Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Alice

Swear to God This is Make Believe...

by meeniemoe 3 reviews

Second chapter, and things get a little corny, but what will Alice say?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-08-20 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 2350 words

Chapter Two:
Swear To God This Is Make Believe…

“Where’s Sarah?” Asked Brendon as he tapped his foot on the tiled floor of the cafe. He stole a glance at the clock that was on the wall. When he didn’t hear a reply to the woman he was talking to, he looked back at her.

Alice was on her phone, as per usual these days. Brendon had to fight the urge to steal her phone and impound it. Ever since the premiere for her book-turned-into-movie, all the calls she had been receiving were from directors, producers, and more concerning her bright career as either a screenwriter or a producer.

However, Brendon was glad that every time one of these job calls came up, Alice would politely say, ‘No, thanks,’ and murmur something about changing her phone number.

On the other hand, Brendon was definitely not glad to know that Alice had also received quite a few phone calls from major celebrities. (One of whom included Jessica Alba. Where was the justice in that? Why was it that Alice could get a phone number from the hottest chick in Hollywood, but Brendon couldn’t even score a laugh out of one of those damn celebrities that night at the premiere?) Brendon sipped out of his milkshake. Alice continued chatting on the phone. Who was it this time?…

“I actually have to go, Mandy. Um…I don’t think I’m doing much tomorrow morning, around 10 am. Oh, you’ll be in the studio?…Oh, that’s fine then…I—“

“Alice! I’m talking to you!” Brendon said impatiently as he finally slurped the last few morsels of strawberry out of his cup. Alice tossed him a ‘don’t-give-me-that’ look before she went back to saying, “See you Mandy. I’m actually kind of…/preoccupied/ at the moment…No! Don’t mention it. In fact, I’m thrilled to have met you. No. Yes, really! Haha. Okay. Bye.”

Brendon leaned on the table so he could look at Alice in the eye properly. “So.” He said lustily, licking his lips. Alice folded her arms and went on to say, “You could have been a little more considerate! That was Mandy Moore! I am a huge fan of her!”

Brendon raised his eyebrows and took her hand in his as he asked, “Um, yeah? But honey, you’re a huge fan of /me/. You take things for granted, I swear to god…”

Alice giggled: she couldn’t hold back the amusement and joy Brendon made her feel. Then, Brendon went on to ask again, “So, where is Sarah?”

“Sarah…I don’t know. Didn’t she say she’d meet us at the Parke? Parke Café?” Alice mumbled confusedly. She fumbled with her cell phone and was about to text message her, but Brendon was just in time: he finally took away her cell phone.

“Hey! I was actually going to track Sarah down with that…” Alice whined, but Brendon said, “Yeah, but we don’t need Sarah to come with us to the park.”

The two glared at each other. Easy to say they had a love-hate relationship.

A love-hate relationship that would never work unless they were proper boyfriend and girlfriend…

“When did we decide we were going to the park?” Alice asked mischievously. Brendon rolled his eyes, grabbed her hand, and pulled her out of the café. “Since I decided to. Duh.” Brendon said in his pretentious ultra-gay voice. Alice just threw her head back and laughed. The sun shone down on their backs, and Brendon suddenly wondered why he decided to wear jeans on such a warm day. Alice was in a light, cool cotton summer dress and shades to match.

After Brendon drove out of the parking lot and into the park, which was a mere ten minutes away from the café, Alice hopped out of the car, and waited for Brendon to close the windows and lock the doors. Brendon slipped on his big sunglasses. They definitely did not need paparazzi on such a nice day, even if the park wasn’t a paparazzi hot spot.

They passed happy families on their plaid picnic blankets, couples leaning on each other’s shoulders on benches, and little kids on the playground throwing sand into each other’s eyes. Occasionally, there would be a small baby, crying its lungs out, at which Brendon mock-plugged his ears, and Alice smacked him on the arm.

