Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > "What is a Heart Beat?"

Chapter Six

by FireChildSlytherin5 0 reviews

AU. Zuko was found in the Forest, half-wild, being attacked by a group of unknown beings wounded severely but yet somehow not effect by the pain afterwards. Read and found out the secret of the Fir...

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Aang,Katara,Sokka,Zuko - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2007-08-29 - Updated: 2007-08-30 - 2118 words

"What is a Heart Beat?"


Summary: AU. Zuko was found in the Forest, half-wild, being attacked by a group of unknown beings wounded severely but yet somehow not effect by the pain afterwards. Read and found out the secret of the Fire Nation, the reason why the nation despise the rest, the reason why the nation seemed cold, and yet...


Chapter 6


Ba Bum ... the heart beat once.
Ba Bum ... the heart beat twice.
Ba Bum ... the heart beat three times.
Ba Ba Bum ... and the heart beat no more.


Zuko is pissed.

For the past few hours, the Avatar has been trying to get more information about his mother being air nation. Asking questions unstop. "Is she air bender?" "Are there anymore air nomads still alive?" "Where are they?" and so on.

Zuko haven't answered any of these ridiculous questions, which got Aang more and more impatient.

Finally what felt like hours later...

"Twinkles Toes! Will you shut up already?!" Toph snapped at him, clearly telling everyone on she was fed up with all Aang's none stop non answered questions. "Hot Head here does not want to talk to you! So stop it!"

Zuko glared at her. 'Hot Head? Did she just called me Hot Head?'

Sokka had the similar thoughts. "Hot Head?" he said laughing.

"Shut up!" Zuko snarled at him. It wasn't the fact that the blind female called him that, he been called far worse. It was the fact this piece of filth thought it was funny.

"You shut up, fire-scum." Sokka bellowed back at him. Zuko rolled his eyes at the idiot. The word 'fire-scum' is getting old now.

"Boys," Katara warned. She really doesn't want to repeat the same incident few days before when Zuko and Sokka fought and almost killed each other.

'Always a peace maker with an iron fist ain't she?' Zuko thought with growl. 'Just you wait water-witch. When I am free from these bonds, I will fry you and everyone else into dry crisps and I will finally be reunited with my Uncle.'

"Sokka leave him alone. You, Aang, stop asking him questions. And you," Zuko's head snapped up at hearing his name. He glanced at Katara who pointed her figure at him. "Leave my brother alone." Her voice was cold as ice, matching her hatred of him and her element.

'He fucking started it' Zuko thought snarling at her. Katara ignored him.

"When will we get there, anyway? I'm hungry." Sokka asked the Avatar after a pregnant pause.

'Does he think about his stomach all the time?' Zuko wondered to himself. He glared at the leather bonds around his hands and feet. He cursed. 'This fucking sucks. My life sucks! I'm tied, on a flying animal, slowly going more insane then I was before they captured me by this filthy water peasant! Can my life get any worse?!'

There was a humming sound coming from the Avatar. Zuko watched as the Avatar, his back turned from him, humming himself. Zuko cursed at him again. Yes, his life had gotten worse.

"Sokka. If the weather keeps up like this and no...problems," Katara quickly glanced at Zuko before continuing. "We will be at Omashu in a few days time." Sokka sighed at this, rubbing his hungry stomach.

'Problems?' Zuko thought. 'What is she talking about? What kind of problems?' The only problem beside himself that he could think of is they would have met his sister Azula and her followers. Zuko doubt they would appear any time soon.

Disgruntled Zuko laid down o his back on the hard uncomfortable saddle. He remembered many times that he; his uncle and many others had problems. The Invasions from the Water and the Earth Nation, shadow attacks, the many disappearances including his own mother, the Curse and so many others.

For all these years, Zuko is surprised of how he and his Uncle had turned out in the end. At least he wasn't crazy as his father, Zhao, Azula and many others who turned insane or was killed by their own fire within themselves. It could've been worse though.

In few days time, he will be dead; his very soul will be opened to the dark shadows. Perhaps they will tortured him first and stuff him into a dark cell to rot somewhere underground, left and forgotten. It wasn't the fate he thought and dreamed would happen to him. He thought of worse fates, but it will do. Whatever happens, he just hopes that death would be quicker. He had suffered far too much already. His people have been suffering for so many years.

Maybe, just maybe he should get some rest. He will need the rest of long suffering that awaits him...

"This is fucking boring. Just sitting here! My ass hurts." Sokka muttered under his breath, turning his back from Zuko. Zuko growled in his slumber. Why does this water tribesman always ruins his life? He was trying to sleep...

Zuko opened his eyes to look at Sokka who foolishly had his back turn from him. Taking his opportunity, Zuko took a deep breath, and spited fire towards the tribesman, hitting his mark on the back of his head. Sokka yelped in both pain and surprised. Slapping his head to put out the fire. There behind the peasant's head was now a bald spot, with a nasty looking burn.

'Jackpot.' Zuko thought, grinning. Serves that shit head right of disturbing his rest.

Sokka knew at once who did it. None of them, minis Aang, is a fire bender. Just the look of the fire scum's face makes him want to throttle that Fire Prince's throat! It was bad enough that Aang didn't let him kill him...

"Why you little--" Sokka angrily raising his arms as if admitting to choke him to death. Sokka would've exceeded if not that fact, both Aang and Katara was watching. Aang using his air bending skills stopped Zuko from attacking Sokka and Katara with her water bending; she stopped Sokka locking his feet in ice firmly.

Looking at Aang and Toph, Katara said, "This is going to be a long trip." both Aang and Toph silently agreed.


