Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Tales of A Torn Up Teenager

We Don't Fight Fair

by storytimexfanfics 3 reviews

"I just have this feeling that something horrible, or wounderful is about to happ....!"

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-09-09 - 1416 words

I sat in front of our aged grandfather clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock, it went, occasionally striking a loud bang every hour. The clock struck two loud bangs to many.
Daddy was late. Mommy knew. She was crying.

Kitty knew. She was hiding.

I knew. This happened many times. Mommy would cry, daddy would come home angry, the clock would continuously tick and tock and bang, putting my father into a greater frenzy. And I would hide, pressing my little four year old body into the door, scraping up information I could gather, trying to figure out what made mommy and daddy so mad at each other.

The door creaked open, a loud squeak escaping from its rusty hinges.

“Daddy!” I squealed, running up to a worn and torn looking man.

“Hi, sweetheart.” He sighed, walking right past me. I looked to my mother, her face now red with anger. She looked like a balloon, ready to pop.

“Kadence, go to your room.” My mother said sternly.

“Y-your gonna come read and pray with me, right Momma?” I asked quietly, not wanting to set her off.

“Go on ahead, Kaddie,” my dad smiled, ushering me down the hall. I walked down the empty hall, only hearing the soft pitter- patter of my feet. I quickly opened my door, rushing into my room, my escape, my comfort zone. I pressed my tiny frame against the door, careful not to hint that I was listening in on there argument.

“Why are you so mean and tough on her, Carrie? Why can’t you talk softer to her? Do you know how much that probably hurts her…” My father trailed off.

“That is the least of my concerns at the moment. Where were you? You were supposed to me home 2 hours ago?! Do you know how worried Kaddie was?” My mother yelled.

“Kaddie wasn’t worried, she’s four! Stop hiding your own feelings through her! And, I don’t need to tell you where I am every second of the freaking day!” There was an awkward silence. I pressed my self up closer to my door.

“You’ve been drinking, haven’t you?” my mother asked. No response.

“HAVEN’T YOU?!” she yelled. I jumped back, letting a small yelp escape my mouth.

“Not that much. What does it matter? I didn’t get caught!” my dad slurred.

“I want you out of this house by tomorrow. I don’t want you drunk around Kaddie. What kind of influence are you setting?” my mom screamed. I heard some stomps of feet, the opening of a door, and then a slam.

I walked over to my bed, kneeling down at the end.
Dear God, it’s me again, Kaddie Sholt, I whispered to myself. Mommy and Daddy were fighting again. Mommy told him to leave. I think he did. I paused for a moment. God, can I ask you something? Why aren’t mom and dad happy like Spencey’s family? How come whenever I’m at Spencer’s, they’re happy, and here, I’m not? I waited, hoping for an answer. Goodnight God, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I crawled into bed and tucked myself in, because obviously daddy wasn’t going to do it.

Everything will be ok. I thought.
Everything will be ok.

Pause! Ok, whenever I separate the page with stars, that means I'm ending a flashback. Play!

“Oh. My. GOSH! Did you just hear? Johnny asked out Sandy when he is clearly still dating Emma!”

“No way?!”

“Yes way! I heard it straight from the source; Amie told Ashley who told Dylan who told Garry who told me!”
Ugh, I hate gossip. Everyone really needs to mind there own freaking buisiness.

I leaned up against the lockers, looking out into the mess of hallways we call our school. Kids racing out this way and that, excited about weekends with there “hot new boyfriends” or with “Daddy’s credit card.”
/Come on, Spence, hurry up/, I tapped my toe impatiently.

“Heeeyyyy KADDIE!” I heard two familiar voices say behind me.

“Hey, guys.” I turned around, looking at my two best friends.

“Alrighty, let’s get a movie on!” yelled Lucy, grabbing Spencer and I by the arms, dragging us out of the building. We reached the outside, the warm, sunny spring sky welcoming us with heat.

“WEEKEND!” Lucy yelled with outstretched arms, beginning her weekend “happy dance” She started prancing around the school yard, looking like a retarded reindeer.

“Lucy, stop, people are starting to stare!” I said, hiding behind Spencer.

“Really?” she asked, going all bug-eyed, “COOL!” she started running around even faster, dodging innocent bystander’s whose misfortune is getting in the way of a psycho Lucy.

“Lucy, c’mon now, stop. You look ridiculous!” I said, pushing Spencer ahead of me. I slowly trotted behind Spencer, keeping clear of Lucy.

“Well, what bit you in the butt today miss grumpy head?” Lucy asked, posing like a star struck model, hands on her hips.

“Nothing. I’ve just been really irritated today.” I said.

“Are you ok?” Spencer asked.
See, there is the main difference between Lucy and Spencer; Lucy likes to use humor and “sarcasm”; Spencer is a sweetie-pie, who is always looking out for me. The perfect balance of love and laughs.

“Mmmhmm, I’m fine. It’s just, I’m having one of those feelings, you know?” I asked. They both shook there heads.
Humph. Even your best friends sometimes don’t understand you.

I jogged up ahead of them, looking backwards, calling out things towards them.

“I just have this feeling that something horrible, or wonderful is about to happ…!” I was stopped by suddenly being knocked off my feet, landing straight on my face.

“Ow,” I heard a soft, male voice say.
Smooth, Kaddie. You hit a guy.

“I am so sorry,” I said, trying to control the red sensation making its way on my cheeks. I turned to face this person I ran over, only to come face to face with a puppy dog looking boy. His dark hair slightly hung in his face, covering the left side of his face. His lips had a sort of pout to them, giving him the whole “emo pout” thing. His eyes had a sort of mysterious look to them, eyeing every part of me. I had to admit, he was pretty good looking.

“I-I’m Ryan,” he said, standing up. He stuck his hand out, his long fingers dangling at the end.

“I’m Kadence, well, Kaddie, which ever,” I said, grabbing a hold of his hand, hoisting myself up.
I kind of just started at him, just for a moment, trying to read his expression.

"So,uh , you fell pretty hard, you sure you’re ok?” he asked, leaning down to pick up his fallen items.

“Uh, yeah, thanks, though.” I studderd.

“So, I’ll, uh, seeya?” he asked.

“Y-yeah,” I simply said. I held my gaze for a moment as Ryan walked off.
What just happened? I asked myself.

“KADDIE!” Lucy and Spencer yelled, catching up to me.

“Are you ok? You took that landing pretty hard.” Spencer grabbed my arm, inspecting it for any possible damage.

“I’m fine,” I said, gently yanking my arm away,

“Who’d you run into?” Lucy asked, handing me my bag.

“Oh, some boy.” I said, turning a light shade of pink.

“OOOHH!!! I hope you didn’t scare this one away, Kaddie, seriously.” She joked.

“Hahaha, you’re not funny.” I scolded. We walked over to Lucy’s house to discuss our weekend plans. That was all a blur, though. For some reason, images of…what was his name? Oh, Ryan, were popping into my head.

“Kaddie? You ok?” Spencer asked, shaking me.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.”

“Oh, lord. Please, don’t tell me you hit your head when you look that face dive!” Lucy yelled, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Haha, no. I’m fine guys, really,” I said, turning my attention back to her window. They just shrugged at went back to talking.

I really didn’t know what was going on, but all I know, was that the weird feeling I was having early, was gone.
Oh Boy.
Ok, that;s the first chapter. I hope you liked it! Ok, same goal, 3 reviews= chapter2!

P.S, the more reviews I get on this one, the faster I'll postt chapter 2 and 3.
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