Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Chuunin Exams

Gaara vs. The Light Ninja

by Shank 0 reviews

The Chuunin exams continue and its Gaaras turn to fight. He is fighting a ninja from the hidden sound village with a very interesting type of techniques. Can he win while also keeping Shukaku at bay?

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Fantasy - Characters: Gaara - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2007-08-20 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 1193 words - Complete

Gaara of the Desert walked onto the field. He was matched against a ninja from the Hidden Sound Village in the Rice Country and Kankurou had already won his match. He was confident but knew sound ninja were quite strong.

Gaara faced off against his opponent who showed no signs of fear or nervousness. He spoke up, “Gaara of the Desert. The sand demon, pleasure to fight against you. Uchiha told me about and you sand defense and you may have some difficulty with my techniques.” Gaara said nothing, he just smiled. He knew way back when if he had of transformed he would have beaten Uchiha Sasuke but that wasn’t the issue now. He was here to become a Chuunin and a step closer for people to recognize him as important rather than a monster. He very much wished for Uzumaki Naruto to be present at these exams, but he was off with a legendary sannin, improving his skills. He would show Naruto what skills he had when he got back.
The referee began the match and Gaara remained where he was but scanned the field and his opponent carefully. The enemy ninja decided to come at Gaara head on. Gaara looked around, with all the rain on the battlefield, there was no sand, only mud. If he was going to use sand, it would have to be from his gourd which meant more chakra consumption.
The ninja came with a frontal physical attack but the sand from Gaara’s gourd easily blocked it. The ninja tried some more attacks but it was no use, Gaara was sick of playing and made some sand rope around and grab his opponent by the ankle. He didn’t falter however and made some hand seals, “Light Flash Technique”. Out of the ninja’s eyes, hands and mouth, extremely bright lights began to flash. It temporarily blinded Gaara and caused him to cover his face. Gaara covered his face and tried to get his eyes back to normal and in the mean time, the sand danced in all directions around him. With no automatic defense and Gaara’s guard down, it was just the opportunity to get a clean mid shot to his midsection.
Luckily for Gaara, he had absorbed most of the shot with his sand amour; he had learnt not to underestimate his opponents including Rock Lee, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. He still wasn’t in a good situation. The sand wasn’t working as there were no physical attacks to defend and it also used a lot of chakra. He felt the demon awaken inside him slightly, wanting to act on the pain he had just been through from this ninja. But Gaara was strong enough not to use it. “Why fight against Shukaku Gaara? Why not use it to crush me? Have you become soft?” The ninja repeated the attacks but in different directions and Gaara could only stand and try to defend them.
This sound ninja was quite arrogant, not so different from Sasuke himself. His taijutsu wasn’t special, but alongside his light techniques and an absence of natural sand it was troubling. Gaara needed a way to even out the match and it began with attitude. Light moves quicker than his sand but that is no reason to give up. He was the Sand’s hidden weapon and wouldn’t allow anybody to think of him as otherwise. Gaara didn’t have a lot of sand to work with but there were ways around this problem. He began breaking everything down, starting from the opponents attacks. The ninja so far had only showed an ability to create light that can distract and even damage a person’s eyes. He wanted to cluster the sand around him tightly so he could have some thinking time but there wasn’t enough sand in his gourd. But he did have an idea from this; he created his third eye technique so he could use this instead of using his own eyes to look at the ninja. This was good, the ninja could charge at Gaara and he could see what was going on without seeing any light. It was hard to get used to from looking at him fight from the different angle but it frustrated the enemy ninja who didn’t know how he was fighting with his eyes shut. The ninja stopped after he saw he wasn’t getting anywhere. “Seems I have to finish this before I run out of chakra. Light Mirror Vanish Technique.” The ninja glowed for a second and then vanished. It wasn’t genjutsu, the ninja had actually vanished. Gaara’s third eye tried to find him but couldn’t and he worried when he began taking shots from somewhere he couldn’t see. One thing in his favour though was that the sand was able to keep up and absorb a lot of the shots as he wasn’t as quick as Lee or Sasuke. Gaara would have to go ad lib to win this match which he had never done before. He moved all the sand from his gourd out and circled him, creating a good distraction to hide and make his whereabouts unknown.
The battlefield was quiet as Gaara or the Sound ninja didn’t know where each other were. Then there was something, a figure running through the rain but couldn’t be made out too well. A kunai came from thin air and went through the figure exposing it as a sand clone. “Sand Clones Gaara?” There was nothing else that stirred for a short while, until another figure came out of hiding and punched the mid air. “You shouldn’t gloat too quickly,” said Gaara still looking at nothing. The ninja Gaara was fighting came back into vision and was trying to do some hand seals, but took too much time compared to Gaara’s hand motions. The sand came around and wrapped up the ninja’s wrists and fingers like handcuffs so that he couldn’t perform any more techniques. “How did you know where I was?”
“The sand clone you easily defeated was being controlled by me. All I had to do was wait for you to attack it and move the sand in the general direction. I assumed this technique allowed you to manipulate light so that it reflected off your skin and allow you to be in a state of invisibility. But you were still a solid body and I only had to wait until my sand hovering in the air stopped on your body in which case I knew where you were. But no more talk, you die now. Desert Coffin.” More sand came from his gourd and wrapped around the ninja taking him into the air. The enemy broke down in tears. “No, not this technique, please. Please. I give up. I give up.” Gaara smiled and released the sand prison. He was never going to kill him but he had won and was good enough this time to be a Chuunin. He wished Naruto was here to see it.
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