Categories > Original > Romance > Oh, You've GOT to Be Kidding Me

In Which the Authoress Hates Bio

by Ryder 1 review

If I just blew him off, I’d look like a bitch to James. Which was bad. If I said yes, then I’d be dating Jory. And not James.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2007-08-26 - Updated: 2007-08-27 - 479 words

Chapter Three

Ah, biology class. It sucked this year. I had an incredibly liberal teacher who was a football psycho. I’m not even kidding. I usually have no problems with liberals, but he got on my nerves- I mean, the guy practically worshiped “An Inconvenient Truth”. Oh, and as for the football obsession, one question he put on a test was “True or False: Our football team is playing Jefferson High tonight.” What the crap?

But anyways, there was one good thing about bio.

He never changed the seating chart.

I sat right next to my best friend, Karen, and right across from my biggest crush since fourth grade: James Haroldson. He was about John-sized, with short, blond hair and sky blue eyes that seemed to look at something you couldn’t see.

Okay, I’ll admit, I didn’t think this one would work out in the first place. I was a lowly freshman, and he was a sophomore. His little brother hated my guts. And we had never spoken. Like, ever.

So when he asked me to help him with his homework, my heart stopped.

Well, really, he asked me and Karen to help him. We may have been lowly freshmen, but we were probably more intelligent than most of the sophomores in that class. Knew I should have taken Honors Bio.

Unfortunately for me, the Irony Gods just hate my guts. Bah.

See, the other guy that sat at our table (and I use the term ‘table’ loosely- it was more like 4 desks put together,) was James’ best friend- Jory. Now, the guy was nice, but really creepy. And when he started asking me to help him, too, I got a little annoyed.

It was obvious that Jory had a crush on me. Heck, I saw a little thing on his notebook that said, inside a little heart, “Jory + Carrie forever.”

Damn it.

So for about two months, Karen and I became their tutors. Sort of, anyway. I mean, I didn’t tell them the answers. I helped them get there. Didn’t always work, though. For a while, it was okay- aside from the really awkward love triangle.

But it got worse.

Jory asked me out. Like, on a date.

“What?!” I asked, a little confused.

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

Now, here’s my problem. If I just blew him off, I’d look like a bitch to James. Which was bad. If I said yes, then I’d be dating Jory. And not James.

“Um… Well… I… Uh…”

James, just to make my life even more difficult, proceeded to say, “Hey, if you two start dating, then I should date Karen!”

And I fell over, out of my chair, just as the bell rang.

A/N: Once again, this story is based on true events. Names are changed… again…
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