Categories > Books > Animorphs > The Progression


by Quillian 0 reviews

Cassie teaches and Toby talks...

Category: Animorphs - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Toby Hamee - Published: 2005-12-28 - Updated: 2005-12-28 - 1519 words


A/N: Time to do something from Toby Hamee's perspective, methinks...



I'm pretty sure that it was Flavius Vegetius who said, Sî vîs pâcem, parâ bellum - "if you want peace, prepare for war."

In a way, since I wanted peace, I helped others prepare for war. I drew up a list of useful morphs which Andalite warriors could use - which was more or less every kind of morph which we Animorphs had acquired. Jake did a well enough job with teaching others about morphing in general, but as someone who was a relative expert on animals on general, this particularly duty fell to me.

Most of the Andalite warriors who had already been on Earth for the meeting with the Kelbrid had already gotten Kelbrid and Hork-Bajir morphs, and a covert idea had been agreed upon: In the middle of the night, I would lead these morph-capable Andalite warriors into zoos and have them acquire the creatures there.

So no one on Earth would catch on to these covert plans, I explained these things on the Dome ship /Elfangor/. It was fascinating for me to get a good look at a Dome on an Andalite Dome ship - there wasn't much time for sightseeing back when we rescued Ax all those years ago. No animal life, but plenty of plant life, however.

Currently, I was in the process of describing such a morph.

I said, perched on top of a crystal growing out of the artificial pond in the center with the Andalite warriors all gathered around.
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