Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > You'll Go Out In Style

We Are Destined To Fail

by xXprettyinpunkXx 3 reviews

another mini mystery solved

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-08-23 - Updated: 2007-08-24 - 1066 words - Complete

My throat seemed to be closing on me. I couldn't speak. Ryan Ross was asking me to be his girlfriend. We hadn't spoken once since that night, and out of no where he pushes me against my bus and makes out with me? How am I supposed to answer him? We've never talked, never had a real conversation. That night...and I hate to admit it...I used him. I needed him to hurt Josh. I needed to do this. But he was fucking Ryan Ross! How could any girl turn down this kind of offer. I couldn't decide. Not now...not like this.

Ryan wasn't looking at me, but I felt that feeling. The feeling where you know someone is watching you. I squinted into the distance and saw a lone figure walk behind the 7-11. Josh? Ryan shuffled slightly in his spot. I turned back to him remembering the matter at hand. I looked closely at him. He seemed desperate, like he needed to know this answer now. Nothing else mattered..

" Ryan...why did the buses stop?" I asked after a couple seconds, simply giving me more time to think about his proposition.

" Well...I was talking to Jon and Dan and they wanted to stop and stretch. Eric said it was fine we are.." he bit his lip awkwardly and bounced on the balls of his feet. He seemed really anxious for my answer. Like he was about to explode if I didn't answer soon.

" Ryan..the other night was lovely..but.." I closed my eyes. What am I doing? " Maybe we should hang out know? We don't know each other too well...and if we were to do this, I don't want it to be based on sex, cause I have to admit...that night was by far the best experience I've had...doing what we did." I finsihed awkwardly. Ryan smiled. I've never seen him smile. Well I have, but not like this. So sweetly.

" I see what you mean, and if it'll help you make your decision, I'm willingly to do anything to help." He opened his arms and pulled me into them. He smelled so nice. It was a new yet familiar smell. So comfortable, cause that's how I felt around Ryan, comfortable. He made me feel better, he didn't have to say a word at all. He pecked me on the cheek, dug his hands into his pockets and walked off towards the store. I let a deep sigh escape me and trudged back onto the bus. I was surprised to see Jeremy and Zac talking while Felicia remained not to be seen. I shook my head of the thoughts that entered my mind and sat next to Zac.

I listened to their conversation for a moment or so before completely droaning them out and delving into my own thoughts.

Ryan was a complete sweetheart. There were hardly any awkward moments with him, besides that little situation that happened a couple minutes ago, but those were always awkward. Other than that, he was completely comfortable to be with. I hadn't felt weird at all that night we were together. It felt normal...right. Then Josh's face popped into my mind. His scent. I suddenly remembered what Josh had to tell me. I know he had to tell me something. I looked up and saw him walk out of the back room, his hair slightly mussed.

Disregarding his appearance I walked up to him.

" Hey, Josh. Uhm..I was just-"

" What did Ryan want?" he interjected. I was still speaking, but suddenly stopped.

" Er...he just wanted to see how we were doing on the bus..making sure we were comfortable, that kind of thing." I stated casually. Josh seemed to buy it. He nodded his head, and I continued my question.

" Ya...uhm, I was wondering what you were going to ask me earlier...before Zac came in?" Josh shrugged his shoulders turning to his bunk where a pile of clothes lay that he needed to fold. I rocked on my feet for a second, hopefully waiting. He glanced at me and then continued to fold his clothes.

" Josh? Were you outside earlier?" he looked at me and raised a brow, shaking his head. I took a few steps back and looked at what he was wearing. The guy I saw had a plaid shirt with jeans. Josh didn't enjoy plaid too much and he was wearing basketball shorts with a white tee. Yup. It wasn't Josh. I jumped into my bunk just as the door to the back of the bus opened. Felicia walked out looking sheepish. Josh turned to her and the two shared a moment. I raised my brows at this and decided to keep a close eye on them before I jumped to conclusions.


Hayley! Wake up.." whispered someone. I slowly opened my eyes and found Ryan. I popped up and hit my head on the bottom of the bunk on top of mine. Little stars swum before my eyes before I could finally focus. Ryan chuckled.

" Didn't mean to scare you. We just got to the hotel. The guys didn't want to wake you up, so I decided to come on in here.." I smiled at him as he helped me out of the bunk. We started to leave the bus when I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

" you wanna just stay in here for a know..hang out?" I said hopefully. Ryan smiled from ear to ear.

" Sure." we sat down together on the couch munching on chips for a bit when Brendon came on the bus. I glanced at him, our eyes connecting, a funny squirming took place in my stomach. No. Not again. Not another one.

" Hey guys..what're you doing?" he asked slowly still on the steps. I still cound't quite see him.

" Just hanging out..Want some chips." Brendon's eyes widened and hopped inside. I started to choke on the chip I was eating. Ryan thumped me on the back and Brendon looked worried. He brushed his hands over his jeans and then crossed his arms over his plaid shirt.


Hey guys. Just wanted to say I'm having fun writing this story, and prissynblack u frikin rock.
thanx for liking my story :)
reviews are hugely welcomed.
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