Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Chuunin Exams

Hyuuga Hinata vs. The Armoured Ninja

by Shank 0 reviews

THe Chuunin exams continue and Hyuuga Hinata must fight a ninja heavily armoured and prove herself worthy as a ninja

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Hinata - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-08-19 - 1233 words - Complete

Hyuuga Hinata’s time to fight was up. She had trained very hard and felt stronger than the last time she took this test. She actually wanted to fight Neji again, even though she knew she wasn’t strong enough, she wanted to show she could match the genius ninja. She also followed her team partner Kiba who had also won.

She stepped onto the raining battleground, after words of encouragement from Shino and Kiba. This wasn’t the main motivator for her fight though, it was thinking of Naruto and how hard he worked and how strong he was getting. She missed him a lot and wanted something to show him when he got back, she would come out of this a Chuunin. Her opponent stepped onto the field; he was huge and well covered. A long black sheet hung over his face and his body. The referee officially began the match.
Hinata waited for a second and activated her Byakugan, as she charged in her opponent withdrew a battleaxe. He swing at Hinata not even getting close to her and giving a good opening for a swinging kick to the head. It did no damage however and actually hurt Hinata’s foot. He had some kind of protective gear under the hood and he began to speak, “Leaf Ninjas cannot match to us manly Rock ninjas.” Every girl watching the match whether they were from Konoha or not were disgusted to hear this and let their feelings behind Hinata known to the armored ninja. Most of the crows loved to see Konoha lose, but were now fully behind Hinata.
Direct attacks were not going to work on the ninja but Hinata already knew this. Her Byakugan had let her know from the beginning this ninja was armored and even given Hinata a chance to start thinking of her attacks to come. The armor would be troublesome, but there was away around it. The axe was easy enough to dodge and made him quite a cumbersome attacker. She looked around, for something that could aid her but found nothing. The opponent got sick of waiting and smashed his axe into the ground. Hinata lost her balance as the floor underneath her began to rumble and give way. This got her off balance and distracted from the kunai being thrown at her, her Byakugan was able to detect it early and also when the enemy charged in with his axe held high. He was very slow and easy to prepare a counter attack; she had to find a weak point in the amour. Her attacks did internal damage and the armor would prevent her from using that, which also meant to find an opening she would have to grind him down.
The rock ninja swung and punched and swung some more but was nowhere near being able to hit Hinata. Even when he tried to catch her in a blind spot, the Byakugan was easily able to pick it up. She was worried about her stamina; she didn’t know how long this guy could keep swinging for as he didn’t seem to be stopping.
Hinata moved as though she didn’t have a plan, it was a bad plan, but it was a plan. There wasn’t much she could do and hoped the markers wouldn’t fail her. He kept coming and coming and Hinata noticed that he got sloppier; she was able to get a few shots on, doing no damage but frustrating the rock ninja. The ninja charged and swung which left him vulnerable, Hinata ducked the swing, turned around and gave a Hyuuga clan gentle fist into the under arm of the opponent who let out a noise of shock and pain.
“So your eyes saw the only part that wasn’t armored. Well done.” The enemy was composed again but not quite recovered. Hinata would charge in this time and got in behind the rock ninja aiming for the under arm. “Too predictable to come for my weak point.” He was ready for her and used his other hand hidden in his cloak to swipe at Hinata. Hinata was ready for this though and was prepared to maneuver herself into a position to get a good strong shot at the enemy’s head. It shook the opponent who was a little groggy and the helmet fell off, loosened by the shot. Hinata smiled, her intention was the head the whole time and she had outsmarted him in this bout. He threw away his helmet in a rage, “Fight me like a man Leaf ninja. We are battling, not running.” Hinata wasn’t going to give up and she was going to fight on her terms, not on his. Without the helmet, her punches and combos would begin to cause damage. The more they continued, the more he would have to stop and back up from pain and needing to rest.
Hinata continued this plan of attack for some time. The opponent could no longer walk and it was her cue for what she could do but there was one last thing she was waiting for. “You play a hard game Leaf ninja.” He stood up and took his cloak off as well as his armor so that he only held his axe. “You have some interesting moves, I have one and the rest is on my own skills.” Hinata wanted to smile but couldn’t show that this was the final action before she would begin fighting to win. He could no longer move from the armor weighing him down. This ninja had little skill in charka molding and use of techniques which was why he wore armor.
Her Byakugan picked up that his charka increased and flowing around his body. It seemed he was using adrenaline to accelerate and increase his charka flow and wasn’t exhausted as Hinata had been working towards the entire fight. He wasn’t only refreshed but had double the energy. This could be quite troubling as he will most likely be able to move at higher speeds now.
He rushed in at Hinata with quite a decent speed but she was able to dodge, he had abandoned his giant axe for two smaller ones which he waved around in an intimidating fashion. He was coming for the kill but Hinata could use her hands as weapons to his internal body which he normally would do so much to protect. The enemy hadn’t grasped the gentle fist concept and wondered how a girl could do this much damage to him, his movement was also affected by this technique and he found himself having to prepare himself again. This pause only allowed Hinata to make the appropriate seals and call out, “Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms”. The rain coming down around her was turned into a weapon as the droplets of water were turned into blades of charka that emitted from her hands. She moved at a speed the enemy couldn’t even see with his eyes and was hit repeatedly with these blades of charka. He couldn’t move and Hinata used this to bring in one final hit to his chest sending him crashing to the ground. Hinata looked at him in the eyes, “I am not fighting like a man, and I am fighting like a ninja.”

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