Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Grey Veil

Back at Hogwarts

by Yaxley 0 reviews

Everyone else regroups with each other, as Ginny, Scotty, Logan, Hermione and Ron, all Apparate to Hogwarts and find it difficult Apparating out, when they're caught on the grounds.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Flitwick, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Seamus Finnigan, The Giant Squid, Voldemort, Other - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-07-22 - Updated: 2007-07-23 - 968 words

It took almost three hours for everyone to find each other.

When everyone regrouped at Diagonalley, the noticed that Hermione, Ron, Scotty, Logan and Ginny, did not have their mirrors on them, which prevented them from contacting the others, liek the others did to regroup.

"We should go to the Golden Gates!!" Logan suggested, loudly.

"I know," Ron said.

"How come we can Apparate in, but not out?" Scotty asked.

"Dunno," Hermione said, "It must've been because we concentrated so hard."

"Then let's concentrate...hard," Logan said. They tried, but they couldn't Apparate out.

"Let's see if we can go to Hogwarts...maybe then we can get outta here," Ron said.

"Are you mad?!" Logan shouted.


"Death Eaters were expecting Harry...they'll be guarding everywhere," Logan said, in a hushed voice.

"Who goes there?" asked a voice. It was a centaur.

"HIDE!" Ginny said, in a hushed voice, but loudly.

They ran behind trees and they watched as the centaur regrouped with his fellow centaurs.

"Hogwarts is up here!" Scotty said. The centaurs moved off.

They waited a couple of minutes and then they moved off, up to the school. Outside, they saw Dean Thomas and Seamus.

"Seamus!" Logan ran onto the grounds.

"Blimey...what're you guys doing here?" asked Dean.

"We Apparated--" Logan began.

"COme inside, quick!" Dean shouted, poiting up. Dementors, almost a million of them were in the sky and about fifty men on brooms were with them.

Everyone ran up to the entrance to Hogwarts, as the dementors and apparently Death Eaters touched down. They all ran up the marble staircase.

"How long?" Logan asked.

"Almost a month...they seem to do no harm...but they detected that you can't Apparate this close," Dean said.

They arrived to the Gryffindor portrait, the Fat Lady. "Password?"

"I didn't kill Albus Dumbledore," Dean said. The Fat LAdy opened.

"That's the password?" Logan asked, as they entered the common room.

"Yup. Let's look outside," Seamus said. They all ran up to the dormotory and they saw other people land on their brooms.

"You guys should stay here," Dean said, "Until they leave."

"Or fight," Scotty said.

"We're not that well trained," Logan said, referring to the number of opponents they'd have to face.

"Well maybe they'll go soon," Hermione suggested.

"It's almost seven pm," Seamus said, "you guys should just stay in the broomcup board. If you guys are back, it'll reach a professor. And you best be careufl Logan and Scott...they want to find adn execute Dumbledore's Seven."

"Thanks, well go," Logan said.

They all went down to the broom cupboard.

There, something happened.

Hermione and Logan's secret of being old-lovers and then there break up, which was because they barely saw each other because of the Dumbledore's Seven program. This made Ron angry...that if they could they'd still be together.

"You know..." Logan sighed, "I'm really sorry about what happened."

"I am too," Hermione smiled. "I'm--I'm jsut really happy you're back...I can see you again."

"Hey," Ron said, pushing Logan away. "We're together...stay away from her."

"Chill red," Logan said, standing up, towering over Ron in height, "You wanna say something to me, stand on a chair and say iit to my face."

Ron grabbed Logan's collar and then, "STOP!" Hermione pushed Ron off of Logan.

"Ron," Ginny whispered. Ron looked at her and she had a face that said: let-them-talk-to-each-other.

Ron walked away and then he lest the cupboard. "Ron! I--" Hermione tried to go after him.

"Let him be," Scotty said, holding Ginny. Ginny held Scotty back.

The night went on...and when morning came everything was different. Ron wasn't there.

"Maybe he left without you guys," Seamus said, "No one has seen him. But Scot, Logo, you guys better leave."

"Okay," they all chimed. Hermione followed Logan, and Ginny followed Scott out of the common room, down the grand-staircase, to the entrance hall and then to the grounds.

Flitwick and prefects were there. "Hold it right there, Scotty and Logan," said Flitwick.

"DAMN DEAN AND SEAMUS!" Logan shouted.

"No, it was this fellow," Flitwick said. Ron appeared.

'Ron?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Let Ginny and Hermione come with me...keep Starkiller and Scotty." Ron commanded.


"ANOXULOUS!!" shouted Logan. They prefects and Ron flew backward. "RUN! GO!!"

They all headed for the golden gates and then behind them, someone was killing the prefects and Flitwick. Ron ran off and the figure didn't bother after Ron.

"Seven," said the cold high voice. Hermione grabbed Logan's arm.

Lord Voldemort was only ten yards away. He neared Logan.

"So," Voldemort asked, "How're your parents."

That for some reason set Scotty and Logan off. They attacked Voldemort on each side and Voldemort drew his wand. They dueled...and it looked like they were dueling with swords, as they sent jets at each other. Scotty wasn't too into the fight as much as Logan was.

A green light sent Scotty backward. "RUN!!" Logan shouted as he and Voldemort's spells connected.

He and Voldemort continued the duel, after they broke the connection.

"LOGAN!!" shouted Hermione, as Voldemort drew another wand. Logan had twice the work and his made him tired. "TAKE MY WAND!!"

Logan put out his free left hadn and then Hermione's wand flew into his hand. He thne shot Voldemort back ,with the Sonic Wave charm again. He ran forward, tossing Hermione her wand. He then turned and sent jinxes to block the lights of green being sent at him.

"APPARATE!" Logan shouted, as Hermione and Ginny were past the Golden Gate. Hermione tried to go back for Logan, but Ginny grabbeda handful of Hermione's robes and Apparated.

Logan ran to the golden gaters, still fighting Voldemort and then he prepared to Apparate, as a green light flew at him.
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