Alice and Brendon were enjoying a healthy banter together, right until Brendon pulled her aside, and asked, “Alice, can I tell you something?”

Something hitched in Alice’s breath. She wanted to say something, ask Brendon why his tone of voice sounded so unsure, but she didn’t get the chance to even begin talking. Before either her or Brendon could speak, they both heard a very familiar voice approach them.

“Brendon…Alice? Is that you?” Spencer came walking down the pathway that Brendon and Alice were on. They were secluded beforehand but…well, not anymore…

Alice noticed that Spencer was gleefully hanging on (tightly) to another woman’s hand.

A woman’s hand that wasn’t…Sarah’s.

Wait. Was Spencer and Sarah even together?

“Wow. Hey Spence.” Alice waved at her friend’s bandmate. Spencer had grown out his hair a little more and had been working out recently. He no longer sported a beard, but a well-shaved face. The woman by his side looked Euroasian…tan skin, dark, almost black hair, but bright blue eyes. She was skinny, skinnier than Alice, and taller too. She could almost pass as a model.

Brendon looked briefly disappointed, Alice noticed, upon encountering his fellow drummer, but then hid the disappointment with a smile, and a greeting:

“Hey, man! I didn’t know you came to the park…Who’s this?…Where’s Sarah? Aren’t you guys together or something?”

Alice groaned inwardly. Men. Always have to be so blunt… Spencer only chuckled, though, and introduced the girl, Chloe, as his girlfriend. Apparently, Chloe was introduced to Spencer through Sarah. Sarah met Chloe in China, where they worked together. Chloe seemed very nice, although Alice thought she looked a bit greedy for Spencer’s money. But maybe Alice was just hallucinating…because Chloe seemed like a very upper class type of girl.

Then again, you never know…

“So should we walk around the park or something? Like a double date?” Spencer put a huge emphasis on the double date part, and Brendon shot him a very annoyed glare. Spencer suddenly put up his hands, and said defensively, “Dude…Sorry. I just assumed…”

“Yeah, well, don’t assume, okay?” Brendon said quickly, turning his head to make sure that Chloe and Alice were engaged in conversation so that Alice didn’t hear. (He was lucky, because although Alice wasn’t talking to Chloe, she was tying the laces to her high-heeled wedges around her ankles.)

Spencer shrugged casually, as if to say, ‘Whatever you say, Brendon’.

The two of them walked around for the next half hour, chatting in little chunks here and there. (Whenever they weren’t just enjoying the peace and quiet of the little kids running around, now chucking water balloons at one another.)

Brendon, Alice, Spencer, and Chloe, started to make their way back to their cars just as it hit 3: 35 pm. Spencer said he wanted a snack, ice cream or something of the sort, and Chloe said she was on a diet. They were about to wave their goodbyes to Alice and Brendon, who were trying to smile like they meant it (they really didn’t, because they both agreed in whispers that Chloe was something of a bitch), when Spencer told Alice all of a sudden, “Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you that Sarah was here a while ago, she told you to meet you here at the park…”

“Oh my god! I thought she meant, like, the Parke Café!” Alice exclaimed, and hit herself on the forehead with her palm. Brendon’s mouth dropped in a little ‘o’. Spencer nodded, more to himself than anyone else. Chloe took Spencer’s Porsche car keys from his pocket, and went to go sit with the air conditioner on. Spencer added, “She told me to tell you guys that she’s sorry she couldn’t meet you, but a client called her at the office and her assistant told her, so now she has to do work double time or something…Basically she’s going to be busy in the next week or so…”

“No worries man.” Brendon clapped Spencer on the back. Spencer hugged Brendon and Alice, and before he returned to the car with Chloe, a little kid tripped over his shoe, and a sludgeball of mud, sand, and water that was in his hands slipped…and splattered all over Alice’s white dress. (Well, just the skirt of it.)

