time your mom is still so pretty." I smiled in amusement.



"You're mom's a hawt bitch!" Both Emma and I giggled.

"You guys are funny." I said reaching for one of the berries, but when I popped it in my mouth it turned out to be sour.

"But Sarah's mom was hilarious." Haley laughed recalling the memory.

"She's still the same out going hilarious woman I remember her to be."

"Well Cheryl's always has been that way." I said.

"It was so funny when she would tell embarrassing stories about Sarah of when she was little." We all laughed at that, but not too loudly since the guys were sleeping as well as Sarah.

"Like the one about how she would dress up in Cheryl's friend Michelle's hooker boots and dance to the Spice Girls.*" Emma recalled.

"I remember me and her doing something like that except it was Britney Spears. I think we might even have a tape of that somewhere." Oh shit shouldn't have said that.

"I guess Haley this calls for black mail." Haley said in a low tone mischievously.

"I haven't even done anything yet."


"So don't go digging through my family's stuff looking for a tape."

"We won't unless you piss us off." Emma concluded.

"Well I guess I can live with that." With a sigh I picked up another berry being in more luck since it was a sweet one.

"It was also funny trying on Sarah's cast boot thingy." I laughed. It was pretty hilarious watching Sarah walk around in that thing. I guess they're like crutches. They usually are more difficult to use when you actually need them except for these it was harder for her to use them when she didn't need them.

That girl almost fell on the stairs going up and down them, but we had fun. Watching old movies of us and looking at old pictures. Taking our own little stroll down memory lane.

Why am I being reminded of Cindy Lauper? The song "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun" comes to mind. That's like our group's anthem I guess you could say.

I was glad everyone's parents approved of the guys. I didn't want it to end up like some episode of Jerry Springer. Not that my parents would do anything Springer worthy, but you never know.


"HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!" We all sang together busting out some hot dance moves.

"Macho macho man! I've got to be, a macho man! Macho, macho man! I've got to be a macho!"

I jumped out in front of everyone busted my moves in my awesome Indian outfit that just made my butt look so awesome!

"Cause I'm your macho man!" I shouted wiggling my butt. Mikey, as the black guy, jumped out next to me krumping with Ray who was the cop.

"Come on guys, let's do YMCA." Gerard, who was the construction worker, suggested.

"Oh yeah! IT'S TIME TO STAY AT THE Y-M-C-A!" Frank sang, who was dressed up as the cowboy.

"Young man there's no need to feel down. I said young man pick yourself off the ground."


"You think he's okay?" I asked Ray not taking my eyes off of Bob's sleeping/dancing figure. For about the past half an hour he's been singing Village People songs in his sleep. Muttering other things about how he makes an awesome Indian.

"No. I don't think we should. It sounds like I'm a great dancing cop." Ray joked. I giggled slapping him on the arm.

"Oh my god." I gave him a look.

"What?" He asked looking innocently at me.

"You guys are so weird." Ray laughed kissing me lightly.

"Do you still think I'm weird?" He asked moving down to my neck as we made our way to his bunk.

"Fine no..."

"Good." I giggled at his smile, ruffling his afro.

I wanna be the one to walk in the sun. Oh, girls, they wanna have fu-un


* = I remember back in the good old days doin that when I was five.

I hope you all enjoyed that and read what I said at the top. I really wanna thank Lucy for all your awesome reviews! Thanks so much! I also want thank everyone else who has read my story and submitted a review. It makes me so happy that I have readers! I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter and come back again for the next one. A bit more reviewing from you guys would be nice.

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