Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > World Tour

Chapter 03 - Blood

by CCero 0 reviews

As the unknown tyrant extracts his bloody revenge, Zodo and Heero are about to test their newfound strengths against one another in a battle of epic proportions.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2005-12-19 - Updated: 2005-12-20 - 853 words

"What should I break first," he pondered aloud. She looked over her shoulder, terrified, not knowing what he would do to her next.

"Ah, yes. I know now." He slowly raised his foot up off of her leg. She thought she had another chance to get away, even if he was just toying with her, but that was not the case.

He brought down his foot with incredible force, completely shattering her kneecap. She let out a blood-curdling scream as she frantically clawed the ground, trying to escape. The broken glass dug into her hands and up under her fingernails, causing intense pain, but she felt nothing compared to his foot completely destroying her leg. Blood oozed out from underneath his foot and onto the pavement.

He was enjoying this quite a bit. Almost too much, but this is what he classified as revenge. Revenge against people not fit to live in this world. People who he designated as a plague on this planet. People that-

No, people in general! Everyone was going to die by his hands, starting with people he hated the most.

He reached down and grabbed her left wrist, and slowly pulled it up, raising her body along with it. However, after a certain length from the ground, she couldn't be pulled up anymore. He jerked on her wrist, and she let out a yelp.

Ah! His foot was still on her leg.

"It appears that you're stuck," he said, still in his cold, uncaring voice.

He tightened his grip on her wrist, and drew his other arm back. In one quick swipe, he shot forth his hand and sliced her arm in half from the elbow, letting her body drop back to the ground as he held onto the other piece of her left arm. The blood from the slice had splattered onto the pavement, reflecting the ever growing fire inside of what was once her home. He dropped her arm and stared at her seemingly lifeless body.

She was no longer crying and screaming. Her body had gone into shock from the vast amount of pain she was experiencing. He walked over to her body and nudged it with his foot. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

"Seems like you're in some state of trauma," he said. "I guess I've had my fun, so I'll let you die with that little shred of dignity you still..." he suddenly burst out laughing in mid-sentence.

"Ah, who am I kidding? You're such a pathetic whore. I'll see you in the depths of hell, you miserable human."

He extended his hand towards her unflinching body. Light swirled through his fingers as a dark ball of energy formed in his palm. He snarled as the ball of energy exploded in a wave towards the girl, completely incinerating what remained of her and the ground beneath. The mysterious man took one last look at the crumbling remains of the burning home and casually walked away from the scene.

. . . . .

"This is...unbelievable..." Zodo was looking down on Heero, who was still practicing to develop a stable aura. Zodo was puzzled. There was someone else who could do what he can? Did this person know how he had gotten his powers? Were they connected in some way? He had to know. This situation was becoming stranger as the day went on. Sure, he did not mind having such odd abilities, but when someone else has them it sparks one's curiosity.

"You there!" Zodo shouted.

Heero stopped what he was doing and hesitantly looked up into the sky. "You're kidding me," he softly said to himself, "It really did come from up there."

Zodo floated down and remained levitated a few feet above the ground. However, he was very much within earshot of Heero. "Tell me something. How are you able to expel energy like that?" asked Zodo in a rather stern tone.

Heero simply chuckled and sarcastically replied, "You're the one floating in mid-air and you're asking me how I'm able to expel energy?" Zodo was quite serious with his question, whether Heero thought he was kidding or not. "I didn't ask for your smartass comments," exclaimed Zodo, "I asked you to explain why you can do that."

"No," replied Heero, "you asked 'how.'"

In a nervous, reflexive action, Zodo shot an energy blast at Heero. Heero was caught off guard, but it completely missed contact with him and smashed into bushes.

Zodo lowered himself completely onto the ground, "You know something I don't. Tell me now or I'll get it out of you by force."

Heero knew this bizarre stranger was growing intolerant of him, and even possessed the same abilities he did. No, not the same abilities, but greater ones. No matter what he were to say, the stranger would think he was lying and would continue to grow more brash. He would have to somehow calm him down, and perhaps knocking the wind out of him would do it.

Heero finally spoke again, "Very well. If you want to learn the hard way, let's do this."
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