Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Best Friends, Ex Friends Til The End Better Off As Lovers

Chapter 2: Where Everything Goes To Hell

by patricksgirl84 0 reviews

Things aren't what they seem

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] [R] - Published: 2007-07-21 - Updated: 2007-07-21 - 1830 words - Complete

Chapter 2: Where Everything Goes To Hell

"Patrick, do you have the answer for question five?" Destiny asked. "Yeah." She looked at him. "Well..what is it?" "Find it for yourself." Come on, Patty." She jumped on his bed. "Get down, Dest. You are going to kill yourself." "Will you be sad?" "Of course. Get your ass down here." She fell down on the bed. "Patty's swearing. You think your all grown up now that you are thirteen?" "Shut up. I swear you got more annoying since you got your period." "Oh, that's it." She jumped on top of Patrick and straddled him and started tickling him. "Okay, stop. I'm sorry." He was laughing. Destiny looked down at Patrick and seen him for once more than a friend.

She quickly got off of him. "What's wrong?" "Um, nothing." She went back to her bed and started her homework again. "Destiny, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked at him. He was biting his lip in deep concentration. He looked up. "Okay, what the hell are you doing?" "Nothing." "You are staring at me." "Your cute when you bite your lip." Patrick blushed. "Thanks. I think." There was a knock on the door. Patricia came in. "Destiny, your mom is here." "Already?" "Yeah, she got off early."

Destiny got her books and clothes together. "See you tomorrow, Patrick." "I'll walk you down stairs." They went downstairs. "Hey mom. What's wrong?" Her mom was crying. "Destiny, your dad has been wanting you to spend some time with him. I tried to hold off as long as I could, but he's going to take me to court if you don't go. You leave tomorrow." "What? For how long?" "Six months." "No, please mom. Don't make me go." "I'm sorry." Destiny ran from the Stumps to her room. She went to her bed and cried. She couldn't live with her dad for that long.

A little bit later there was a knock on the door. "Destiny, I know this isn't what you want. I'm sorry. I tried what I could. I feel so bad. You just started school." "It's not your fault, mom. I guess I should pack." Becky kissed Destiny on the cheek and left her room. After Destiny was done packing she got ready for bed. She turned out the lights and looked over to Patrick's bedroom. He was sitting on his bed. She wanted to go to him. She couldn't believe she wouldn't see him for six months. Tears were blurring her vision. She looked up again and his room was dark.

Destiny crawled into bed. A few minutes later she heard something. It was coming from her window. She turned on her lights. "Oh my god." She quickly opened her window. "What are you doing?" "Want to see you before you left." Patrick said crawling into her room. "Destiny, I'm going to miss you." He hugged her. She got butterflies in her stomach. Patrick let go and sat on her bed. "Come here." She sat next to him. "I got something for you. I want you to remember that I'm your best friend. Don't forget about me." "Oh Patrick. I couldn't forget about you." He took out something in his pocket. "Give me your hand." She laid her hand out. "He placed a necklace in it." "Sorry it's not wrapped. I didn't have money for that." "Oh, Patty. I love it." It was a gold heart that said Friends Forever. "I know it's probably more what girls would give each other, but I wanted to get you something. Oh, I almost forgot." Patrick went to the bag he brought. "I thought you could use teddy." "Thank you. I definitely will need him."

She looked up at Patrick. "So I guess this is it. You call or write. Okay." She stood up and was about to give him a hug when Patrick put his lips on hers. Destiny wrapped her arms around him. "Oh god. I'm sorry, Dest. I didn't mean for that to happen." She smiled at Patrick. "I'm glad it did." "Really?" "Yes, I'm glad I had my first kiss with you." "Me too. I should get home before mom finds me gone. See you in February. You take care of yourself." "Bye Patrick." Destiny watched him crawl out of the window. She went to bed and hugged Teddy and cried her self to sleep.