The little boy went crying to his Mommy, Alice was shocked, and Brendon tried his best to make Alice feel a little better about her destroyed dress. Spencer had to dash because he had some sort of appointment so he apologized to Alice that he couldn’t help clean up.

A full twenty minutes later (this was after Brendon screamed at the boy’s mother to watch where he was throwing things…and after the little boy cried some more…/and after/ Brendon promised to sue the woman. Oh, and after Alice chided Brendon for screaming in the middle of the park and causing a huge disruption to the peace. Although Brendon countered that statement with, ‘What peace?’) Brendon and Alice were in the park’s public bathroom. Luckily, it was a boy’s/girl’s bathroom, so they wouldn’t be too embarrassed if they had entered only the girl’s bathroom, or say, the boy’s bathroom.

Alice sighed as she wiped away the gunk from her skirt. Brendon helped by wetting more paper towels. He handed some to her, his hand sopping wet. Alice shook her head, and murmured something about Brendon killing the trees.

A few silent moments passed, and Brendon finally said, “This is killing me.”

Alice’s face crumpled. This definitely is the thing Brendon was trying to talk about earlier, before they had encountered Chloe and Spencer. And it didn’t look like something very good, judging Brendon’s face and all…

Alice bit her bottom lip, and then asked sadly, “Do you not want to be friends anymore? I can understand if you don’t want to be.”

Brendon’s eyes went wide. Then he began to say something, but stopped. Alice looked down at her muddy skirt, and went on wiping away the goop. Finally, Brendon went:

“You know Alice. Have you ever had that weird…strange…sensation…God, I’m not good at putting these into words like Ryan…But, I mean. Have you ever had that weird feeling that the reason…Ah, fuck.” He ran a very wet hand through his hair. Alice nearly burst out laughing at the ways his hair stuck up in certain places, but she held her laughter in. What he was saying seemed to be very important, and she didn’t want to mess up his concentration in whatever he was trying to say to her.

But before she could let her thoughts run away with her, she felt her hands being taken in by Brendon’s. His large hands basically engulfed hers, but that didn’t matter at the moment. He looked into her eyes pleadingly, and murmured so softly, she nearly missed every word he said because her heart thrummed in her chest so loudly:

“I don’t think I can be with you in any other way than…well, if we were dating. Will you be my girlfriend?” Pause. “Please?”

How could Alice say no? She could. She had every power and right to do so. It was almost like her voice was hooked, and she couldn’t speak. Alice hated it when she had to be the one in the spotlight, the one to make the decision.

She too couldn’t see any other type of relationship between them. Being friends would just pain them too much. Ex-friends ‘till the end?…She couldn’t see it that way either. They were definitely better off…as lovers.

“I can’t believe it took me this long to figure it out. I think for once, I can definitely ensure you that you’re way smarter than me in relationship aspects.”

Before Brendon could even grin, Alice stepped forward and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.

If there was one feeling that Brendon could feel, he couldn’t express it in words.

Alice wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. But before they could go on kissing, Alice felt his arm push her away a little bit. Instantly feeling rejected, tears welled up in her eyes. What?

Brendon fished something out of his pocket. “Here babe. You can have your cell phone back.” He smiled, and pressed it into her hand. Alice’s tears brimmed over, and she was silent before she laughed. Her laugh was so contagious; Brendon himself couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

And he didn’t even know why she was laughing.

A/N: I didn't know if I wanted to leave a cliffhanger (since I usually do so lol) but I Is it better this way?
I also want to thank all the reviewers who still remembered that this was a three-quel...I didn't think after a long month of not posting anything that I'd get any more reviews lol.
You guys, I completely forgot, but again optional: MEMORABLE QUOTES. Remember those? They make me happy and know what my readers like to get out of the stories, so I can incorporate those kinda things into future chapter...
Did anyone watch High School Musical 2 like, last week? (I'm a bit obsessive with Zac Efron right now lol!)
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