Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Projekt Revolution

The god's don't want your menthol

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews

Deeeetroit show!! Rocky road for Audrina and Chester....will they make it?? Enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-24 - Updated: 2007-08-25 - 751 words - Complete

Audrina's POV

The show had been going on for a few hours now and My Chemical Romance was about to go on. I was sitting back stage with the guys and Chester. I was in Chester's hoodie, a MCR shirt that I had boughten there, and some skinny jeans.

"Damn it's packed," said Frank.

"I know, but you guys will do great!!" I assured my friend.

He nodded and then went to touch-up his eye-liner. Or as fans call it "Guy Liner".

I was snuggling up to my boyfriend and he had his arms wrapped around me. We were enjoying each other's company because we hardly get time alone together while on tour. Max and her boyfriend Mike, whom is the rapper in LP, were off canoodling somewhere. I think the last I heard was Max wanted a t-shirt from the merch. stand. She's like me, always after some sort of trinket from a show.

"Alright, it's time for us to go on!! What do ya say sis??" asked Mikey.

"Kick some ass!!" I said, excitedly.

The guys laughed and then they had their band prayer and hand-in.

"Teenagers on 3," said Gerard.

"1-2-3 TEENAGERS!!" everyone yelled in unison.

And within seconds the band was out on-stage for yet another rockin' show!!

Chester and I got up from the couch that we were cuddling on and watched my brothers play. I was dancing and singing off to the side of the stage. I think Gerard noticed me a couple of times because he would either wink or smile towards me.

"Everybody, this is my sister, Audrina," announced Gerard.

What was he doing?? Why was he calling me out on-stage?? Ohh that jerk, he's gonna get it!! Chester gave me a small nudge to go out on-stage.

Gerard handed me a microphone and then said, "Now we're going to sing a personal favorite entitled 'Mama' and I want my baby sister to help me out with it."

Ohh now he's done it. He's got me singing again. But I couldn't possibbly resist the look on those fans faces. So without furthur ado. We put on the best brother-sister act, ever!! And the fans seemed to have loved it.

After we sang, I blew a kiss to the audience and then rejoined my babe backstage. He didn't look to good. He had that face that just said "We need to talk."

"What's wrong, Chester??" I asked, concerned.

"We need to talk," he replied, with beady eyes.

Ohh great here we go. Is he really going to dump me?? Right here....right now??

"Are you going to dump me??" I asked, on the verge of tears.

He looked sour and his eyes dropped to the floor. I felt tears sting my eye-lids. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be. Could it??

He then started to say such horrible things. Like that he didn't deserve me and that he was a terrible boyfriend. It got so bad that he said he couldn't live anymore.

I started to sob even harder now. I was panicing to the point, I screamed myself to conciousness.

"CHESTER!!" I screamed.

Whoa there. That was all a dream?? None of it happened??

"Audrina are you ok??" asked Mikey.

"Yea, I'm...fine. I'm fine. Really. Just a nightmare," I said.

I was panting and had a few beads of sweat streaming down my face. I looked over to see my 'Sidekick 3' flashing; indicating that I had a new text message.

It was from Chester. Thank God.

Just wanting to tell you that I love you and I'm going to sleep right now. You fell asleep during the middle of our set. I understand. You're tired from traveling. Call me in the morning.

Chester Bear

What a relief that was. Ohh man. I need to stop eating Twizzlers before going to bed. They'll mess you up.

"Are you ok, Drina??" asked Max.

I nodded and then yawned.

She smiled and then went back to her bunk to sleep. After a few minutes we all fell back asleep as if nothing had happened.

In the morning we'd still be on the road and off to yet another venue. This venue was going to take awhile to get to, so yea. Looks like tour pranks are well underway. See you in the morning.

A/N: Dedicated to my good friend Krystle. Thanks again babe for taking me to Projekt Revolution!! To my readers....we were about 10 feet from Gerard when MSI played.
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