Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
A Hand of Unlucky Cards
57 reviewsHarry chats with Flitwick, learns about chocolate frogs, and teaches a bit, right up until the end.
Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) QundraDraconium 2007-08-19
excellent chapter. The discussion of light and dark was one of the most insightful and intriguing writings I've ever read on this or any site. True the action might be a bit small at the moment but the deepening and broadening of the story here is better than I believed. From here you could easily delve into a rich and involved plot with Harry's place in the world, the tracking and elimination of death eaters, and interpersonal relationships. As long as you don't come back and rehash the same arguement too much, it becomes a significant spring board that can launch the rest of the story. Great work.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) QundraDraconium 2007-08-19
another thought that you might want to consider for the argument with Dumbledore, the intention and emotion needed by some spells to work could classify dark. Those that need dark emotions like hate, a desire for pain, total domination, and rage would be dark. In cannon the unforgivable are unforgivable because of the circumstances necessary for their proper operation, loving and desire for pain, domination, hate, as well as their effects. Then spells, like the patronus that requires happiness, are light and spells that require neither could fall under your arguments.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) writerlover101 2007-08-22
Wonderful story, will Harry ever be revealed though? I thought for a second when he met Sirius, that he would be outed but nothing :( lol. And will there be more Sirius Harry interactions? I haven't really seen him since he was freed. Love your story, its wonderfully written. Update soon.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) murgel 2007-08-23
Brilliant chapter! I loved the discussion.
I did, however hate the cliffi!!!!!!!Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Wonderbee31 2007-08-29
Very interesting part here, and liked how Hermione is having to struggle to control herself from asking questions, as well as that Harry seems to be controlling himself a bit more around her. Nice that Luna got her things back, but that some punishments will still be gotten away with. Glad to see that Snapes downfall will continue, as I do not see him being redeemed at all in canon, so looking forward to what will happen with him.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) thomaswatts 2007-08-30
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hermione said it herself.
Perhaps Harry needs to step back and evaluate himself. He's doing a lot of preaching without learning from his mistakes. He also needs to keep reminding himself that while his former friends and enemies look the same, they are not the same people. He doesn't have to be the same either, he has unlimited opportunities to improve himself physically, mentally, emotionally, and perhaps most important, spiritually.Author's response
Ah, but there's the rub, eh? It is easy to see the faults of others but difficult to see our own, even when they are the same.
Harry can change and grow in this world as he couldn't in the old, but will fate allow him?
BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) thomaswatts 2007-08-30
And I just noticed, I've already reviewed this story once. Two separate readings however ended up with separate questions.Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) slayersfan01 2007-09-08
I really like this fic, and very much enjoy the lectures that Harry gives to his classes. They are really good at making other ideas known besides the already accepted ones, as in light spells and dark spells, etc.
I hope that you update really soon. That was one hell of a cliffhanger you left the story at!
I wonder, will this Ginny after having Tom removed from her head turn into the Ginny that Harry had fallen in love with in the other world? I know Harry is sort of together with Narcissa but it seems like their relationship is based on sex than any actual feelings. Maybe Harry will even end up with Luna since they have a good relationship here!Like Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Roo 2007-09-11
Interesting story -- certainly one of the better "timetravel-Harry" stories I've read. Harry's preachiness and anger at everyone is a little over-the-top here, as is the willingness of everyone else to let him say and do just about anything, but unlike most of the other stories I've seen with this theme there doesn't seem to be much actual character bashing.
One question, though: I might have missed something while reading this, but were we ever told why Sirius was in Azkaban even if Lily and James were alive? I mean, surely they must have known that Sirius wasn't the actual Secret Keeper, not to mention know all about Peter Pettigrew's Animagus transformation? Or was it the "murder of the twelve Muggles" that got Sirius thrown into jail?Author's response
Ah, I did handle that rather lightly. It seems that everyone still assumed that Sirius was a Dark Wizard just like the rest of the Blacks. He got the Potters to switch the Secret Keeper to Peter merely to avoid suspicion. They all assumed that Sirius then turned Peter over to Voldemort, who subsequently tortured the secret out of him. Peter somehow escaped and Sirius had to hunt him down and kill him before he could tell anyone the truth in order to cover his own involvement. The Potters were too distraught over the death of Harry to deal with anything other than what they were told.
BJHLike Some Song You Can't Unlearn
(#) Locathah 2007-09-19
But I thought it was such well written preachy stuff :) While I realize you can't spend the whole story on it it definitely has its place and really, I haven't once found myself asking when you'll get to the 'good' part because the 'preachy stuff' as you like to call it is a good part.
I've seen far more well written action scenes than I've seen well written class room scenes. I'd have to say I don't remember seeing any class room scenes done quite so well... it was not only entertaining, but it also felt authentic.
That said I AM looking forward to seeing Harry free Ginny from the diary.
Though I do wonder what happened to Sirius... wasn't he staying at the castle? And I'm curious to know where you're going with Narcissa... though given how wizards age(slowly) I'd imagine she'd be better preserved than you described. She'd be.. what.. 40? 50 tops? Given that wizards as long as they don't meet with an untimely end can live between 150 and 250 years I wouldn't expect her to look older than a muggle 30... maybe even mid to late 20s. I can't imagine many wizards would WANT to live past 100 much less 200 unless their viable, active, and well preserved years filled up a majority of them.
Unless of course your description was purposefully tainted by her own self image...Author's response
I never said that Narcissa wasn't beautiful, nor 'well preserved', only that her vision of herself focuses on her flaws, rather typical of women in my experience.
As for Ginny, she will be taken care of in the chapter I am working on now.
Thanks for reading and leaving a review.
I never said that Narcissa wasn't beautiful, nor 'well preserved', only that her vision of herself focuses on her flaws, rather typical of women in my experience.
As for Ginny, she will be taken care of in the chapter I am working on now.
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