Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Lie Once You Break My Heart, Lie Twice I Break You In Half

New Friends Come And Go, But Old Friends Are Here To Stay

by FreakOfNature 3 reviews

la la la la

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-09-02 - Updated: 2007-09-02 - 739 words - Complete

The next day, the eagar boy arose from his messy sheets and quickly got dressed into some lose fitting jeans and a black and red sweatshirt. Patrick would be coming over soon to check out some of the new stuff they had come up with. That only ment one thing; a new album. If all worked out as planned they would be making music on a regular basis, that is, if Patrick wasn't too busy being a married man, that is.
After applying a thin layer of eyeliner under his dark brown eyes, he exited his room and went into the next. He had yet to tell his other friends who would be visiting them today. It had been so long since they had all hung out. Hopefully, Joe and Andy would be just as excited as he was.

"Joe, wake up!" Pete jumped up and down on his sleeping friends bed.

Joe tossed and turned and eventually rolled over to see what all of the commotion was about. "What is it Pete?" He groaned.

"Patrick is coming over today to check out some new songs we put together."

Joe sat up in bed and smiled. "Sweet! Hey Andy!" Joe yelled across the hallway.

Andy came in a few moment later looking tired as hell. "What is it Trohman?"

"Patrick's coming over today." Pete and Joe said in unison.

Andy's sleepy face lighted up. "Aw, nice."

The three friends went down to the kitchen, had their breakfast and sat in front of the Tv. They watched Starwars again for the 32nd time that year. Some movies never get old....

Three hours later

THE END flashed across the screen of the TV in big bold yellow letters. Not like any of them notcied because by the time the movie ended they had all fallen asleep. The loud continuous knock on the door was what awoke them.

"Who!? What?!" Pete was startled as he awoke from his peacful sleep.

Andy and Joe finally opened their eyes and looked over at the door.

"Pete. Go get the door." Joe groaned as he pointed to the front door.

Pete sighed and went over to the door. He opened it as he yawned.

Patrick stood in the doorway, holding a big box in front of him which read 'Dunkin Doughnuts'.

"Hey Pat!" Pete leaned forward and gave his friend a hug, trying not to crush the doughnuts.

"Hey Pete. Where's everyone else?"

Pete pointed to the living room. "Livingroom. We all fell asleep in the middle of Starwars."

Patrick laughed lightly and went into the other room where his other bandmates were. He carried the doughnuts with him, knowing that they would want a few dozen of them.

"Doughtnuts!" Joe lisped as he grabbed the box, ignoring his friend that was standing in his livingroom.

"Now Joe, don't be rude. Nice to see you Patrick." Andy got up after grabing a pink frosted doughnut and gave his friend a short hug.

"Nice to see you guys. It seems like forever since the wedding." Patrick smiled.

"So, let's hear what you guys have got?" He said, reffering to the music.

"Oh right." Pete skipped into the other room and brought out his guitar and Joe's guitar.

He sat down on the couch while Joe finished his doughtnut and grabbed his guitar.

Pete pulled out his notebook and opened it, revealing a page full of messy writting.

"I can't sing so bare with me ok?" Pete smiled aquwardly.

Patrick nodded as he waited in anticipation.

Pete cleared his throat and sang the best he could while him and Joe played their guitars. "We're only liars, but we're the best. Only good for the latest trend. Only good cause you can have all those famous friends; besides we've got such good fashion sense."

He sang the rest of the song, then stopped before he could embarrass himself even more with his unprofessional voice.

"What do you think?"

Patrick's smile grew. "That's amazing. We gotta use it."

Pete joined in and smiled too. "You really want to?"

"Hell yeah. I love it." Patrick said truthfully.

"Sweet!" Joe yelled as he threw his guitar into the air. Being too excited he forgot to catch it and it fell to the ground and smashed into a million pieces.

So...I'm sad..I'm sad because no one is leaving me reviews. WAHH! Oh the PAIN! The AGONY! Oh well, i'll live
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