Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > World Tour

Chapter 04 - Battle

by CCero 0 reviews

The two young warriors go all out in a fight to the finish to determine who is the greater of the two.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Sci-fi - Published: 2005-12-19 - Updated: 2005-12-20 - 1112 words

Zodo didn't waste any time to unleash his frustration upon Heero. He ran full speed at Heero, rearing his fist back ready to strike. Within range from Heero, he swung, his fist glowing with energy. Heero had moved to the side at the last second, barely avoiding getting hit. Heero could feel the heat from the flare around Zodo's fist as it passed by him. Heero could tell this stranger was faster and stronger than he was. It wasn't because they were better, but they had learned to master their abilities much faster than he could. He would have to quickly think of a way to overpower his opponent if he were to win this fight.

Heero was too preoccupied with thinking of what to do after that punch, he didn't see Zodo's foot smack him right in the jaw. Heero was thrown a few feet into the air and plummeted back down to the ground, landing on his back with a hard thud. He stammered to his feet, disoriented from the blow, but he could not waste anymore time after being caught off guard like that.

Zodo was already going for another attack, as he shot an energy blast at Heero while his back was still turned. Heero spun around and backhanded the blast away from him, as it collided into a tree in the distance. Heero's hand was now numb, and it had a slight pain to it, but nothing severe. He stood firm and took a breath as he stared down Zodo. He had to do this in one try, or it would all be over, for Zodo was already preparing a larger energy attack for Heero.

Heero let out a monstrous scream, creating a minor shockwave within a twenty foot radius from himself. Zodo was surprised by such a sudden burst in power, and dropped his concentration on gathering energy. Heero clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his muscles tensed as the sudden burst of energy was putting a strain on him. A heavy, transparent aura engulfed Heero, this time of his own free will. However, the aura would surely disappear if he dropped his concentration right now.

Zodo snarled, "Tch. You're just a sitting duck if you're going to stand there and scream. Ready to talk yet or do you really want me to hurt you?" Zodo again prepared his energy attack, "Alright, have it your way." Heero knew what Zodo said was true. He was just a sitting duck. He had to put everything he had into this right now.

Zodo shot forth his hands, propelling a gigantic ball of energy from them. Heero extended his left arm and let out one final scream. His aura doubled in size and glowed a brilliant shade of yellow. The blast of energy collided with his hand, but Heero remained steady. He drew his free arm back and threw his fist into the energy ball, sending it back at Zodo. Zodo's eyes widened in astonishment.


He leaped from the collision path of his own attack as the blast collided into a large oak tree. The tree's trunk exploded, sending shards of splinters in all directions, as the top of the tree collapsed onto the ground with a loud bang. Zodo was in a state of shock. How could Heero nearly double his power, no, perhaps even triple it? Before Zodo could regain his composure, Heero was already in front of Zodo, his fist drilling into Zodo's abdomen. Zodo's mouth dropped open as he doubled over. In pain and unable to breath, Zodo could do nothing but accept Heero's uppercut right into his nose.

Zodo's body was thrown through the air and tumbled along the ground. Heero lifted himself up by his arms, blood dripping onto the ground from his nose. He gritted his teeth, trying not to gasp for air.

Zodo could finally take in a breath, and rose back up to his feet and looked at Heero.

"You dick," Zodo said in a stern, emotionless voice.

Heero felt it was a good time to try and reason with this man, "Look, I don't know anything about my powers, alright? I woke up this morning, and low and behold I had them. I don't know how I got them, probably the same as you. Now will you chill out and discuss this civilly?"

"Shut up," Zodo snarled, "I don't care about how you got your stupid abilities. You made me bleed. You'll pay for that."

Zodo took his arm and wiped the blood from his nose and upper lip, levitating up into the air. Heero's plan had backfired on him, and in his mind he couldn't help but shake that this would be a battle to the death. Heero could not see the stranger anymore, as they deliberating went up in front of the sun, blinding Heero if he were to look up. Zodo began to gather energy as his own aura started to develop around him.

Zodo channeled this energy into his right arm. His fist glowed with heavy amounts of energy, even magnifying the sun's rays. Zodo yelled from the sky, "The battle ends here, buddy!"

He dove downwards, right arm drawn back with his hand in a claw-like position. Energy trailed from his fingers as the wind pushed against him. Heero tried to look up, but the sun's rays were too bright to endure. Zodo's planned had worked. Heero could not see Zodo, and it would be a free shot. Heero knew he had to come up with a plan fast. Dodging wouldn't work, because the man could simply change his course. He had to intercept the attack somehow, but then he saw it: a shadow growing larger by the second.

Of course! That had to be this stranger's shadow. Rough calculations would have to work, because there was no time to pinpoint exactly how far off Zodo was. Heero stepped a few feet to the side, forming an energy ball in his palm to intercept the attack. Timing was crucial now, as this would mean life or death. Heero closed his eyes and stood still, estimating Zodo's distance.

"I've got you!" Zodo shouted just as he extended his arm, ready to deliver the final blow.

Heero's hand shot up at the last moment and the two attacks collided with one another. The force of the impact had merged the two blasts into one, unstable energy ball. Both combatants were trying their hardest to force the sphere onto their opponent. The battle had come to its decisive point, and whoever were to win this push-of-war would come out the victor...and alive.
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