Iroh got up off the hard ground of where he sat for hours at a time meditating, his now cup of tea is now icy cold. 'Something isn't right.' he thought to himself, as he opened his eyes to look around. Zuko should've been here now. Maybe he and his group had got delayed because of the weather or something. Iroh can only hope.

"Mother!" a voice called out. Iroh and everyone else in the village looked towards where the voice had come from. Takeshi (1), Hitomi (2) and Hoshi (3) appeared into the village, carrying wraps meat. As they approached the village, Takeshi ran towards his mother, Zaramama (4) and his father. "They got Zuko! Mum they got Zuko! It’s all my fault! Mum, it’s--all--my--fault!" Takeshi cried. Zuko was his friend. His first friend in he made all those years ago. And he failed him in both as his Lord, a friend and a brother.

Iroh and everyone else gasped. 'Zuko? As in his Zuko?' Iroh thought, as his throat tighten. No! Not Zuko, please not Zuko. He had already lost his wife and son.

Iroh sunken down to the ground. Zuko was the closest son he ever had, since his own son was killed. Now he is alone.

Takeshi, watch the older man, knowing what Iroh was going through. He should've watched over Zuko more. He was the oldest in there group. It was all their responsibility to watch each other. It was his fault that Zuko is now gone from the face of the earth. At least he is with his mother and father now; surely that is a good thing.

"Iroh, it is not the time to mourn!" Dalibor (5) an ex general bellowed out from the crowed behind. "You are grown man. Emotions are for the weak!"

"Let the man mourn for the lost of his nephew, man! You too should mourn of the lost of our Prince!" a man from the group yelled back, pulling out his firey sword from his belt. Dalibor eyed the man in hatred.

"He is not my Prince! He will never be!" declared Dalibor, his hand glowing in fire.

Just then, in blinded fury, Iroh leaped up from the ground, his eyes turned red, his yellow teeth shown in such rage, Dalibor's eyes widen. Iroh swiftly pulled out his now fiery sword, as Dalibor just barely dodge the unexpectedly fierce blow.

Dalibor yelped as Iroh jumped on top of him with claws, metal and fire. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT ZUKO! HE WAS YOUR PRINCE! HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE ROYAL BLOOD LINE!" Iroh roared, yelling in rage unstop.

The other villagers watched, as some started chatting “Fight! Fight!” as others turned away into their normal retune. It was as if everyday fights broke out, and at times ended with deaths.

As fast as it had started, it was all over. Iroh held the sword to Dalibor’s throat, his eyes looking at him in fear. Cheers broke out from the crowd that stayed and watched. Iroh leaned forward, his hot breath beating on Dalibor’s cheeks, as sweat started to form from his brow. “If I ever hear you insult the prince ever again, I will make sure that you will feel pain, so unbearable, you would wish that the Shadow’s would take your every soul and let it be done with. Now, get out from my sight, filth.” Iroh’s voice was so low, that only Dalibor would hear it. Dalibor nodded.

Iroh stood up, walking few steps backwards letting Dalibor have some room to get up. Everyone watched as Dalibor unsteadily stood up, bowing at Iroh, pulling out a knife from his pocket, slicing his left palm and smearing his now bloody hand on his face, making a blood hand print across his face. Dalibor then waited, at long last Iroh bowed back. Dalibor, sighed then crunched to the ground, slowly making his way from Iroh, until he was far enough from him, Dalibor had disappeared behind a tent. (6)

“Iroh?” Iroh looked at Takeshi would slowly walked up to him. “I am sorry for your lost.”

“You had done what you could do Takeshi.” Iroh said quietly.

Takeshi gulped. “Can you ever forgive me, sir?”

There was a pregnant pause.


“Zuko is not dead.” Iroh said slowly.

“Sir?” Takeshi asked, unsure of what Iroh just said. Did he heard him right?

“He is not dead.” Iroh repeated. Takeshi looked at him, in unsure look. Finally Iroh had lost it. “Come Takeshi, we must get Zuko back! Or they will take him to the Earth Kingdom!” Iroh then started to approach the forest. Takeshi followed. As Iroh finally gone insane after loosing Zuko? Surely.

“But sire! How do you know that Z—Zuko is not dead?” Takeshi asked him.

“Have hope. Come, Takeshi, take me where you were attacked!” Takeshi then leaded Iroh back to the clearing.

(End of Chapter)

Words: 2,123

(1) Takeshi: Japanese name meaning: “fierce; warrior.”

(2) Hitomi: Japanese name meaning: “pupil (of the eye).” This name is usually given to girls with especially beautiful eyes.

(3) Hoshi: Japanese name meaning “Star.”

(4) Zaramama: New World Mythology name meaning: “grain mother” in Quechua. This was the name of the Inca goddess of grain.

(5) Dalibor: a masculine name derived from Slavic elements dal meaning “far away” and the word borit meaning “to fight”.

(6) I don’t know where I heard it from, but in some cultures (of what I was told from my father), after losing a fight one vs. one, the defeated person would slice their palm, smearing their blood onto themselves to show everyone that he or she expect being defeated. The winner then would decided either to bow back or take the defend person’s life. If the winner bows back, then the loser would keep low to the ground, leaving the winner’s present and would become a servant to the winner. Meaning to this story, Dalibor now has to serve his worth to Iroh, in any way possible. Ranging to companying him to battles; tell him to do things like killing someone if Iroh wanted to, and in few cases, Dalibor would take his own life, if Iroh told him to. Dalibor has no saying; Iroh is now his master in many ways than one.

Author's Notes: I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! Anyway, thanks for Reviewing!

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