The next morning her mom drove to the airport and Destiny got on the plane for Wisconsin. She watched as Chicago disappeared from her view. A few hours later the plane landed. She got off and seen her dad. "Hi daddy." "Hey Pumpkin. Ready to spend some time with your dad?" "Yeah." "Good. I have someone for you to meet. Here she is. Destiny, this is my girlfriend, Tammy." "Hi, nice to meet you." Destiny said. "Same here. Your dad talks about you all the time." "Let's go and get something to eat." They got Destiny's bag and went to a café and had lunch.
"I like your necklace." Tammy said. "Thanks. My friend Patrick gave it to me before I left." "A boyfriend?" Her dad asked. "No, just a friend. He lives next door." "I see." She noticed her dad got a little strange when Patrick was mentioned. After lunch they drove home and Destiny was shown her room and she unpacked. She went to the living room. "Dad, could I call Patrick and let him know I got here alright?" "I called your mom and she'll tell him." "Oh, okay. You sure." "Yeah, why would I lie?" "You wouldn't. Sorry daddy." She sat down and watched the movie. Tammy left a little bit after supper. "I'm going to go to bed. Are you taking me to school tomorrow?" "Yeah, it's on the way to work." "Okay, goodnight." Destiny started walking to her room. "D, did you forget something?" "Sorry." She walked back and gave her dad a kiss. He slapped her. "Next time don't forget. Get your ass to bed." She ran to her room and sat on the bed.

She knew he didn't change. Why would he have. She went to her suitcase and took out Teddy and a picture of Patrick. She wanted to go back to Chicago. The abuse started when she was little. She remember that first night at Patrick's when he seen the bruises on her back and then when she came back from her dads a few years later and Patrick pushed her. It didn't hurt that Patrick pushed her, but because of the bruises. It was going to be a long six months.

In the morning Destiny got dressed and got her notebooks together. She tiptoed out to the kitchen. "Good morning Destiny. How are you this morning?" "Good. Can we go to school now." "Yeah, you seem excited." "Not really. I won't know anyone there." "It will get better." Destiny's dad drove her to school and walked her to the office. She got a schedule and told her dad goodbye. She walked to her homeroom. "Hi, I'm Destiny Anderson. Today is my first day." "Okay. Nice to meet you. I'm Miss Thompson. You can have a seat over there." Destiny sat down. "Hi, my name is Madison." "Hi, I'm Destiny." The teacher went over the announcements and then the students went to their first class.

After school Destiny walked home. She missed Patrick so much. Her dad was home already. "Hi dad. How was your day?" "Good. What about you?" "Alright. I met a girl. Her name is Madison. Did mom call?" "Yeah, she'll call later." "Okay, I'm going to do my homework." Destiny went to her room and took out her books. She couldn't concentrate, so she decided to write a letter to Patrick.

How are you? I'm ok. I miss you. Daddy wouldn't let me call you last night. Maybe soon. How is school? School here is alright. I met a girl. Her name is Madison. I hate it here. I never liked to come to my dads. Now I have six months of this. I want to be in Chicago. How are Pete and Tina? Tell Tina that I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. Things just got crazy and had to leave so soon.
I've been thinking of the kiss. When I get back would you like to go on a date? I hope so. I better go and get to my homework. Miss you lots.

After she wrote the letter she finished her homework and then went to the kitchen. "Daddy, do you have a stamp?" "Uh, no. But I can mail your letter." "Okay. Here you go." She gave her dad the letter and went back to her room. He looked at the letter and threw it in the trash.

A couple hours later Destiny and her dad ate supper and then Destiny cleaned up. They watched some TV and then Destiny went to bed. Around AM Destiny woke up to her father in her room. "Daddy, what's wrong?" "Nothing sweetheart." He sat on her bed. "This boy Patrick, has he done anything to you?" "He kissed me. Why?" "I was just wondering. What was his kiss like?" "Daddy, I'm tired and don't want to talk about this." Her dad slapped her. "Destiny, you will tell me." "His kiss was nice." She started to cry. "Like this." Her dad bent down and kissed her on her lips. She tried to push away. "What are you doing?" "Destiny, you are a very pretty girl." "No, please daddy."

Her dad removed her sheet and put his hand under her nightgown. "Daddy, what are you doing?" "I will show you how a real man touches a woman." "No, I want to go home." "You are home, sweetie." He rubbed inside her thigh. "Lay down." Destiny didn't know what was happening. Her dad took her underwear off and pushed his fingers inside of her. Destiny looked away and felt the tears falling down her cheeks. Her dad got up and took off his pants. Destiny was feeling sick. "Look at me. I want you to look at me now." She turned her head. "That's better. This is going to hurt a little." He got on top of her and pushed his was in. "Please daddy. You are hurting me." "Stop whining." He was almost finished when Destiny threw up. He finished and put his pants on. "You'll clean that now." He left the room.

Destiny changed her sheets. She put them in the washer right away. She then took a shower. She couldn't scrub the dirt she felt. She leaned all the way down on the shower floor and cried. "Oh Patty. I want to go home." After a hour she got out and got in fresh pajamas. She threw out the old ones. Then she put fresh sheets on her bed and went to sleep holding teddy and crying.
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